Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 14, 2024

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  6 months ago

    It unbearable to haves empty stomach.

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    juicebruce  6 months ago

    Some do …… Some don’t

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    PraiseofFolly  6 months ago

    … unless the bottle contains ipecac syrup.

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    Steverino Premium Member 6 months ago

    Take one pill. Then your stomach won’t be empty anymore.

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member 6 months ago

    Thanks, I guess. You reminded me I’m supposed to take 6 of my pills before breakfast. I already had my pre-workout fuel, which has me so wired I have no choice but to do my exercises even though I don’t want to.

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    ctolson  6 months ago

    I like my medications. They all say “Take with food”. I only have to decide what food to take with them out side of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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  7. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  6 months ago

    “After the last meal of the day” is another puzzler.

    How do I know how late I’m going to stay up and get hungry again?

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  8. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  6 months ago

    I put my Synthroid on the bathroom counter when I go to bed. I know I’ll get up at least once in the middle of the night and take it then! If by some odd chance my bladder DOES let me sleep through the night, I just take it as soon as I wake up.

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  9. Hi
    Rose Madder Premium Member 6 months ago

    I have taken an empty stomach one for many years, I automatically wake-up at least once a night. There have probably been less than 10 times I have taken it first thing in the morning. Habit is too ingrained.

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  10. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  6 months ago

    Plugger won’t do that intermittent fasting routine.

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    cknoblo Premium Member 6 months ago

    If my stomach feels even slightly upset in the morning, I take my morning pills after I eat.

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    eddi-TBH  6 months ago

    An empty stomach doesn’t need to be that empty. Remember waiting an hour before swimming? That should do the job.

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  13. Squirl2
    Frer Squirrel  6 months ago

    I take bird seed from the bird feeder when the occasion arises.

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    mafastore  6 months ago

    I lay our our pills in day of the week boxes on Saturday nights. Husband has 3 boxes – am, meals and bed. I only have one two for am and meals.

    When we travel we have a different box setup – a box which has a 4 section box for each day. All my pills – morning and meals – go in the lunch sections. His am pills go in am, all his meal pills go in dinner section and his bed time pills in the bed sections.

    We travel in a small RV. There is a sort of kitchen counter. When we go to bed at night we replace the meal time pills from the box for that day into our boxes which carry in our pockets to take the pills at meals when away from home. At night he will take his night pills from the night box. That leaves a set of am pills. I put the box on “his end” (for storage of stuff overnight) of the counter. He takes them in the am and puts the box on “my end” of the counter (next to the tiny sink). Empty box gets put into THE drawer (yes, only drawer we have in it) until night time when it all begins again.

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