Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for April 24, 2024

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 2 months ago

    If you ask most of the Students, they probably would not know what Passover is?

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    knutdl  2 months ago

    The chicken of depression (G. Larson).

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  2 months ago


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    braindead Premium Member 2 months ago

    Goodwyn believes the Central Park Five should have been executed.

    Because he believes bigotry is bad. Bad, bad, bad.

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    superposition  2 months ago

    “… Two years ago, the former president hosted two dinner guests at his Florida residence who were known to make virulent antisemitic comments.

    And this week, Trump charged that Jewish Democrats were being disloyal to their faith and to Israel. That had many American Jews taking up positions behind now-familiar political lines. Trump opponents accused him of promoting antisemitic tropes while his defenders suggested he was making a fair political point in his own way. Jonathan Sarna, American Jewish history professor at Brandeis University, said Trump is capitalizing on tensions within the Jewish community.

    “For people who hate Donald Trump in the Jewish community, certainly this statement will reinforce their sense that they don’t want to have anything to do with him,” he said. “For people who like Donald Trump in the Jewish community, they probably nod in agreement.”

    To many Jewish leaders in a demographic that has overwhelmingly identified as Democratic and supported President Joe Biden in 2020, Trump’s latest comments promoted harmful antisemitic stereotypes, painting Jews as having divided loyalties and that there’s only one right way to be Jewish religiously. …" — pbs .org /newshour /politics /u-s-jews-upset-with-trumps-latest-rhetoric-say-he-doesnt-get-to-tell-them-how-to-be-jewish

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    superposition  2 months ago

    “… Four-in-ten American Jews have a favorable view of the Palestinian people – somewhat lower than the 50% of Americans overall who say the same. Very few Jewish Americans have a favorable opinion of Hamas, which has controlled Gaza, or the Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank (3% and 12%, respectively).

    Jewish Americans are divided by party in their views of the Israeli government. Jews who identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party are about twice as likely as Jews who identify as Democrats or lean Democratic to say they have a favorable view of the Israeli government (85% vs. 41%). (Among Jews, 68% identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party and 29% identify with or lean toward the Republican Party.) On the other hand, Jewish Democrats are more likely than Jewish Republicans to say they have a favorable view of the Palestinian people (52% vs. 20%) and the Palestinian Authority (14% vs. 9%).

    Jewish Americans also differ by age in their views of the people and leadership involved in the conflict. Compared with older U.S. Jews, younger Jews express less favorable attitudes toward the Israeli people and more favorable views of the Palestinian people. Younger Jews also hold somewhat more positive views of the Palestinian Authority. …" — pewresearch .org /short-reads /2024 /04 /02 /how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war

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    baroden Premium Member 2 months ago

    Are you talking about the bigotry toward Palestinians? Jews? Or the general anti-Islamic tripe that the GOP and Trump have served up for years? Or just brown people in general whom Trump has hated on for years? This is America. There’s plenty of bigotry floating around, most of it perpetuated by the conservatives.

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    mourdac Premium Member 2 months ago

    The failures of implementing a solution to the Palestinian issues have led to what is still occurring today, 6 months after the Hamas attacks. Israel has the right to exist within secure boundaries. The Palestinians have the right to have their own nation. No more terrorist attacks. Israeli settlers who have illegally, under international law, taken Palestinian lands in Golan and the West Bank, must be removed.

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    Henwood  2 months ago

    How else would Trump observe Passover?

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    The Nodding Head  2 months ago

    After years of encouraging anti-semitism and embracing neo-Nazis, right wing “chicken’s” (sic) suddenly are oh-so-outraged.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 2 months ago

    I wonder if Al is worried about “Jews replacing him”? I wonder if Al thinks that “6 million wasn’t enough”? I wonder if Al has ever been at CPAC and went along with the Nazi salute? I wonder if Al was at the event where Richard Spencer and his group was chanting “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!”? I wonder if Al has been at a right-wing rally, and helped carry the Nazi and Confederate flags?

