Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for July 15, 2024

  1. Blue morning
    Yakety Sax  8 months ago

    Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

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    seanfear  8 months ago

    he should get paid for this

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    SHIVA  8 months ago

    He’s very malleable to his kids. They’ve learned a lifelong skill!!!

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    mccollunsky  8 months ago

    You ask Adam what he is dong, it’s going to be a weird answer.

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    snsurone76  8 months ago

    Just deduct the water-bill payments from their allowances.

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    Doctor Toon  8 months ago

    When I cleaned the shed a couple of months back I realized we have about a half dozen sprinklers

    None of them work the way I want

    I want them to magically transform my awful lawn, all they do is get it wet

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    rob.home  8 months ago

    I am our toilet sprinkler these days (and evenings).

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    LawrenceS  8 months ago

    Well, he wasn’t getting any writing done…

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    nosirrom  8 months ago

    “I am the Sprinkler” – the life and summer times of a dad.

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    markkahler52  8 months ago

    Is the local pool broken?

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    Just-me  8 months ago

    The things we’ll do for kids.

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    FassEddie  8 months ago

    So why do Adam and his boy both wear the Sydney Opera House t-shirt?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 months ago

    He is not completely useless……

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    raybarb44  8 months ago

    Good Dad……

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    Sir Isaac  8 months ago

    Made me think of my Scouting days when we’d have to put on skits at camp following the evening meal. The guys in my troop would run across the stage one after the other screaming, “run, run…the viper is coming” and finally a kid would appear dragging a stream of TP and say, “I am the viper!” Best histrionics what you ever did see.

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    Doug K  8 months ago

    Dad: I’ll be the sprinkler … as long as I can stay in the house.

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    brick10  8 months ago

    Time for a trip to the hardware store. That is alway an adventure.

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  18. Stinker
    cuzinron47  8 months ago

    Gonna be a little arm weary after a while, the effort would have been better spent getting another sprinkler.

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    mistercatworks  8 months ago

    Has Adam never heard of duct tape? There are at least three different ways he could tape himself out of this chore.

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    zarilla  8 months ago

    Happy with our small artificial lawn in the front, surrounded by flowering plants. Drip sprinkler system.

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    mafastore  8 months ago

    We never water our lawn. When we moved into the house (which was several decades old even back then) it has a lawn with a walkway from the sidewalk to the front door in the middle of the lawn & a one car driveway from the street to the garage which sits behind the rear of the house line on the right side of the house. We live on a 4 lane (2 each direction), plus parking lane on each side, road.

    After we had parked our car in the street in front of our house (van parked on driveway) for a few months & we had a number of hits by drivers passing by on the car we decided we needed a circular driveway.

    The property is small & house is maybe 20 feet from the roadway so the front of our house became mostly the circular driveway. To be able to drive car (used most often) out of the driveway – it is parked on the straight section, so it has to be backed up & then driven across the front of the house & out the opposite end of the driveway. The van is parked on what was grass, but now is a dirt semicircle that the driveway goes around. So when we need to use the van, unless one of us is driving same and the other is driving the car and the van will get home first, we have to move car to the section of the driveway which is parallel to the roadway. On return van is driven into the driveway entrance (one which is from the original driveway) in a very shallow manner – cannot be any cars parked in front of neighbor’s house and across the driveway back onto the “grass” at the center of the semi-circle.

    Then just for fun – we bought a Class B RV (camper van). It is kept at the top of the straight part of the driveway in front of the car – ie, it cannot be taken off the driveway unless the car is moved onto the section parallel to the road. The RV has to backed out of the straight section of the driveway – which involves me standing in the 4 lane road with a walkie talkie to tell husband when he can pull the RV out. He pulls over the curb & I quickly jump in.

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    aussie399 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Why not use the hose outside. Or use so.e bricks to hold the nozzle?

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