Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 13, 2024

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    sergioandrade Premium Member 11 months ago

    Am there, doing that.

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    The Gun Doctor  11 months ago

    Until you throw that unknown key away.

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    storminnorman2010  11 months ago

    One of them has to be for the bicycle.

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    PraiseofFolly  11 months ago

    I wonder, thought Alex: One might just be the key “to a world of my own, where everything would be nonsense.”

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    juicebruce  11 months ago

    Used an engraving pen on my keys (name with date). Saves a lot of time not searching through the whole key ring ;-)

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    Back to Big Mike  11 months ago

    I carry my keys on my belt, so I need to keep things at a minimum. If I don’t know what it does, it goes in the junk drawer with the rest of the old keys.

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    GreenT267  11 months ago

    Keys are the predecessors of today’s cables, cords and connectors. We have a box of plugs, cables, cords, etc. that we’re not sure what they were originally for; but, whenever family or friends are visiting, we need to go through it because they ‘left theirs at home.’

    We also have a drawer of keys — car keys, luggage keys, house keys — some from our previous homes, some for family, some for friends, and some that are just mysteries. My favorite mystery key is one I found while cleaning out my family home — four generations had live there so there was a lot of surprises. I found one box that evidently belonged to my grandmother on the other side of the family who died when I was a small child. It had some papers, a few loose pieces of jewelry and a small white jewelry box, about 1″ × 1/2 x 1/2". I opened it up and there was a tiny key and a folded piece of paper that read, “a small key to something.”

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    Alberta Oil  11 months ago

    Secret places used long ago.

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    ladykat Premium Member 11 months ago

    I now only have the key to my front door. I got rid of all the other keys that were on my keychain.

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    dbrucepm  11 months ago

    I have some in my work cooler I no longer have a clue what they were / are to. They are next to the pack of toothpicks I have in there despite having all my teeth removed over 2 years ago

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    Watchdog  11 months ago

    This is true. need to draw an outline of all my keys on paper and write their use.

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    wildlandwaters  11 months ago

    I’ve got a few of them…and I’m afraid to throw ’em out cuz they might might fit something!

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    g04922  11 months ago

    Yep.. I find keys that I have no idea what they unlock.

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    pheets  11 months ago

    I have a whole bunch of trunks. I have a whole bunch of keys. That ’s it.

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    Dani Rice  11 months ago

    I have 6 keys on my ring – three for church, our house key, and one for each of the cars. Hubby has those six, plus a DOZEN others. He says mine re too much hassle (I have five tags – library cards, grocery store, etc) but because he only wears trousers with elastic waistbands, he always gives me his keys to carry – so they make my slacks sag.

    And women are supposed to be hard to understand.

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    mistercatworks  11 months ago

    Most of these keys are kept in a drawer somewhere. Each one is carefully labelled with something like “Spare Key???”. :)

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    KEA  11 months ago

    I think that’s true of virtually everybody isn’t it? (the corollary, no matter how many keys you have, you also have a lock that has no key)

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    gcarlson  11 months ago

    “Oh, that’s for our garden shed back in Peoria!” – Fibber Mcgee and Molly

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    eddi-TBH  11 months ago

    After I retired, I finally cleared off my key ring. Several went back to the shop, but the majority were of forgotten purpose. I have a few that have accumulated since then but not a traditional set of jinglers like he’s carrying.

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    MichaelSFC90  11 months ago

    A Mystery of the Mysterious.

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    mafastore  11 months ago

    Here is something strange I found this past weekend.

    I was cleaning out the desk drawer I keep financial stuff in – spare checkbooks for when use up the book I am using as well as spare covers to put them when-if the one I am using falls apart (and ditto for our business and both clubs of which I am treasurer) – a load of State Quarters waiting to be gone through to have a nice one of each and then use the others, and similar items.

    I came across two – how to describe them – soft plastic pieces about the size of a credit card with the business end of a car key in them which pulls out for use. Apparently at some point the car manufacturer whose cars and vans we bought several of in the PAST made these at one time to put into one’s wallet to be able to unlock one’s car door if one left the key in the car (says “to open door only – will not start car”). We have established that we still own one of these vehicles as one of them matched a car key – but the other does not (we bought from same manufacturer several times). Now how do I get rid of the key which does not match – I am guessing best thing to do is take it to a public place and toss it there.

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