Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for June 18, 2024

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    think it through  11 days ago

    Trump has already lost ’’IT’’ a long time ago. He too, will lose this debate ’’IF’’ he shows up.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  11 days ago

    Goodwyn definetly lost it

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    baroden Premium Member 11 days ago

    Biden will win it because Trump doesn’t understand ANY issue. He only knows how to rant and can’t discuss anything intelligently. He won’t be allowed to slip into his whiny “woe is me” BS. He can’t stalk Biden like he did Hillary. Trump can’t bully Biden.

    Biden is more intelligent and more seasoned than Trump. Trump will come off as an unhinged raving imbecile.

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    superposition  11 days ago

    “… ATLANTA (AP) — Many Americans are unenthusiastic about a November rematch of the 2020 presidential election. But presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump appears to stoke more anger and fear among Americans from his opposing party than President Joe Biden does from his.

    A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that Democrats are more likely to report feeling “fearful” or “angry” about the prospects of another Trump term than Republicans are about the idea of Biden remaining in the White House.

    The emotional reaction Trump inspires may work in his favor too, though, since the poll also found that Republicans are more excited about the prospect of a Trump win than Democrats are about a Biden victory.

    Seven in 10 Democrats say the words “angry” or “fearful” would describe their emotions “extremely well” or “very well” upon a Trump victory. A smaller majority of Republicans – 56% – say the same about a Biden triumph. About 6 in 10 Democrats cite both emotions when contemplating a Trump victory. Again, that exceeds the roughly 4 out of 10 Republicans who said they would feel both angry and scared about Biden prevailing. …"

    — apnews .com/article/democrats-republicans-emotions-election-poll-biden-trump-2d29d5b0be4fe11272ec372542b76b44

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    Hollymartins2  11 days ago

    President Biden has the youngest administration in US history. A stable, diverse team of professionals that admire him and have passed major legislation addressing inflation, jobs, infrastructure and US interests around the world. The US recovery from COVID is the envy of the world and the stock market is hitting record highs. President Biden has never made the presidency into a cult of personality because he knows it is not.

    The Reality Show Con Artist had the worst turnover in recent history. The people he HIRED call him stupid, corrupt, unfit, a coward, a laughing fool to world leaders and a security threat. Either they are right or he is a fraud and bad executive for hiring them. He tried to gaslight his way out of the first real crisis he faced and was the only president to lose jobs since Hoover. He has no capacity or interest in the responsibility or accountability of running a government.

    I’m glad President Biden has made the choice so easy because I could never support a convicted rapist and felon. But then again what kind of trash does?

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    davidthoms1  11 days ago

    Trump will forget why he’s there, if he shows up. He’ll just give one of his unhinged campaign rants instead of even trying to debate. Biden will mop the floor with him. I’ve got even money that Trump forgets who the moderators are!

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    rs0204 Premium Member 11 days ago

    I still believe there is a better-than-average chance that Trump will be a no-show.

    While President Biden prepares for the debate, Trump is doing what he always does: he plans on winging it because he cannot focus and learn. When he was younger, Trump probably had undiagnosed dyslexia, that’s why he never read the reports while President. Now, that issue is supplemented by what I believe is Alzheimer’s. His symptoms are much worse than they were four years ago.

    But here’s the rub—Trump will be asked specific questions to which answers are required. He won’t be able to rile up a crowd like his usual cult meetings. The important people will be watching, and by that, I mean independents. Trump will not lose a single vote from his cult. However, Biden only has to convince a few to win the election.

    Even though Trump will not be fact-checked during the debate, there are hundreds of people behind the scenes who will dissect what both candidates say and point out falsehoods. I can’t wait for another shark boat battery murder statement from Trump.

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    aristoclesplato9  11 days ago

    The loser will be the one that refuses to take a drug test.

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    Ontman  11 days ago

    Goodwyn knows. Trump of course. You know, the one with cognitive function.

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    Al Fresco  11 days ago

    Goodwyn has plainly identified each person’s weakness and the the reason they may lose the debate. But if Joe comes in jacked up on whatever cocktail his handlers are giving he may be the one on the attack. Trump needs to keep his cool no matter which Joe shows up: a confused joe or an enraged Joe.

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    librarylady59  11 days ago

    Won’t magas ever become sick and tired of his constant and consistent whining, vile statements, grifting, grabbing, lying, and his so-called retribution and revenge against all those who won’t ‘love’ him? He told them at the rally during a heatwave… I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. Do they so enjoy being dragged down to utter despair and rage? These emotions, especially felt on a daily, nay hourly, basis are damaging to the body, the mind, and the spirit.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 11 days ago

    The right-wing propaganda sphere is smearing President Biden with lies about performance-enhancing drug use. The same people said that Hunter Biden’s conviction was Russian disinformation. These people’s lies make fantasy novels seem plausible.

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    DC Swamp  11 days ago

    Cadaver Joe won’t be allowed to use the note cards his handlers normally provide so he will know what to say………….pause……………..

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    ncorgbl  11 days ago

    If tRump shows up all Biden needs to do is push tRump’s buttons. That’s easy, and Biden has a team headed by President Obama who is a master at pushing tRump’s buttons.

