I had to look up Desert Hamsters. They live in Russia, China, Manchuria and Mongolia. They are 1" to 2’ long and are very fast. I think another stupid cause!
Whose bright idea was it to steal land from the Palestinians in 1948 to set up a new country?The U.S. should just move all Israelis to Florida and that would definitely be an improvement all the way around. Win-win for the middle east and florida
With millions of people you will always find some who you disagree with and even some that seem to be foreign to your way of thinking, if you look hard enough you can find someone who believes things that just seem insane. Just because many seem to be screaming does not mean that a large percentage are screaming.
It’s a very complex situation that can’t be “understood” only in the moment. Committing one war crime doesn’t justify committing another. Atrocities have been committed on both sides. Maybe open some lines of communications and start practice hard diplomacy.
Stantis is being very dishonest with this one! Hamas is not Palestine! Two wrongs do not make a right! Killing more that ten innocent Palestinians for every innocent Israeli is just wrong. No one would blame them for killing Hamas terrorists! But Israel may have killed ten or fifteen Hamas fighters for 12,000+ dead Palestinian innocents, half of them children!
The last couple of wars made no sense. I think someone inventorying the weapons systems found a bunch of stuff past its expiration date and decided to sell it on the discontinued shelf instead of scrapping it.
There is no good answer for this situation, and the problem goes back several thousand years. The Israelites, who started off in Mesopotamia, wandered into Egypt and according to them were enslaved, managed to escape and subsequently invaded what is now Israel and displaced/subjugated the native population. A ‘few’ years later the Romans subjugated them and eventually after one-too-many uprisings drove them out of the land they had come to think of as home. Over the next not-quite-2-thousand years they were the subject of a lot of nasty treatment from people who belonged to what was originally one of their sects, culminating in attempted genocide during World War 2. As a consequence the winning side of that conflict, appalled by what they saw, decided to give them back their ‘homeland’, which didn’t go over very well with the current inhabitants. Then things got Really messy, and the result is a situation where all sides are both victims and perpetrators. And both ‘sides’ are convinced that They are correct, They are the true victims, and that the other ‘side’ shouldn’t exist. Yes, Israel has a right to exist. Yes, they have created an apartheid state. Yes, they are constantly pushing into territories where they have no right to be building in. BUT, that is no excuse for the HAMAS attack. None.
The dude from FL Premium Member about 1 year ago
I had to look up Desert Hamsters. They live in Russia, China, Manchuria and Mongolia. They are 1" to 2’ long and are very fast. I think another stupid cause!
ibFrank about 1 year ago
Like abstract art that doesn’t make sense, now we have abstract comics.
RobinHood about 1 year ago
No TOS violated, yet my comments are being removed. GoComics has an agenda. I suspect Prickly City will be in the crosshairs soon if this continues.
uhohlol about 1 year ago
Much better to blow people up than behead them. Everyone needs an equal amount of bombs, no?
GentlemanBill about 1 year ago
It’s monstrous that Hamas justifies/condones rape.
freshmeet2030 about 1 year ago
Whose bright idea was it to steal land from the Palestinians in 1948 to set up a new country?The U.S. should just move all Israelis to Florida and that would definitely be an improvement all the way around. Win-win for the middle east and florida
Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member about 1 year ago
Ohh, I finally figured out what this is an allegory for.
BRBurns1960 about 1 year ago
With millions of people you will always find some who you disagree with and even some that seem to be foreign to your way of thinking, if you look hard enough you can find someone who believes things that just seem insane. Just because many seem to be screaming does not mean that a large percentage are screaming.
Darsan54 Premium Member about 1 year ago
It’s a very complex situation that can’t be “understood” only in the moment. Committing one war crime doesn’t justify committing another. Atrocities have been committed on both sides. Maybe open some lines of communications and start practice hard diplomacy.
davidthoms1 about 1 year ago
Stantis is being very dishonest with this one! Hamas is not Palestine! Two wrongs do not make a right! Killing more that ten innocent Palestinians for every innocent Israeli is just wrong. No one would blame them for killing Hamas terrorists! But Israel may have killed ten or fifteen Hamas fighters for 12,000+ dead Palestinian innocents, half of them children!
rossevrymn about 1 year ago
Well, Stanti summed it all up………………..I mean like a simpleton. But he indeed did sum it all up.
Radish... about 1 year ago
Israel killed 5 times more desert hamsters than anyone.
Cheapskate0 about 1 year ago
ASSUMING that Scott (Eric Alee) is talking about Gaza – I’d have to agree with Darsan54:
What Hamas did 07 Oct was despicable.
The Israeli response of 10 to 1 is just as despicable.
Golda Meir is attributed as having said „Arabs FORCE us to kill their children“ – and earned much deserved discredit for that comment.
No one FORCES you to kill children.
PoodleGroomer about 1 year ago
The last couple of wars made no sense. I think someone inventorying the weapons systems found a bunch of stuff past its expiration date and decided to sell it on the discontinued shelf instead of scrapping it.
Curiosity Premium Member about 1 year ago
There is no good answer for this situation, and the problem goes back several thousand years. The Israelites, who started off in Mesopotamia, wandered into Egypt and according to them were enslaved, managed to escape and subsequently invaded what is now Israel and displaced/subjugated the native population. A ‘few’ years later the Romans subjugated them and eventually after one-too-many uprisings drove them out of the land they had come to think of as home. Over the next not-quite-2-thousand years they were the subject of a lot of nasty treatment from people who belonged to what was originally one of their sects, culminating in attempted genocide during World War 2. As a consequence the winning side of that conflict, appalled by what they saw, decided to give them back their ‘homeland’, which didn’t go over very well with the current inhabitants. Then things got Really messy, and the result is a situation where all sides are both victims and perpetrators. And both ‘sides’ are convinced that They are correct, They are the true victims, and that the other ‘side’ shouldn’t exist. Yes, Israel has a right to exist. Yes, they have created an apartheid state. Yes, they are constantly pushing into territories where they have no right to be building in. BUT, that is no excuse for the HAMAS attack. None.