Lisa Benson for June 22, 2023

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    Grace's Border Security & Duct Tape  about 1 year ago

    Good one, Ms. Benson.

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    dotbup  about 1 year ago

    Clear and concise summary of the Mueller report findings versus Durham’s sham:

    “The only distinguishing thing between [Mueller’s] investigation and yours is he refused to bring charges where he couldn’t prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and you did,” Schiff said.

    Durham brought three charges forward, went to trial with two, and won convictions on zero—a point Democrats repeatedly brought up during the hearing.

    Mueller’s investigation concluded that there were “multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government.”

    “Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied way.”

    The Mueller investigation ultimately brought forward roughly three dozen charges and about a half-dozen convictions.

    I really don’t think this hearing is going the way cons planned, …idiots… can’t wait till the cons are charged because trump rats on em to save his own worthless @ss.

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    rmfrye Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Which testimony did you watch?

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    Another right wing lying loser who took 6 million and found nothing.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    Schiff has decried the censorship efforts as “false and defamatory” and accused Republicans of retaliating against him for holding Trump accountable. He also dubbed it a “badge of honor.”

    “You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood,” Schiff said on the floor Wednesday. “Today I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor, knowing that I have lived my oath.”

    Republicans and Democrats also went at each other prior to the vote, illustrating bitter tensions in the chamber over the Russia probe nearly seven years after it was launched by the FBI.

    “You are the party of George Santos. Who are you holding accountable?” Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) chided his GOP colleagues. “Don’t lecture us with your projection.”

    “What really gnaws on the majority, what really bothers them is that Mr. Schiff was way better than anybody on their team at debate, at messaging, at least knowledge. He kicked their a–,” Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) said.

    Anti democracy republicans want to turn the USA into a right wing dictatorship.

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    Patjade  about 1 year ago

    Lisa sure didn’t watch the footage or else she intentionally has it backwards.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    But its OK when insurrectionists Bobert and MTG lie and say whatever crazy thing that comes out of their ignorant mouths?

    Republican double standards.

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  8. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  about 1 year ago

    Rep Cohen (D) to Durham: “Your reputation may be damaged…”

    Durham: “Thank you for your concern about my reputation. I’m sure it’s sincere”.

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    piper_gilbert  about 1 year ago

    Durham delivered nothing. He was a bumbling idiot in front of the committee. Embarrassing.

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    DrDon1  about 1 year ago

    L. Benson is challenging Goodwyn as the “George Santos” of GoComics!

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Durham’s report reached a number of conclusions about Clinton and her 2016 campaign.

    The special counsel detailed how differently the FBI handled similar Clinton-related controversies that could affect the election but that were all treated with “caution” by the FBI.

    “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign,” Durham wrote. In one instance, according to the report, FBI headquarters and Justice Department officials “required defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to be the targets of foreign interference.”

    In another, the FBI “elected to end an investigation after one of its longtime and valuable confidential human sources went beyond what was authorized and made an improper and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated.” And in a third example related to investigating the Clinton Foundation, both senior FBI and DOJ officials “placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.”

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Durham also pointed to the “markedly different” handling of the Trump investigation and Clinton’s private email server.

    The special counsel also singled out Marc Elias for criticism. Elias was the Clinton campaign’s general counsel in 2016 and hired the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which hired Steele. Elias met with Steele in 2016 and periodically briefed the campaign about the findings from Fusion and Steele. The lawyer also coordinated closely with Michael Sussmann, his former Perkins Coie law firm colleague, on anti-Trump research in 2016. Sussmann had been charged by Durham with making false statements. However, he was found not guilty in 2022.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Durham said, “Within days of their receipt, the unvetted and unverified Steele Reports were used to support probable cause in the FBI’s FISA applications targeting” targeting former Trump campaign associate Carter Page.

    The special counsel noted: “This was done at a time when the FBI knew that the same information Steele had provided to the FBI had also been fed to the media and others."

    “Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting,” Durham wrote. “Nor was Steele able to produce corroboration for any of the reported allegations, even after being offered $1 million or more by the FBI for such corroboration.”

