Jeff Danziger for October 16, 2023

  1. Download
    artegal  9 months ago

    Remind me again who started this particular mess? Oh, wait. It was Hamas, so yeah, Israel is totally justified in wiping them off the face of the earth.

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    gigagrouch  9 months ago

    And so it goes…

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  3. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 9 months ago

    This has been going on in the Middle East since before the dawn of written history. Deciding who started it— probably Abraham. Either he needed to treat his kids equally or kill the reject- which would have been considered a totally logical solution back in the day.

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    aristoclesplato9  9 months ago

    Gaza is part of the State of Palestine after Israel withdrew in 2005. Since then Israel has supplied them with energy, water, food, and jobs. All while the elected government of Hamas decided to spend money on weapons to attack Israel.

    All the help from Iran, Israel, the US and countless other countries and individuals since 2005 and they did nothing to build infrastructure and become self sufficient.

    But they had weapons. And decided now was the time to use them against Israel. As bad a decision as last’s night last play of the first half by the Giants.

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    ForALaugh Premium Member 9 months ago

    Still practicing that eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth stuff that they come up with 6000 years ago. No wonder there’s so much misery. The probability is higher Palestinian body count of innocents than Israeli body count of innocents by the time this one is over.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Hamas is fighting with hang gliders, motorcycles and homemade I.E.D.s – Israel is fighting with jet fighters, tanks and mass-produced military-style explosives – hummm – I wonder who will win?

    I ALSO wonder what was running through Hamas’ little pea brains that would cause them to actually start such an unwinnable war?

    There must be a massive “idiot” streak running through their ranks – of course, their “leaders” are not the ones fighting this and previous wars – the “leaders” are safe in their command bunkers and are just sending their “cannon fodder” out to fight…

    Inculcation of violent rhetoric is the extent of their involvement in this war – it’s the young and the stupid that are dying, more’s the pity…

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 9 months ago

    When will the perpetual cycle of human requirement for revenge cease?

    When a sufficient percentage of the human population, everywhere, refuses to tolerate acts of revenge.

    IOW, shortly before “never”. Or …


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    MFRXIM Premium Member 9 months ago

    The never-ending story of human ‘civilization’.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    Israel would like to exterminate Hamas

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    Fuzzy Kombu  9 months ago

    Yes, Mr. D and fellow readers, that does seem to be the Netanyahu government’s (and, let’s face it, Israel’s) strategy — to make conditions so painful for the population of Gaza that even Hamas will be forced to relent. That hasn’t happened yet.

    I have heard only one specific requirement from the Israeli side, that all hostages be returned before food and water will be allowed in. Beyond that, the goal is to completely defang Hamas, but it’s not at all clear — so far — how the current campaign of death and destruction serves to accomplish that objective. It sure isn’t making Israel any friends anywhere else.

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    Màiri  9 months ago

    Perfect cartoon, Jeff!

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    NeoconMan  9 months ago

    Where did the stoopid Hamas get the idea of “Live Free or Die”?

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    NeoconMan  9 months ago

    “Give me Liberty or Give me Death?”

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    PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 9 months ago

    This cartoon is a sad commentary on the imbedded hostility brought about by decades of mistakes, war, and death, but without sane leaders willing to compromise and honestly work at creating a viable solution.

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    blackwaterdeep  3 months ago

    Righteous revenge burns through as many generations as it takes to be fully satisfied. There is no forgiveness for the Zionist presence in Palestine.



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