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    preacherman Premium Member 11 days ago

    Evidently, Al thinks Dump will be the winner. No doubt Dump will win the award for most forceful presentation, though having no actual facts that aren’t lies will be hard for him. Joe will just have to stay back and let him destroy himself. And finally, after getting so flustered with Dump’s tirade, he’ll win the debate with, “I wish he’d just shut up.”

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    rmike7842  11 days ago

    One of the many things I imagine for the up coming campaign season is the possibility of Trump, losing it and really ranting like he’s never done before. Another is Biden collapsing. In both cases, I picture them being ushered out of the room or off stage.

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    Hollymartins2  11 days ago

    The biggest takeaway from the last decade is how much money there is in lying to white people.

    There are global billion dollar operations with one target – low IQ white people. They are the target audience and they are fed nothing but lies all day long, to the point where they are afraid to even consider that they have been been conned.

    The Reality Show Con Artist and his massive voter fraud lie, the “we are fighting to save America” scam, the idea that his fate is connected to their own…….All of these things are absurd lies.

    I don’t get it. But I’m not a low IQ white person so this entire industry of scams and scammers are jokes to me, or at least would be if the results weren’t so tragic.

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    Godfreydaniel  11 days ago

    I hope the moderators are honest enough to say, after every Traitor Trump answer, “That is a lie.” Because it WILL be!

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    piper_gilbert  11 days ago

    Trump will concentrate on personally insulting Joe Biden, and Biden will talk policy. Trump can’t discuss policy. He doesn’t have any. We’re still waiting for that beautiful healthcare plan he promised in two weeks for seven years.

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    braindead Premium Member 11 days ago

    “Religion is such a great thing It keeps you, you know, there’s something to be good about. You want to be good; you want to…It’s so important. And I don’t know if it’s explained. Right. I don’t know if I’m explaining it right now, but when you have something like that, you want to be good. You want to go to heaven, okay? You want to go to heaven.”

    “If you don’t have heaven, you almost say, ‘Oh, what’s what’s the reason?’ Why do I have to be good? Let’s not be good. What difference does it make?’”

    —“Christian” Stable Genius.

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    IndyW  11 days ago

    CNN will rig it somehow with triggered questions. It’s a sure bet they wouldn’t be doing this without some planned outcome for making Joe look the winner.

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    Another Take  11 days ago

    Trump will sneak in a bullhorn to get past the muted mic when it’s not his turn to speak. Just another display of his genius and MIT connection and innate cheating skills.

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    wildlandwaters  11 days ago

    supposedly the mics will be muted when it’s not their turn, but trumpy will just shout out whatever drivel pops into his head, so it won’t make much of a difference…

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 11 days ago

    Of the two scenarios only the one on the left is based in reality. So funny that the GOP sets the bar so very low with the “Joe is completely out of it! He has full blown dementia!” nonsense. Then when people actually see Joe unedited like they did at the State of The Union they know that the GOP has been lying. Sure he is an old man but he is still sharp and engaged with those around him with a firm grasp of the reality that Trump and company are looking to erode our governing institutions. Faced with reality then the narrative suddenly changes to “Joe was on some new wonder drug that cures dementia!” The GOP is dreading Trump getting his clock cleaned in the debate. WIth a mic that won’t be constantly on so he can talk over his opponent Trump will be toast.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 11 days ago

    it’s Biden to lose. If he does badly in the debate, look for Obama and party leaders to try to replace him.

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    Stonehouses3  11 days ago

    I wonder what drugs they will pump Biden full of to get him to a quasi life-like condition; hopefully he won’t freeze up or the bright lights put him into a trance. Is he going to have a monitor so he can answer the questions without having to think?

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    Radish the wordsmith  11 days ago

    Trump said he would ‘let Biden win’. In other words, Trump expects to lose.

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    suidon  11 days ago

    Is Hannity drawing cartoons for Goodwyn?

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    Patjade  10 days ago

    Al goes with the Fox deceptive edit to get his talking point.

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    Just A Guy  10 days ago

    I like all the excuses already being made for how the orange clown will do in the debate: “CNN will rig it”, “Joe will be on something”, “our dear leader will lose on purpose”, etc. An interesting way to show confidence in your chosen candidate. I know they are just regurgitating the talking points on their infotainment sources, but how does someone not realize these are just excuses created to make them feel better about how things will most likely go in the debate?

    Face it, President Biden will most likely be seen as the winner of the debate because he understands the issues, can control himself, and doesn’t spend most of his time complaining like a 5 year old about how everyone is so unfair to him.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    Policies? Policies!? We don’t need no stinkink policies!

    MAGA / Nazis all the way, baby!

    Ah yes. Another pandering propaganda cartoon they love so much. They have nothing left.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    Al, your moronic, criminal Dear Leader would be a fool to show up. You know, as himself.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    I hope will have a spit-shield rigged up to keep the raving MAGA madman from spewing his rage-filled spittle at the real President.

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    Zuhl's Wife  10 days ago

    2020: “If [Biden] wins, the stock market will crash, and we’ll be in a Depression like we never saw before!”

    And today, the stock market hit another new, record high. But hey, the MAGA “genius” absolutely relies on his supporters being nice and stupid, plain and simple.

    And one of their favorite cartoonist just loves to spew the stupid for ’em.

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