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    DC Swamp  2 months ago

    The leftist loons (pardon the redundancy) grow more violent by the day. I saw a reporter address one of the darlings about their favorite chant, “From the river to the sea.” The leftist protester was asked which river and which sea, she stood there like a deer in the headlights and could not answer the question.

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    Jack7528  2 months ago

    The Ivy League is showing who the real racists in our country are. Not the Republicans for sure. The thing is, this is of the Ivy League’s own making. This is what the current education system is producing.

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    suzalee  2 months ago

    I can never understand why people protest at universities. Universities do not determine policies. If you want to stage a demonstration, go to Washington.

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    Johncom  2 months ago

    Deport any student political demonstrator who is a guest in this country. This is common sense.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 2 months ago

    Where is the FBI, the DOJ and U.S. government, these are highly planned demonstrations paid for by haters of Israel!

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    Henwood  2 months ago

    ^^@Johncom: I hope you mean this goes for violent Israeli students as well.

    Anyway, that which you call “common sense” was called “gesundes Volksempfinden” in nazi Germany. Do you sympathize with Hitler?

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    Henwood  2 months ago

    ^^@Muddled: Where were the FBI, DOJ and the U.S. government when Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines with a gun he later used to shoot people?

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    Benaiah67  2 months ago

    Al as usual hits a home run with this picture which is incredibly accurate as noted by some of the responses.

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    Radish the wordsmith  2 months ago

    Republicans buddy Bibi’s bigotry is tearing up the world.

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    grange Premium Member 2 months ago

    Al, learn to spell.

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    ChristopherBurns  2 months ago

    How is it bigotry to criticize a nation on the conduct of a war?

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    preacherman Premium Member 2 months ago

    For a moment there I thought Al was dissing my town. But, hey Al, the real bigotry isn’t in the Columbia University campus, but in the thin majority of Israel when they wage their persecution against the Palestinian people.

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    s49nav  2 months ago

    “Students”, eh? Most of them have fake ID cards and couldn’t even tell you which “river” and which “sea” they’re chanting about.

    No worries. After their records are ruined in the next mass arrest, they can still support their future selves and their future families by flipping burgers. Hey, I’ll even introduce you to Peter Strock!

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    Quixotic1  2 months ago

    The Proud Boys, the MAGA movement’s foot soldiers, are also quite anti-Semitic, yet Al didn’t criticize them when they marched through Charlottesville chanting " The Jews will not replace us!" Lets stop pretending that conservatives actually care about Jews.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 2 months ago

    Al, what makes this night different from all others?

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    Lola85 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Is that “chicken’s” possessive, or maybe “chickens” plural?

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    Al Fresco  2 months ago

    Do pro-Palestine student know what river and what sea is in the chant “from the river to the sea?” A man on the street interview on TV yesterday confirmed that sad bit of ignorance. Unfortuantely, ignorance is a nation-wide symptom.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    So now, the first amendment right of protesting the ethnic-cleansing deaths of tens of thousands of men, women and children is now, in Conservapedia, considered “Bigotry”?

    Since all Palestinians are automatically “Hamas” terrorists, then by the same “logic”, because the Anti-Semites and Nazis are contained in the MAGA movement, then all MAGAs are Anti-Semites and Nazis.

    It’s weird how the extremist fringe of the MAGA / Nazi wing embraces Adolf’s Final Solution, while supporting Israel. Oh wait! It’s the MAGA Evangelicals who pray for the Armageddon to destroy Israel and most of the population of Earth, because then they, the Chosen Ones, will be automagically beamed up to their invisible deity’s Mother Ship.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    If you ask most of the MAGAs, they probably would not care how many people are killed (as long as it’s “them”). Besides, all Palestinians (even babies) will become Terrorists.

    In the words of Gen. Tecumseh Sherman, “Nits become lice.”

