Steve Kelley for April 10, 2024

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    Hello Everyone  3 months ago

    For Most Websites and our taxes we get to choose our honorifics or lack thereof. Choosing our pronouns is not that heinous.

    I do not like, however, people getting mad at us because we addressed them accidentally by a pronoun that they don’t approve of. Tolerance should cut both ways.

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    Patjade  3 months ago

    SKelley seems to have some kind of hangup about personal identities. That seems more telling.

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    saylorgirl  3 months ago

    Great comic Steve!

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    brit-ed  3 months ago

    BS comic Steve. You don’t get this generation but that’s your problem. You’re a dinosaur; isn’t it time to go shout at the kids in the street for making too much noise?

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    pat gorse  3 months ago

    While seated on a crowded bus down Santa Monica Blvd. to Beverly Hills where I worked, I slid over a little, and then said to a person standing, “Sir, there’s room here if you want a seat.” I got an angry reply. “Sir? Why would you call me ‘Sir’? Can’t you see I have breasts?”It was the complete opposite of, “My eyes are up here!”

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    robcarroll1213  3 months ago

    Gen Z…the simple and simple-minded generation. Oh no! Now they’ll do their favorite thing and ghost me!

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    ljl54311  3 months ago

    I’ll take things that never happened, Alex

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    Real knee-slapper for geriatrics

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    NeoconMan  3 months ago

    What a nasty cartoonist.

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    suzalee  3 months ago

    Still the obsession with transgender people who make up a tiny portion of our population. Meanwhile, we have real problems that are not being addressed. It’s easier to gripe about something unimportant than to tackle what is really important.

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    sinusjoe  3 months ago

    SKelly plays FASCISM on a triple word score for 42 points, defeating democracy.

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    Johncom  3 months ago

    The great offense is to demand certain speech of others. In this country you can ask. You can’t demand.

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    And now a word from our favorite homophobe with a transphobe kicker.

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    Al Fresco  3 months ago

    Wait until you see the DEI version of Monopoly.

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    ChristopherBurns  3 months ago

    How is that possible? Has S Kelly ever played Scrabble? Its’s a bunch of letters you use to make words, that’s all it is. If the word is in the dictionary, it works. It’s ALWAYS been inclusive.

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  16. Yin yang
    Havel  3 months ago

    Ah, the old trope of “those kids these days”. It has worked for millennia. Always good to get the geriatric crowd shaking their fists. Now, get off my lawn!!!

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    Jimathai Premium Member 3 months ago

    amazing what the Right spends its time and energy on. smh

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    walkingmancomics  3 months ago

    Wonder if the woman depicted, and those she symbolizes, ever use “Ms.”and if so, remembers the equally ridiculous uproar and outrage over Ms. replacing Mrs.

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    rmike7842  3 months ago

    As I’ve aged, I’ve had to fight cranky old man disease. Once you contract it, everything from minor inconveniences to changes in society become a massive pain in the butt. Pronouns are such a small thing; yet a political movement based on cranky old man will capitalize on any little thing and inflate it to something to be proud of. Now it’s not that you don’t want to cooperate; it’s that you want to not cooperate; you want to make trouble; you take pride in bothering “those” people. Of course, some will respond with the claim that the other side started it by making it an issues and getting angry. And that is true. We’ve had many times in our history when some of “them” got uppity and made trouble as they campaigned for acceptance or equality. However, it’s been my observation that those inflicted with cranky old man disease become very intolerant if the situation ever gets reversed. Don’t believe me? Start misgendering one of them.

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    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Right wingers have infinite pettiness.

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    calliarcale  3 months ago

    Since this comic is about Scrabble, and we had an eclipse on Monday, I’ll introduce you to one of my favorite words. If you can get it to land right, it can score up to 93 points: “syzygy”. (You do need a blank tile to achieve it, since there are only two “y” tiles.) A syzygy is an alignment between three bodies in space, and a syzygy is required for an eclipse.

    So there is your vocabulary word for today. ;-)

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    Liberal Troll Premium Member 3 months ago

    Yeah, like MAGAs actually play Scrabble.

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    Rich Douglas  3 months ago

    I have the whole pronoun thing figured out: I don’t care what people want to call themselves. It’s fine with me. I also don’t care what they wear, who they sleep with, or what bathroom they use. And guess what? It works perfectly. I even have a name for this system. I call it “Minding My Own Business and Leaving People Alone.”

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    DrDon1  3 months ago

    While Kelley is slightly more relevant than Weatherford, he doesn’t even understand how Scrabble is played….

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