Mike Luckovich for September 13, 2023

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 10 months ago

    Kevin McCarthy holds the title, but not the power.

    He is not in charge of the Republican caucus. No one is.

    The few most radical extremist fringe element (ironically self-labeled the “Freedom Caucus” while they want Big Intrusive Government to micromanage every aspect of your personal life) now wants to impeach Biden, without even the slightest evidence of any actual wrongdoing by Joe Biden.

    “Freedom Caucus”? More like CHAOS CAUCUS.

    Joe’s son may have done some bad stuff, but unlike Trump’s demon spawn (with father and spawn fully intertwined in each other’s business and political activities), Joe Biden was not involved at all in his son’s business dealings.

    Oh, and the CHAOS CAUCUS also wants to shut down the government in furtherance of the chaos on which they thrive (and which benefits their Moscow Master).

    If milquetoast McCarthy resists, this radical extremist fringe will invoke the “motion to vacate” — essentially a “no-confidence” vote that can be invoked by just a single member — which was inserted into the rules as the price of voting McCarthy the speakership on the fifteenth ballot last January.

    Milquetoast McCarthy previously had assured the public that he would not move forward with any impeachment inquiry without a full vote of the House.

    But more rational Republicans, who recognize the groundlessness of the demands by the most radical extremist fringe, and note that it cannot pass the Senate and is more likely to backfire and result in House seat losses next November, do not support such a move. This is especially true of the most moderate Republicans, the ones who flipped Democratic seats in 2022 that Biden had won in 2020 and which hold those seats by the narrowest of margins.

    The moderates do not support either impeachment or shutdown, so McCarthy could not get the votes. But despite his earlier pledge, he is moving forward anyway, by fiat, his individual order, NOT the House vote he had promised.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago

    McCarthy is another Republican hero.

    Republican heroes just keep getting better and better.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 10 months ago

    Perhaps George Santos will be the new SOH – which is a slight upgrade from SOB . . .

    Would you be surprised???!!!

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  4. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  10 months ago

    Hes not weak

    He a grifter who dont care about his constituents

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    baroden Premium Member 10 months ago

    This is what happens when a person is more concerned about holding his job and title rather than doing his job and honoring his title. McCarthy is a weka and self-serving $hit who deserves to be ousted.

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    Old recluse  10 months ago

    Nancy said the same thing the first Impeachment and it was a futile effort unless it helped elect Senile Joe ( which I think it did). The second one was a little better organnized but it relied on imputing motives to Trump rather than uncovering overt criminal acts. I suspect this one could hurt the GOP more than help it. Nancy told her reps it was worth losing their seats over. That is a far more likely true this time around and I am not sure it will even come to a vote.

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  7. Desron14
    Masterskrain  10 months ago

    I STILL want to know how he can stand upright with NO SPINE!!!

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    My First Premium Member 10 months ago

    Those boxes of files look suspiciously like the ones in Joe’s garage. You know, the “Top Secret” files that Joe is getting investigated for. Whatever happened to that investigation? There’s no 2 levels of justice in America. Right libs?

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    scote1379 Premium Member 10 months ago

    Tick-Tock Mac Tick-Tock…….

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    WestNYC Premium Member 10 months ago

    A whole lotta taxpayer money will be wasted on this. I hope there will be zero media coverage on this farce.

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  11. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 10 months ago

    Forgot the tea cup holding evidence against Hunter. You’d need a microscope to find evidence on President Biden.

    When McCarthy was elected SOH, it was with the proviso any House memver could effectively call for a vote of no confidence to force him to step down. Can’t wait to sew this implemented and who then ascends to that position – Gaetz, MTG, another delusional MAGAt?

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  12. Great view up here
    comixbomix  10 months ago

    Just when you thought someone as shamelessly spineless and perfidious as Mitch McConnell couldn’t exist…well, along comes Kevin.

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 10 months ago

    I wonder what he had to give Taylor-Greene to let him use his balls.

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    Raging Moderate  10 months ago

    You know you’re a loser when you have to cower to the juvenile whims of Mean Green and Mouth Breather Gaetz.

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  15. Lifi
    rossevrymn  10 months ago

    Wait, Ted Rall and Scott Stantis consistently say on their podcast that Biden is all in it.

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  16. Wb
    mwksix  10 months ago

    “Puddles” McCarthy gives in yet again…

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    preacherman Premium Member 10 months ago

    The impeachment process must be for purely political purposes because surely the Repubs don’t want Harris as president.

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    librarylady59  10 months ago

    Bless his li’l pea-pick’n heart. His desperate craving for power causes him to not notice he has no power. He’s a puppet in the hands of the magas.

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    bevtracy2011  10 months ago

    Poor Kevin. He’ll never ‘get it.’

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    piper_gilbert  10 months ago

    This makes Biden stronger.

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    Walter Kocker Premium Member 10 months ago

    As was said to another failed flash-in-the-pan McCarthy:

    Have you no sense of decency, sir?

    Hint: We know the answer.

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    ncorgbl  10 months ago

    McCarthy admitted publicly that the Benghazi hearings were only to harass Clinton before the election. Now we get yet another waste of our tax dollars by Republican/conservatives.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Kevin’s House of traitor Trump Insurrection has done literally nothing.

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  24. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 10 months ago

    Underlying the Republican intransigence is the fact that almost none of them come from districts that aren’t guaranteed to vote Republican in every election, thanks to gerrymandering. They have no effective opposition in their home districts. Some don’t even have opponents willing to sacrifice themselves. So they can be as crazy as they want, knowing that their sinecures are secure.

    And what are chances that gerrymandering will be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? This Supreme Court?

    The system ain’t gonna fix itself, folx. It’s up to us to get out there and put in the sweat, hours, imagination, and bux to do the fixin’ ourselves.

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  25. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  10 months ago

    The FIL (Fascist Imbeciles and/or Lunatics) is now what the GOP is, therefore, let us agree to only use the term FIL and never use the term GOP. (Of course, GOP does stand for Godawful Obsolete Party……….)

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    smartman  10 months ago

    Everyone keeps talking about this like it’ll be a massive failure and an embarrassment. Hell, some are even saying it’ll guarantee Biden a 2nd term. Has everyone forgotten the sham Benghazi hearings Clinton had to wade through? They’re doing this to repeat that since it gave them the Presidency the last time. Plus, it’ll bury the coverage of the Orange Fuhrer’s 4 trials. We’re talking about 40-60k votes determining the Presidency thanks to the utterly BS Electoral College. It isn’t going to take much to sway those voters one way or the other.

    I’m tired of the media and too many Dems laughing at Republicans when they keep doing the same stupid stunts that always work or almost always work (see the Debt Ceiling stuff). They’re working! Pay attention! We can’t screw the 2024 election up, or it’ll be the end of Democracy. And that’s not hyperbole. Read Project 2025. That might as well be an American version of Mein Kampf for crying out loud.

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    theoldidahofox  10 months ago

    McCarthy: Not leading the house but being led by crackpots.

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    Scoutmaster77  10 months ago

    He’s a coward, pure and simple.

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  29. Square cami brightened
    CamiSu Premium Member 10 months ago

    And an overwhelming lack of evidence against Biden

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    dcmotrl Premium Member 10 months ago

    Good job homey, but too many comments to read in one sitting. Or did I misspell that?

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