Clay Bennett for August 06, 2023

  1. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  11 months ago

    It is sad that it has come to this. And I’m glad that we have FINALLY started to try to get some justice.

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    Flashaaway  11 months ago

    Why isn’t he behind bars for the truth social threats? “If you come after me, I’m coming after you!” All these indictments appear to be window dressing if they don’t follow up.

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    Coopersdad  11 months ago

    It is really hard to think about tRump’s indictment without smiling! While it is sad that an American President needs to be indicted; it is great to see the most divisive and despicable person ever to hold the office finally face justice!

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    scote1379 Premium Member 11 months ago

    And Now Georgia….( cue the theme to Victory at Sea )

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 11 months ago

    Smile and the whole world smiles with you … well that’s another fairy tale, sadly enough…

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 11 months ago

    It’s sad that it didn’t come sooner, and it will be sadder yet if justice is subverted.

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    Brockie  11 months ago

    What actually is sad is that he is tied with Biden in so many polls, that is actually tragic, I do hope the Dems have a better strategy.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  11 months ago

    Yes “sad”

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    monya_43  11 months ago

    It is sad that the Senate shirked their responsibility and many of the GQP chose to violate their oath of office to uphold the Constitution by refusing to acknowledge his crimes and remove him from office when they had the chance. They could have allowed us to have avoided a huge amount of grief that he is responsible for. It is also very sad that they and others continue to lie and cover up for him.

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  10. Wtp
    superposition  11 months ago

    That we have allowed the wealthy and corrupt to despoil our democratic republic for selfish reasons shows how uninvolved/apathetic our electorate has become.

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  11. Desron14
    Masterskrain  11 months ago


    Go to Jail, go DIRECTLY to Jail. Do NOT stop at Mar-A-Lardo, Do NOT collect $200 MILLION.
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    phritzg Premium Member 11 months ago

    Like others here have said, the only thing sad about this day is how long it took to happen. Let’s hope for convictions, and also hope no GQP weasel steals the election and pardons him. Those state crimes in Georgia look more and more important every day.

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    The Nodding Head  11 months ago

    Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning . —Winston Churchill

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    old1953  11 months ago

    It is unfortunate that it had to happen, but no one should be considered above the law.

    I do believe this demonstrates the existence of the two tier legal system, due to all the delays.

    This, for example:

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    morningglory73 Premium Member 11 months ago

    No it’s not. See the big smile?

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    MaryBethJavorek1  11 months ago

    sadder that all his rethuglicans are defending him to the hilt.

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    Detroit Dan  11 months ago

    On the contrary, I think it’s a great day.

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    mourdac Premium Member 11 months ago

    Abraham Lincoln’s Lyceum Address: “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. The greatest threat to United States is lawlessness and mob rule. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgment of courts; and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice.”

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  19. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  11 months ago

    Look around the world. Plenty of leaders incarcerated, it seems its only America that does not have the balls

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    djtenltd  11 months ago

    FORMER DOPE #1 WAS INDICTED?? WOW!! The term “IT’S ABOUT TIME!!” is the understatement of the millenium! Definitely going to check the news out!!

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    ladykat  11 months ago

    Trump deserves to have the book thrown at him.

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    Ally2005  11 months ago

    Criminal egomanic D rump doesn’t think he has to answer to anyone. Thanks to NY, DC and soon Georgia we are all about to find out if this wannabe dictator is finally held accountable.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  11 months ago

    Relly everyone hates the Trump inside them.

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    Radish the wordsmith  11 months ago

    Trump complains that his arrests are interfering with his crime spree.

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    lonecat  11 months ago

    Here’s what makes me sad and worried. After the Nixon disaster, the Republicans felt the need to hit back at the Democrats, and so we got the completely unjustified and unnecessary impeachment of Bill Clinton. (I might add parenthetically that I never liked Bill Clinton. But I didn’t see that he did anything that was impeachable.) I worry that after the Trump mega-disaster, the Republicans will want to hit back at the Democrats. I fear a bitter period of political division and stagnation. Meanwhile, we desperately need a united effort to deal with climate change.

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    piper_gilbert  11 months ago

    Sad day for a criminal.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  11 months ago

    I like Uncle Sam better with a beard.

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    Radish the wordsmith  11 months ago

    Donald Trump calls Jack Smith a “sick puppet” and requests for him to be “put out to rest”

    The sooner lying traitor criminal Trump is in prison the better off our country will be.

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    ncorgbl  11 months ago

    It’s not a sad day for America. An enemy of the U.S. has been indicted upon findings by a Grand Jury, ‘WE, the People’, for crimes committed, and will be tried in a court of Law and guilt or innocence decided by a jury made up of of WE, the People’.

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC;"

    Though some with an agenda claim that our government or our Great Nation are “broken”, it surely looks as though it works quite well to me. It might not be as speedy as some wish, and we are sure to see many more attempts to attack our Great Nation as a defense in the coming trials, but “WE, the People” will judge a former president as our Founders prepared our self-government to do.

    It is a proud day.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member 11 months ago

    “I fear a bitter period of political division and stagnation.” Humans are their worst enemy.

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  31. Frank
    Frankfreak  11 months ago

    Are TRUMPET’s and MAGA’s a cult or just gave up thinking for themselves?

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 11 months ago

    Once Trump is uncomfortably relagated within the confines of Supermax Prison, we can then truly smile.

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    NatureBatsLast  11 months ago

    We got the govt. that our elites decided we should have. Simple really.

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    Ji535m  11 months ago

    It will soon be 10 years that we have tolerated all his BS and criminal activity. I will be ecstatic when it ends—if it ever does.

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    DEACON FRED  11 months ago

    Another good one Clay!!

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  36. Curious cat
    Curiosity Premium Member 11 months ago

    Sad that is necessary, even more sad that a large percentage of the country’s electorate believe it’s a ‘political hit job’ and will still vote for him.

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    vwmdabbler75  11 months ago

    Sad, because we had a ‘person’ like t***p elected POTUS. Great day as the indictment shows nobody is above the law in this USA.

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    terryminor848  11 months ago

    I seldom see a Trump supporter defending him on here, could it be they can’t read?

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    wolfiiig  11 months ago

    We’ll just have to tough it out :)

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    wellis1947 Premium Member 11 months ago

    It has taken almost 70 years for Donnie John to be held accountable for ANY of his actions – and that’s assuming that any court can find 12 people of integrity and good judgment to sit as a jury!

    Incidentally, moving the trial to West Virginia won’t help – the most “honorable” man to come out of that state (Manchen) is still as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, as my grandmother used to say – that judgment is based on the idea that we elect as representative those people that most closely mirror our hopes and ideals…

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    Conservative Man  11 months ago


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