Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for April 01, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  3 months ago

    Feeling threatened by a persons choice Al?

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    People hate for sake of hate

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    Patjade  3 months ago

    It falls on the 31st of March every year since 2009, while Easter (named after the pagan goddess Oester, goddess of fertility), changes every year.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 3 months ago

    What’s with the guy holding the egg?

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    brit-ed  3 months ago

    Trans day was started 15 years ago and easter changed day every year. this coincidence was not down to Biden.

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    baroden Premium Member 3 months ago

    Imagine being so filled with hate that you can’t even take a religious holiday commentating the gift one man gave for ALL, and recognizing that it coincides with National Transpersons awareness day. Even Jesus would be disappointed in you, Goodwyn.

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    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    Good one Al, Biden’s goons said no religious symbols are allowed!

    Easter won’t fall on March 31 again until 2086, so we won’t have to worry about it coinciding with the trans holiday for a long time.

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    Henwood  3 months ago

    ^^^@DC Swamp: Why would anyone even worry about Easter and Transgender Visibility Day coinciding?

    Unless. of course, one is a bigot.

    On a side note: are there transgender frogs, or do you all spawn?

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    Kurtass Premium Member 3 months ago

    “Good one Al, Biden’s goons said no religious symbols are allowed!”

    “The American Egg Board has been a supporter of the White House Easter Egg Roll for over 45 years and the guideline language referenced in recent news reports has consistently applied to the board since its founding, across administrations,”

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    Goodwyn back to the hate normal setting

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  11. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 3 months ago

    Biden chose THIS YEAR to ensure that Trans day fell on Easter. He could have dont it differently. For Instance April Fools Day would be better.

    The constant attack on the good, the true and the beautiful by the White House is shown this time by Celebrating a perversion of God’s plan for man and woman.

    He also chose to make THIS the year that he would enforce Banning religious symbols on Easter Eggs.

    Biden and his puppet masters and the mobs that support him want to DESTROY America. They want to do it every day, all day and for all time.

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  12. Wtp
    superposition  3 months ago

    Those who do not fit in the rather limited Q/MAGA hierarchy are feared/rejected/despised.

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member 3 months ago

    ^Someone spiked their morning vodka with LSD.

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    Easter is about Good Will towards men. That means people who different. I’m Christian and I see absolutely nothing wrong with the 2 days sharing the same calendar day. Good Will to all I say!

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  15. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  3 months ago

    I have been wondering where did Biden get the idea to announce it on Good Friday and have it on Easter. It shows how far down the Rabbit Hole the Democrats have plunged.

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    suzalee  3 months ago

    Transgender day has been March 31st since 2009. It happened to fall on Easter this year. The rule against religious or political symbols on Easter eggs for the White House egg roll has been in place for about 50 years. Please stop with the falsehoods.

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  17. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  3 months ago

    An egg with a cross on it? You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to color TV …

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    Henwood  3 months ago

    @Stupid trolls here: I know for a fact that transgender Christians exist. Deal with it.

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    thelordthygod666  3 months ago

    To: GoComics – When did “Al” become his last name and Goodwyn his first name…or are you now alphabetizing comic creators by first names?

    Reply – This change was made at the request of Goodwyn

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    aristoclesplato9  3 months ago

    So is a transgendered furry a thing now? A new costume would be cheaper than an operation. And not do permanent harm.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  3 months ago

    I get a kick out of this whole issue. These gender by choice people don’t seen to realize that throughout the Muslim world they would be stoned to death, thrown off if roofs, pushed out aircraft 1000’s of feet in the air. Meanwhile we have and anti-semitic White House that bans christian symbols from Easter Eggs. A smart, trying to get re-elected White House would have kept quiet about this and had someone else in the administration acknowledge the day.

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    YorkGirl  Premium Member 3 months ago

    Satan at work in the White House. Easter is about Christ’s resurrection and our redemption. They have no qualms about taking Good Friday off from work with no thought of Christ’s death. God help us all.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    I do not base my vote on this nonsense. It is foolish to vote based on hot button issues. My vote is based on the economy and my investment portfolio. I’ll be voting for Biden.

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  24. Odin
    Holden Awn  3 months ago

    I’ll give Joe the benefit of the doubt and recognize that he may not have realized that March 31 (promoted as ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ since 2009, 15 years), would fall on Easter Sunday this year. But still — once he woke up enough to realize it, why did he choose to intentionally offend and alienate millions of voters??

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  25. Unnamed
    Another Take  3 months ago

    Al is a loyal soldier in the GOP’s Culture War! Thank you for your selfless, ignorant service in this stupid waste-of-time cause! We salute you!

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    librarylady59  3 months ago

    Anything to trash President Biden.

    Biden, a devout Catholic, marked Easter with reminders of the story of Jesus’s sacrifice and with blessings.

    “Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection,” the president said.

    “As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’s sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities,” he continued. “And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.”

    Trump’s political message comes after conservatives lashed out against Biden for acknowledging Transgender Day of Visibility on Sunday. Transgender Day of Visibility is marked on March 31 every year, with Biden making a proclamation to recognize the date every year. This year, out of coincidence, it aligns with Easter. [P.S. Jesus loved everyone regardless if they were ‘different’ from the elites of the day. I would even suggest he loves trump even tho’ the man, IMO, disappoints him every single day.]

    Trump went after the prosecutors organizing criminal cases against him, reiterating claims that federal special counsel Jack Smith is “deranged,” calling Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “lazy” and lashing out against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis… The former president also hurled insults at the Department of Justice and “crooked Joe,” in reference to the president.