    Durham concluded, “Russian intelligence knew of Steele’s election investigation for the Clinton campaign by no later than early July 2016” and “Steele’s sources may have been compromised by the Russians at a time prior to the creation of the Steele Reports and throughout the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

    The report also said dossier source Igor Danchenko provided Steele with “rumor and speculation.” Durham charged Russian analyst Danchenko. However, he was found not guilty last year.

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Durham’s report assessed “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the intelligence community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” and the FBI then “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

    The special counsel noted the claims in British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s dossier “would eventually fall apart, but not before it had been continuously adopted by the FBI as supportive of its underlying theory regarding collusion.”

    Durham added that when ex-Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper spoke with the special counsel’s office, he: “Advised that he knew of no direct evidence that would meet the legal standard of conspiracy or collusion on Trump’s part.”

    The special counsel also said Adm. Mike Rogers, who served as the director of the National Security Agency during the relevant time period, told them “he did not recall any intelligence that supported the collusion assertions." Durham also concluded former Obama CIA Director John Brennan similarly likely “had no actual knowledge of such information.”

    The special counsel also pointed out since-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok said in May 2017 he was hesitating to join the Mueller investigation “in part, because of my gut sense and concern there’s no big there there.” Durham wrote: “Although the ‘there’ does not appear to have been explicitly identified, it may well have been a reference to the Russia-Trump collusion investigation.”

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    cdbro  about 1 year ago

    Two tiered injustice…

    “it is not because the Office concluded that no such injustices or misconduct occurred.”

    “The law does not always make a person’s bad judgment, even horribly bad judgment, standing alone, a crime. Nor does the law criminalize all unseemly or unethical conduct that political campaigns might undertake for tactical advantage, absent a violation of a particular federal criminal statute,” Durham wrote. “If this report and the outcome of the Special Counsel’s investigation leave some with the impression that injustices or misconduct have gone unaddressed, it is not because the Office concluded that no such injustices or misconduct occurred. It is, rather, because not every injustice or transgression amounts to a criminal offense, and criminal prosecutors are tasked exclusively with investigating and prosecuting violations of U.S. criminal laws.”

    -by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter

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    DC Swamp  about 1 year ago

    Pencil neck Schiff is a special kind of evil, yet the voters in California will be dumb enough to reward him with DiFi’s Senate seat.

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    Nantucket Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Kevin McCarthy BRAGGED that the TENTH Benghazi “investigation” hurt HRC’s poll numbers. It wasted $7 MILLION and came to the same conclusion as the previous “investigations”. McCarthy, Santos, Boebert, MTG, Hawley and Gym Jordan need to be censured for their lies, illegal actions on 1/6 and send a bill to KM for the $7 MILLION. . This action against Schiff is ridiculous.

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    braindead Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Lisa again demonstrates that Republicans LIE about any and every issue.

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    GiantShetlandPony  about 1 year ago

    Adam Schiff has eaten so many Repub lunches, and will continue to do so. Censoring a politician, because he is smarter and more honest than you, is the Repub way.

    Look at the Republican clowns they haven’t censored that have made actual threats of harm to Democrats, trying to incite the more insane of the Republican sycophant voters to cause actual harm to Democratics for standing in their way of bringing full on fascism to the USA.

    Even Orange Traitor is a broken record repeating the same threats to Judges and Prosecutors that would hold him accountable for his crimes. “He/She hates me.” “His/Her wife/husband hates me.” etc, etc. etc. yawn. And true to deplorable nature his cult starts with their death threats and often worse. You’d think by now he’d come up with some new material.

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  20. Freeradical
    Free Radical  about 1 year ago

    Confirmation bias investigating at its worst ever

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    jqmcd  about 1 year ago

    Same planet, different realities.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    Lauren Boebert shredded over impeachment: ’We’re debating garbage to make Trump happy’

    Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) blasted Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on Thursday over her effort to impeach President Joe Biden.During his House floor speech, McGovern noted that Boebert intended to force a vote on her impeachment articles against Biden for allegedly failing to secure the southern border.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    ‘Pathetic’: Steve Bannon slams Jim Jordan after ‘disaster’ at John Durham hearing

    Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon turned on Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) after he held a hearing on former special counsel John Durham’s investigation of the FBI.During his Thursday War Room show, Bannon reflected on Jordan’s Wednesday hearing with Durham, who investigated the FBI’s probe of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The special counsel roiled far-right Republicans by failing to secure any guilty verdicts in court.