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    superposition  2 months ago

    “… First, from a philosophical perspective, racism violates the principles of human rights, equity and justice. All humans are born with equal dignity and worth. Discrimination is a violation of this basic rule and of any logical argumentation. The Earth belongs to all the humans and to no one at the same time. Nobody can claim more privileges or rights than others in the existence of Earth as a planet common to all. Humans did not land from the sky onto separate territories designated for each nation exclusively. The current arrangement of people and countries is the result of conflicts and continuous movements of populations throughout history. Every individual is an immigrant from somewhere in some way or another. Without one’s own movement or that of parents or grandparents, nobody would find themselves at the geographical location or social status they are in now. Without immigration, most countries in the world would not exist or appreciate their current level of development. Suppose that life is possible on the planet Mars, and humans begin to colonize it. Over time, some individuals among the settlers develop racist attitudes towards the newly arriving humans. Is there any rational basis for such racism? As humans, there is much to learn from animals that often live in harmonious and coexisting communities without exclusion of each other, beyond their basic instincts for survival that lead them to hunt for eating only. Herbivorous animals, for example, from the same species or from different species coexist with each other without many hurdles. … " — ncbi .nlm .nih .gov /pmc /articles /PMC10961131

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    Nantucket Premium Member 2 months ago

    More money approved for Israel so they killed 22 Palestinians, mostly children, the next day.

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    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 2 months ago

    Hey, Libs! 1938 Germany called – they want their anti-Semites back!

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    trailzen51  2 months ago

    I’ll bet the students know that an apostrophe before an s makes a singular noun possessive, not plural!

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    Polls shows that nearly two thirds of Israelis do not support Bibi’s actions in Gaza.

    So, MAGAs, by your twisted “logic”, that makes 2/3 of Israelis Ant-Semites, huh?

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    Meanwhile, a bunch of MAGA criminal cronies have [finally!] been indicted in the AZ false electors scheme. And the ringleader crook, you-know-who, is named as an “unindicted co-conspirator”.

    Come on, MAGA phreaks and troll cartoonists. Cry us a (expletive) river, will ya?

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    Besides the eleven (11) MAGA fake-elector idiots who held a televised signing ceremony of their perfidy, sixteen (16) more fake electors and other conspirators were indicted in MI.

    _But Wait! There’s more!

    Three (3) more (besides the MAGA Messiah Himself, and several others) in GA.

    Ten (10) more settled, pleading guilty, in a Civil lawsuit in WI, with more in “swing” states (because those are the only states MAGAs can “win”) NV and PA.

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    Roll call of AZ MAGA idiot co-conspirators (not counting the MAGA Messiah Himself, and bottom-feeders Mark Meadows and *Rudy Giuliani) facing election fraud charges are:

    Kelli Ward (State GOP Chair), state Sen. Jake Hoffman; Tyler Bowyer (exec of the MAGA Hitler Youth org Turning Point USA, who serves on the RNC); state Sen. Anthony Kern (in videos rifling through restricted areas inside the U.S. Capitol during the J6 attack and is now a candidate in AZ’s 8th Congressional District); Greg Safsten (former exec director of the AZ GOP); James Lamon (energy industry exec who lost a 2022 MAGA primary for U.S. Senate); Robert Montgomery (chairman of the Cochise County Republican Committee); Samuel Moorhead (GOP precinct committee member in Gila County); Nancy Cottle (the first VP of the AZ Federation of GOP Women);Loraine Pellegrino (president of the Ahwatukee GOP Women); and Michael Ward (osteopathic physician married to MAGA freak Kelli Ward).

    Come on, MAGA freaks and trolls. Tell us it’s all “Fake News”!

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    Zuhl's Wife  2 months ago

    MAGA sycophant Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) screeched that the National Guard should be called out to attack peaceful campus protests.

    You know, the guy who gave a fist bump to J6 insurrectionists before running like a scared rabbit to go into lockdown inside the Capitol, which was being besieged.

    “Conservative” chickens coming home to roost, indeed.

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    zendog13la  2 months ago

    Al supports war criminals.

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