    The Hill

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    Typical hate frim Goodwyn.

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    artegal  3 months ago

    Joe wouldn’t be a good practicing Catholic if he didn’t disrespect the holiest day of the Christian calendar. Three hundred and sixty four other days to chose from this year, and he had to pick Easter. I’d love to see him pull a similar stunt during Ramadan. I wonder how many terrorist attacks that would provoke.

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    Typical hate from Goodwyn.

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    Henwood  3 months ago

    ^^@ElwoodP: Apparently, it takes one to know one.

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  31. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  3 months ago

    What a bunch of snowflakes you righties are!

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  32. Freeradical
    Free Radical  3 months ago

    Don’t worry haters, easter and trans day will not fall on the same calendar day for another 60 years. Save up your hate for then please

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    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    This is a big right wing concern?

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    So the magats are upset, because President Biden, acknowledging trans people, on a day celebrating Jesus, who would have told us to accept trans people.

    And speaking of Easter, you magat morons think what Biden did is worse than the multi-divorced rapist trump, who celebrated Holy Week making profits off selling Bibles, and then celebrated Easter by skipping church and sending out 77 hate-tweets?

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago


    -donald trump, rapist, bigot, republican candidate, currently out on bail.

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    Al Fresco  3 months ago

    No, it’s the 2023 “This way Mr. President” Bunny.

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    So now Easter is in danger, like Christmas before trump saved it?

    Let me ask you a question, you bunch of boot-licking, hypocritical, useful idiots.

    How come none of you was complaining, for the last SEVENTY YEARS, every time a President hosted pagan-worshipping halloween parties????

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    cracker65  3 months ago

    Nothing to see here as usual. False outrage.

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    mac04416  3 months ago

    Here we go again, can’t get your own holiday, so they steal a Christian one AGAIN!

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 3 months ago

    Al, points to you for putting this one out on April Fool’s day. When this ages badly you gave yourself the “out” to say “Hey….it was just an April Fool’s day gag.”

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 3 months ago

    It’s ignorant & not funny to mock folks different than u,Goodwyn‼️

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Bible-thumping so-called “conservatives” are bigly mad that International Transgender Day of Visibility is landing on the same day as Easter this year. OMG! Self-loathing trans woman Caitlyn Jenner is upset (though she posed with her trans sisters just seven years ago), and DJT wants President Joe Biden to apologize to “Catholics and Christians” even though Trans Day occurred under his watch, too, but hey… “conservatives” need to be outraged about something. anything.

    Do they want to fix anything, govern, make life better? Oh no, not at all, let’s just attack another vulnerable minority. And so Biden became the anti-Christ. Or something. The overlap between Easter and Trans Day is coincidental, but let’s not let that get in the way of the all-important Culture Wars. Easter can fall on any Sunday from late March to mid-April, and Trans Day has landed on March 31st for 15 years.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Hey MAGA creeps, You know what’s blasphemous? Your MAGA Messiah, the “Chosen one sent by God” compared Himself to Jesus Christ just last week on Pravda Social. Oh, and a right-wing outlet published a piece during holy week titled, ‘The Crucifixion of Donald Trump.’ And the MAGA Messiah is hawking $60 Bibles to pay his legal fees, but do be outraged that trans individuals have one day in the year dedicated to their visibility.

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    Benaiah67  3 months ago

    Didn’t Do That’: Biden Denies He Proclaimed Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ (He Did) and then there is this from the Federalist, Biden’s Anti-Christian Easter Stunt Leaves No Doubt About Democrats’ Descent Into Paganism

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    DrDon1  3 months ago

    Goodwyn stirred up a lot of bad odors and obnoxious flying critters when he stomped through the muck of another ‘culture war!’

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    knutdl  3 months ago


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    gordon.f.brown Premium Member 3 months ago

    International Transgender Day of Visibility (often referred to as TDOV or Trans Day of Visibility) is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009 (Wikipedia). Easter moves all over. But you, I’m sure, don’t need a reason to attack anyone or anything that’s different than yourself. Your work is the proof.

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    Benaiah67  3 months ago

    To be honest this is the first time I am aware of International Transgender Day of Visibility – didn’t know it existed and frankly don’t know why it does. I am also on a side note in agreement with Morgan Freeman who said this as reported by the “Huff Post” which I don’t believe is a right wing publication. "Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman is explaining why he’s no fan of both Black History Month and the description “African American.”

    “Black History Month is an insult. You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” he asked in an interview with The Sunday Times published Saturday.

    “Also ‘African American’ is an insult. I don’t subscribe to that title,” Freeman continued. “Black people have had different titles all the way back to the n-word and I do not know how these things get such a grip, but everyone uses ‘African American.’”

    “What does it really mean?” he asked. “Most Black people in this part of the world are mongrels. And you say Africa as if it’s a country when it’s a continent, like Europe.”

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    Benaiah67  3 months ago

    To add on to the above post Morgan Freeman added this “You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” he asked in a “60 Minutes” interview with Mike Wallace. “What do you do with yours? Which month is White History Month?”

    When Wallace said he was Jewish, Freeman asked if he wanted a Jewish History Month. Wallace said he didn’t.

    “Oh, why not? Why not? You don’t want one? I don’t either,” Freeman replied. “I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”

    “How are we going to get rid of racism?” Wallace asked Freeman.

    “Stop talking about it,” the actor responded. “I’m going to stop calling you a white man, and I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a Black man.”

    I agree with him as a fellow American and I am not sure how he votes and I frankly don’t care.

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