JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for May 12, 2024

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  10 months ago

    Imagine a mechanical / electronic doctor anywhere in the United … no in THE WORLD … having the skills of the greatest human doctor ever to exist in every field of medicine and it never gets tired, never gets sleepy, never has a hangover, or a tremor or the shakes, and can work faster than any human to boot.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 10 months ago

    I had robot assisted surgery in 2017. When I read that it had tremor control, I was sold. And later when I was talking to my cardiologist about the system, the first thing he said was, “It has tremor control!”

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    Humanist  10 months ago

    Keep jobs to humans.

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    markkahler52  10 months ago

    All you gotta do to be terrified is to remember who PROGRAMS the AI stuff!

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    crookedwolf Premium Member 10 months ago

    I read a story about a person who passed away unexpectedly; a week later, his former coworkers were cleaning out his desk, joking about who was next in line for the job – while his family was deep in mourning. You are irreplaceable only to your loved ones.

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    Ellis97  10 months ago

    Soon enough, medical school will be a thing of the past.

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    goboboyd  10 months ago

    Would we dare to dream AI will sort out heath care insurance? Perhaps with quantum computers.

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    PAR85  10 months ago

    I thought she said she didn’t watch TV.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  10 months ago

    I guess I gotta be “that guy”: It’s not “Ai”; it’s “AI”, for Artificial Intelligence.


    Also remember that an algorithm cannot care about you, any more than a math equation written on a chalkboard can. Let tools be tools, used by people.

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    cafed00d Premium Member 10 months ago

    I know about AI, but what is Ai? (I could see the argument for the wierd spelling because in a sans-serif font a lower case ‘l’ and and upper case ‘I’ look the case , but Robb Is using a serif font.)

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    DanMercer  10 months ago

    Technology can blind doctors and is expensive. Auscultation requires nothing more than a good stethoscope but modern doctors resort to ultrasound. Nurses could detect not only that a wound was infected but also the infecting agent by smell, but doctors waste time by waiting for results to come back from the lab.

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    christelisbetty  10 months ago

    I already have a doctor who doesn’t listen to me. (Haven’t been able to find a replacement for a great one that died.)

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    zodismoon  10 months ago

    I think it would be cool to have a device that could scan your body and tell you what you need for you body.

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    rgcviper  10 months ago

    A.I. has ups and downs. Hard to decide sometimes which is best.

    On a related note, I’d totally watch a T.V. show called Beyond the Quantum Veil.

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    mafastore  10 months ago

    I am accountant with older clients and only one business client left (handful of clients in total) – the owner of same is her 80s (a child survivor of the Holocaust. She does NOT use a computer and, in general, when she has a problem with anything financial related she calls me for help.

    She owns the family retail business. She had a problem with the company which handles her credit card acceptance and was confused and called me for help. She only had a web address for help so I contacted them for her. Everything involved in getting an answer went too perfectly. It was only a week or so later that it hit me – it was probably AI and not a live person I was emailing with.

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