Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for August 20, 2023

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    Zykoic  over 1 year ago

    We stopped going to places like that.

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    sk55  over 1 year ago

    A line from The Piano Has Been Drinking, by Tom Waits “You can’t find your waitress with a Geiger counter”.

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    Zebrastripes  over 1 year ago

    What does a guy have to do to get a decent breakfast around here?

    If they think I’m tipping more than what the food costs, they’re OUT OF Their minds!

    I’m outta here!

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    IndyW  over 1 year ago

    I never received tips on my job, and serviced a lot of people.

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    Sprarklin  over 1 year ago

    Raising the minimum wage in high cost cities has caused a debate about tipped employees.

    From CHICAGO (CBS): "A group of Chicago alderpeople introduced a measure to do so in the City Council on Tuesday. It would give restaurants two years to have all tipped workers increased to Chicago’s minimum wage, which is $15.80 an hour, plus any tips they earn.

    They currently make $9 dollars an hour plus tips, but employers are required to make up the difference if the combined amount of hourly pay and tips does not equal the full minimum wage."

    We are dealing with a similar problem in Seattle. Some restaurants are adding an 18% “service fee” which shows up on your final bill AFTER you have already added the tip. It makes you feel really extorted the first time you run into the situation.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Employers use “tipping” in America as a way to get out of paying a decent wage to their employees.

    We already fail to pay our agricultural workers a decent wage BY LAW, and our workers in the service industry suffer the same fate…

    It is generally understood that politicians decided a long time ago that “farm workers”, since they were probably illegal migrants, anyway, didn’t DESERVE wage protection (except in the fevered imaginations of republicans, they can’t vote), but at one time, the service industry employed usually people who were minorities of one kind or another and were not “worthy” of wage protection – but, now, more and more active voters are being employed as servitors, and politicians are finally waking up to that fact.

    A living wage is becoming a right rather than an aspiration…

    The whole idea of “tipping” is a scam by the service industry to fleece the American public, and serves, mainly, to put extra profits in managerial pockets!

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    goblue86  over 1 year ago

    In Italy, there is no tipping. Each patron in a restaurant pays a “coperta” or cover charge…usually around 1.50-3.00 Euro. The wait staff are paid a living wage and the service is very “basic”. You order, they bring your food and your drink, and they leave you alone. There is no need to “entertain” you, to check on you 10 times to ask you how your food is. They do not nag you or drop your check on the table in order to nudge you out the door to turn over the table. (in fact, the table is YOURS all night long until you ASK for the check).

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    rc_stone_1  over 1 year ago

    This is where I’d just walk away.

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    JAY REIDER Premium Member over 1 year ago

    didn’t we go thru this a month ago!

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  10. Gato landru  fondo rojo
    wordsmeet  over 1 year ago

    Perhaps restaurant servers wouldn’t have to depend so much on tips if they were paid a living wage. :)

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    Kirk Barnes Premium Member over 1 year ago

    I’ll be over there, at Denny’s…

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