    “That thing was a debacle yesterday,” Bannon said of the Judiciary Committee hearing. “Can Jordan, as head of Judiciary, continue, knowing that we didn’t get the answers?”

    Bannon called Jordan “pathetic” and accused Republicans of trying to make Durham into a saint.

    “You’ve got Jim Jordan. Let’s be blunt,” he added. “Judiciary, if you didn’t have Matt Gaetz yesterday and a couple of others, nothing. They were making him Saint Durham. It’s a disaster.”

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago
    Rep. Gaetz GOES OFF On Durham for ‘Laughable’ Investigation.

    Rep. Matt Gaetz broke with most of his party’s fawning praise towards John Durham today, highlighting how the Special Counsel who was supposed to investigate the origins of Russiagate had made no progress in finding key figures in the origins of the hoax, including British/Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud. Gaetz called it “laughable” and said Durham was not “trying to expose the true core of the corruption.” The Florida Congressman also pointed out how Durham failed to go after FBI director Andrew McCabe for his role in the Russia hoax. “I don’t know if you’ve ever investigated a crime,” a clearly rattled Durham started to respond, before Gaetz shot back, “I don’t know that YOU have. You didn’t investigate these, Mr. Durham.”

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    lawguy05  about 1 year ago

    Schiff is a useless human being.

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    lawguy05  about 1 year ago

    Schiff is a useless human being – wait – he’s not even human.

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    davidthoms1  about 1 year ago

    Durham may be facing disbarment for lying to the Congressional committee and he ate Schiff’s lunch? Whoa! Lisa got some bad drugs this time!

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I can only conclude Benson did not watch the hearing, just as Durham seems to have never bothered to read the Mueller Report he was supposed to disprove.

    When put under oath, Durham admitted the Russians did interfere in the 2016 election. He claimed he was unaware that Trump used Russian hacked emails on the campaign trail. He admitted that Trump’s campaign manager was sharing internal polling data with a Russian operative. He admitted that Donald Trump Jr met with Russian operatives who claimed they had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

    Even Matt Gaetz told Durham he was like the Washington Generals: paid to show up & lose.

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    fjblume2000  about 1 year ago

    As the Democratic Queen in Alice’s Wonderland would say, “Off with their heads! They’re not kissing our a$$es with the necessary sincerity!”

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  30. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  about 1 year ago

    ‘You need to shut up’: MTG ripped into Boebert after being accused of spitting on her

    Following a report from the Daily Beast that Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got into an argument on the House floor in which the Georgia Republican was heard calling her counterpart a “little b—ch,” Greene sat down with Semafor to explain what went down.

    In an interview with Kadia Goba, Greene said, "She has genuinely been a nasty little b—ch to me,” and complained that her House colleague was disrupting GOP efforts to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) with her desire to push the impeachment of President Joe Biden.

    Speaking with Semafor, Greene complained that Boebert was only interested in promoting herself because she is trying to boost her fundraising, adding, "I told her exactly what I think about her.”

    “It’s purely for fundraising,” Greene explained. “It’s throwing out red meat so that people will donate to her campaign because she’s coming up on the end of the month, and she’s trying to produce good fundraising numbers.”

    The report adds that Boebert also accused Greene of spitting on her.

    “Greene said that at one point in the fight, parts of which were caught from afar on video, Boebert accused the Georgia lawmaker of accidentally spitting on her lip,” Semafor’s Goba wrote. “Then, toward the end of the exchange, Boebert tried to re-engage her, but she cut the conversation off. ‘I said ‘you need to shut up because the only person that’s recognized to speak right now is Luna,’ she told Semafor, referring to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., who was then giving a speech on the floor.”

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    Rich Douglas  about 1 year ago

    The exact opposite happened. Durham, as usual, had nothing and was repeatedly embarrassed by Schiff and Liu.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member about 1 year ago

    No Lisa Schiff ate Durhams lunch. Just trying to let you know that some of us actually watched his testimony and Durham was at a loss for words

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    da_villa  about 1 year ago

    I took a Shiff after I heard the news!

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