Mike Luckovich for February 27, 2024

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 months ago

    According to Georgia law, for a criminal defendant to prevail on a motion to disqualify the district attorney on grounds of a conflict of interest, the defendant seeking the disqualification must show by actual evidence that a conflict of interest exists AND that the conflict has a specific prejudicial effect in creating a condition of bias against the defendant.

    As to the first element, allegations were made that Fani Willis hired special prosecutor Nathan Wade because she was already involved in a romantic relationship and because it would benefit her financially, but none could come anywhere remotely close to being proven by evidence.

    The defendant could not produce ANY evidence that there was a relationship at the time Mr Wade was hired or that Fani Willis benefitted financially in any way. On the contrary, cell phone records showed that in the three years prior to the time when they acknowledged a personal relationship, Mr Wade’s phone pinged the cell phone towers nearest Ms Willis’ residence less than once a month. Since Ms Willis lives in an area of Atlanta with many restaurants and popular nightclubs, that is certainly consistent with being nothing more than friends and professional contacts during that time.

    Fani Willis’ father, himself a respected attorney, testified that, at the time Mr Wade was hired, Fani was living with him in his home and had a different relationship and that Mr Wade never came on the scene until long after he was hired. He also testified that he had instructed his daughter to always keep at least six months’ worth of cash on hand because, as African Americans, their credit was not always accepted, especially in the South, but also anywhere else in the U.S.

    The bombshell was that Mr Wade was not even Ms Willis’ first choice. The former governor of Georgia, Roy Barnes (1999-2003), testified that Ms Willis had first contacted him and asked him to take the job, but he declined.

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  4 months ago

    EagleAI is already preparing the ground in Georgia for an assault on voter registrations. Using AI they are scanning for the most minute errors such as a misplaced comma to have someone’s registration blocked. Source Guardian Newspaper UK.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Fani you are in trouble.

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    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    As a matter of objective reality, many more criminals could have (and should have) been indicted by the grand jury in the RICO case against Traitor Trump than were actually indicted. People who fall for these side issues are hoping to become imbeciles some day, but that sky rocket increase in their intellects is very unlikely.

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  5. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member 4 months ago

    What a pair of numbskulls. After four years of scrupulous, meticulous work preparing what is by far the most important case of their careers, they can’t keep their pants on.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 months ago

    They will use any excuse to keep their Mendacious Megalomaniac out of prison.

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    baroden Premium Member 4 months ago

    More Trump kerfluffle. He’ll do anything to delay, delay, and delay. This is justice in a country that values wealth and privilege over actual morality and justice.

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  8. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  4 months ago

    Hey Liverlips, since when did consenting adults out of office hours activities become grounds to abort a trial of a prominent criminal. If it is aborted the hand of corruption is behind it.

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    aristoclesplato9  4 months ago

    we now know it’s not about an affair. It’s about perjury.

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    happyinvenice23  4 months ago

    A typical Stupid republican remark!!!

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    billopfer Premium Member 4 months ago

    Fern continues to demonstrate a total lack of understanding of anything. His brain is nothing but Russian mush.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 4 months ago

    No conflict of interest will be found and she will continue with the prosecution.

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    DC Swamp  4 months ago

    Fornicating Fani likes Grey Goose whilst on vacay on the taxpayers dime!

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    Do not confuse the GOP, especially the MAGA-GOP, with facts. It makes their brains hurt.

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    The Nodding Head  4 months ago

    She was having sex without the express purpose of fertilizing her sacred womanly eggs! That’s not Bible. Unacceptable!

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    Breeana  4 months ago


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    sinusjoe  4 months ago

    Trump can’t beat the evidence against him. So he’ll try to beat the DA presenting it,

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  18. Wtp
    superposition  4 months ago

    Justice delayed is justice denied.

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  19. Piggy
    BubbleTape Premium Member 4 months ago

    it is insane. it’s like if I’m going 60 in a 25, get a ticket, but find out the cop that gave me the ticket was using his friends Netflix account, and argue that my speeding ticket should be thrown out. beyond stupid and an embarrassment that the legal system is entertaining this garbage.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    If.. there is an upside to trump, it’s shone a spotlight on how the American justice system works, or rather doesn’t. And.. politics aside, this/that should be of grave concern to reasonable people. No society can last long term when justice is so blatantly skewed to the rich or famous.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    Right wing Georgia pinheads.

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    Ally2005  4 months ago

    The worst that should happen is a new prosecutors be brought in which would likely delay the trial. Fact that T’s lawyers want the entire case dismissed is laughable. They must of graduated from T school of lawyering……………..

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 4 months ago

    A big nothing-burger with extra fried egg for their faces. MAGA with a side of deflection.

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    fullplatebeta Premium Member 4 months ago


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    Grandma Lea  4 months ago

    Do you think DD that there is any DA doing their job doesn’t have a conflict of interest against the people they are prosecuting, that would equate to convicting the lawyer with the defendant, from what I have seen in some cases that would not be justified?

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    A “conflict of interest” exists if the prosecutor has some vested interest in finding the defendant innocent. Or if the prosecutor’s staff has a similar interest. AFAICT, the people bïtching about Fani Willis and Nathan Wade didn’t even try to make such a case, let alone provide any evidence for it. The whole thing is a sham and smokescreen for the sole purpose of trying to delay and distract the legal proceedings over a very real and dangerous assault on the very concept of American democracy.

    Think I’m kidding about that “assault on democracy” bit? Think again! They’re now saying the quiet part out loud.

    The annual convention of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) opened on 2024 Feb. 21 with a panel discussion moderated by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. The audience enthusiastically cheered remarks by panelist Jack Posobiec, whose previous claim to fame was promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

    “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely,” Posobiec said as the event began.

    “We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here,” he said, gesturing to the crowd and holding up his fist.

    As he spoke, Bannon laughed and said, “Amen!”

    Posobiec then said, to cheers from the audience, “All glory is not to government. All glory to God.”

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    Gee let’s see. She hired her boyfriend as the chief prosecutor, even though he had no experience with RICO or Felony cases. She paid him $250 an hour, while only paying the actual guy with real experience $150 an hour. He paid for the trips (of which there were 6) and they were getting “busy” by their own admission. And she committed Perjury by lying about when the affair started. She has embarrassed herself and her office. She’s toast.

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    rlaker22j  4 months ago

    with such lengthy dissertations how much time you guys spend on the can

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    This is called grasping at straws.

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    jvscanlan Premium Member 4 months ago

    These hearings should not be on TV. They’re tainting the jury pool . . . of course, that’s the idea

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    This is the 3D response to serious criminal charges: Deny, Delay, and Distract.

    Meanwhile, the campaign is reserving its 4D appeals for its most avid supporters, who are being asked to give generously to the DDDD: Drumpf’s Democracy Demolition Depository.

    (Somewhere around here there’s gotta be a joke about D-pends.)

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 4 months ago

    If the prosecutor does something illegal in the case, may be able to be thrown out.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    Comment of Georgia lawyer on Willis-Wade nothingburger: “Much ado about f**king.”

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    So Mitch McConnell is stepping down after the November elections, eh? Just like every murder-suicide I’ve ever heard of — good idea, wrong order.

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  35. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  4 months ago

    Sadly, no republican “minds” will be changed by mere evidence.

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