JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for May 26, 2024

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    GirlGeek Premium Member 10 months ago

    No matter who you are, you will get thrown out of that office

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    LawrenceS  10 months ago

    Didn’t he put a tracking device on one recently? (Joe refused to do a high speed chase, did Joe also refuse to investigate a theft? If there was a tracking device checking out a serial thief might still be in an officer’s job description.)

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  3. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  10 months ago

    Is Clarence ever gonna get his trash cans back?

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    crookedwolf Premium Member 10 months ago

    There’s a little recap for folks who only read the Sunday paper, I believe.

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    LONNYMARQUEZ  10 months ago

    just go to Home Depot or Lowes or your local hardware store

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    billwog  10 months ago

    He did put on a tracking device. Today seems like we’re moving backwards

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    thevideostoreguy  10 months ago

    Your tax dollars at work, eh Clarence?

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    reedkomicks Premium Member 10 months ago

    Well one thing is clear, Clarence likes to wear hoodies. Long or short sleeve are his picks.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 10 months ago

    Lesson learned

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  10 months ago

    How do you know the perpetrator is male?

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    [Unnamed Reader - 5461d7]  10 months ago

    26 years ago shortly after i moved into my house someone took my trash can and left theirs, because theirs was full of loose items and a few branchs. knew the trashmen who emptied the trash at the rec center i worked at then. they dumped it for me. called the police they refused to even fill out a report, because they couldnt be bothered for what they called a trival matter. and to top it off when i called waste collection and gave them the number on the can i had they hadnt entered it into their system for they sent it out.

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    mafastore  10 months ago

    NYC until recently had businesses just leave their garbage out in bags – since “like” forever. There has been an ongoing problem with animals getting into the garbage. They finally decided to require all commercial garbage to be put in cans or dumpsters – none left out just in bags.

    The process has not been going well.

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    mafastore  10 months ago

    Husband and I live in detached suburban house. We have twice weekly garbage pickup and recycling on one other day each week, but only put regular once a week. For decades I have dealt with the garbage (husband would say “ick” and “ugh” at putting out the garbage. Schlepping the cans out and then bringing them back.

    During Covid and since two things have happened – Early in Covid we stopped putting out the garbage in can so we did not have go back out of the house and take the empty can in. We generally put out one 13 gallon bag a week from the house (other than the basement and garage – his workshop areas which only get tossed out when full) – so why was I carrying out a mostly empty full sized garbage can every week – and we have more garbage since start of Covid from being and eating home more. And husband who was always disgusted by the idea of dealing with garbage started taking it for pickup. Why the change? It has two parts – he realized how much work I do around the house (plus until about a year ago I was the main income as he quit his job/retired early and I kept working part time self-employed) and started helping me – plus – some weeks it was his only chance to walk outside.

    We used to have a small box for our recycling. At some point about 6 or so years ago they changed it to larger can. I used to put the recycling out weekly, but since the larger can I got lazy and it only goes out when the can is full – which is about 6 weeks worth of cans and the few jars. Paper is stacked on husband’s boyhood worktable in side entry porch for tying up. Small paper bags (from Chinese takeout) hold the soda cans he has had to drink when he has low sugar so we can easily return them to store – when he trips over them too much around every 3 small bags or so.

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