Two Party Opera by Brian Carroll for July 01, 2024

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    snappyboy  4 days ago

    Let’s see what the vote would be if we removed those of the Orange persuasion.

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    dotbup  4 days ago

    The main issue here is not that regulators have been hamstrung, it’s that SCOTUS has de facto made themselves the absolute arbiter in every single regulatory decision moving forward. This effectively places the court above the executive and legislative branches in one fell swoop.

    This, combined with the Snyder decision legalizing bribery, and you have the perfect recipe for a handful of wholly corrupt unelected officials with a lifetime tenure and no realistic way to remove them, and who can legally sell their policy decisions to the highest bidder. This is regulatory capture on a massive scale.

    This decision has now made SCOTUS literally the most powerful group of people in the United States. This is a soft coup that will likely have terrifying repercussions for decades to come.

    Project 2025 is coming to fruition.

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    Grandma Lea  4 days ago

    The big question is, "Is attempting to overthrow the government an official act of a president?” If so then the door is open for anyone leaving office to become a dictator. “Is it an official act to use foreign intelligence to obtain information on U.S. Citizens and use that information to blackmail politicians and judges to obtain their support?”The next big question is what differentiates “Official Acts” from self-serving behavior.

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  4. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    The right wing Supreme quacks say its OK for Trump to turn the White House into a den of criminality.

    The federalists have rewritten the Constitution against the USA, as expected.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    ‘Big win!’ Trump gloats after Supreme Court grants him limited immunity

    Donald Trump celebrated the U.S. Supreme Court decision on his immunity claims as a “big win.”

    No, thank you Heritage Society.

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    History will record forever this as ‘The Roberts Court’. I expected the two corrupt judges to rule for tRump, and the 3 appointed by tRump are disappointing but no surprise. But I expected Roberts to have some level of respect for the Law. He does not.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    Sonia Sotomayor: Supreme Court just gave presidents power to assassinate political rivals

    The Supreme Court justices who dissented to Monday’s ruling on former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity claim called it a mockery of the Constitution that reshapes the institution of the presidency.

    Biden should talk to Seal Team 6 about traitor Trump.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    Ex-FBI counsel rips immunity ruling as ‘terrible decision made up of whole cloth’Concluding a complex discussion of the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling that handed Donald Trump limited immunity from being prosecuted, former FBI general counsel Andrew Weissmann called out the court’s conservative justices for making up the law as they go along.

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  9. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member 4 days ago

    That was quick publication. I presume the cartoon was made up ahead of time, but GC putting in today is remarkable.

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  10. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    “I want to be clear with what we’re seeing here,” Rubin replied. “I want to go back to [former solicitor general] Neil Katyal’s comments — this is not so much an opinion as it is a broad edict meant to serve a particular moment, even while they say they are writing a rule for the ages.”

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  11. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  4 days ago

    I see this as an extension of qualified immunity – which was an insane proclamation that turns the principle of equality before the law on its head.

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  12. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    Biden should say…

    ”that means I could order the assassination of my political rival and not be held criminally accountable.”

    “that means I could order the halting of an election, and not be held criminally liable.”

    “these are the powers of a dictator. A king. A tyrant.”

    ”our country was not founded on the principle that we should be ruled by a single absolute ruler. My opponent has no such qualms or concerns.

    ”my opponent has been criminally indicted for believing he is above the law, and now he seeks an office to wield the absolute power I just described.”

    ”I promise that if I am reelected as president I will reject the Supreme court’s twisted interpretation of the law, and restore the rule of law to what it was before the majority decided to assume the role of an imperial court.”

    “This country was founded on the premise of rejecting monarchies, of imperial power, and imperial courts.”

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 4 days ago

    When I enlisted, and reenlisted multiple times, I swore that I would obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers and non-commissioned officers appointed over me me.

    Every new recruit is taught that there is one important word missing. Lawful. The order MUST be lawful. I cannot be ordered to rape, rob, pillage or plunder.

    This decision does nothing but emphasize that LAWFUL.

    The president is immune for his LAWFUL, CONSTITUTIONAL actions taken in the execution of his duties. It may have been the WRONG decision, it may have been a disastrous decision, but as long as it was LAWFUL and CONSTITUTIONAL, he is good.

    This changes nothing. Trump is still responsible for his actions. Just like any other member of the military.

    Whether or not they were LAWFUL or CONSTITUTIONAL needs to be decided in a court room. They should have been decided in the Senate, during his impeachment trial.

    The president should know, deep in his heart, that nothing is LAWFUL simply because he says it is.

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    dcmotrl Premium Member 3 days ago

    My wife mentioned today that a young man in a group that she belongs to made a comment about Trump that could be construed as threatening. Later he received a call to let him know that he would be receiving a visit from the Secret Service. That could be a ruse but it’s worth considering.

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    face.less_b  3 days ago

    Has anyone noticed the shrinking difference between the Supreme Court of the United States and the Supreme Council of the Islamic State? I’m squinting and still have a hard time differentiating between the two.

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  16. Quill pen
    Yontrop  3 days ago

    Ironic that the “original intent” justices ignore that the Constitution doesn’t originally give them the ultimate authority to interpret the Constitution.

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