Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for September 03, 2024

  1. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  6 months ago

    That ended fast.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 6 months ago

    Awww, come here Ches, I’ll give you a skritch and a hug.

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    laughingkitty  6 months ago

    Sob! I feel sorry for Chesney! He worked so hard to find his poppa, only to have his poppa walk away from him a few minutes later. That’s so sad.

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    laughingkitty  6 months ago

    Today is:



    NATIONAL ANOTHER LOOK UNLIMITED DAY. National Another Look Unlimited Day on the day after Labor Day provides an opportunity for Fall cleaning. Are you feeling green? Has stuff piled up around the house since Spring cleaning time? This observance is a day dedicated to taking a look around your home and ridding it of the excess things you have accumulated. Think Spring cleaning meets Fall cleaning. It’s time to clear out the closets. Purge the attic. Donate toys and clothes. Tidy up, clean up and put to use those items that have a purpose!


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    dbrucepm  6 months ago

    poppa was a sailing cat, wherever he went he was at

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    jessegooddoggy  6 months ago

    Chez, so sorry!! Geez, at 76, should I still be crying over a comic strip??

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    bloodykate  6 months ago

    Oh! My eyes are leaking!!!

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    darcyandsimon  6 months ago

    A bittersweet moment! I like how Pops said “she’s fine.”

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    Queen of America Premium Member 6 months ago

    Off topic: Is there anyone here who lives in the San Antonio area who fosters kittens? Every single org has been called and they’re all full.

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    oakie817  6 months ago


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  11. Img 1062
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member 6 months ago

    My house has sold and i have found a new place to move into.

    I’ve got to come up with $1500 for the inspections and title fees.

    I don’t have it, so this afternoon when i get done running around i’m going to start a GoFundMe.

    I’m also going to eventually hire a couple of guys and a truck to move things bigger than a box. And i don’t have any cash for that.

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  12. Fisheyes
    GKBOWOOD Premium Member 6 months ago

    Good ol’ Poppa White Paw!

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    miztrniceguy  6 months ago


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    Red Bird  6 months ago

    Must his poppa leave so soon? I’m really gonna miss him.

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    prrdh  6 months ago

    Poppa is a rolling stone; that’s the Undisputed Truth.

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    Queen of America Premium Member 6 months ago

    Here is the kitten back story:

    My friends’ husband travels for work. He installs batch plant parts? Beats me.Anyway, he’s been in San Antonio and heard a kitten crying outside of Taco Bell. No mama or siblings around, about 3 weeks old. Starving! He took her to the hotel (after stopping for supplies and KMR) and set up a big bin with a litter box, water and a stuffed toy. He was feeding her by hand. This is the couple who takes care of the ferals the rednecks behind them leave to starve or freeze. I help out by buying 30 lb bags of food, putting money into the spay account so when she traps, they can get fixed. I keep her supplied with treats and toys for them, too. So, taking care of a bottle baby is not new to him. The three of us spent last week calling everyone in SA. No luck, everyone is full. By now, the kitten has a new daddy she’s bonded with. He took her to concrete plant and all of the guys loved on her.

    It looks like my friend will be bringing back this tiny kitten back to UT. He canceled his flight (kittens have to be 8 weeks to fly and this little girl is about 3) and will rent a car to drive back to southern UT. He’s had her at the hotel with him for 5 days now. He was feeding her by hand (He’s been doing this for yrs so knows what he’s doing) and is now transitioning her to goopy, mushy food. This way he won’t have to stop as often to feed the little thing. His wife has been sending me pictures and he’s bonded with her but would be willing to let a good foster mom or dad take over. I guess that’s not going to happen.

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    tad1  6 months ago


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    tad1  6 months ago

    Aw, does he have to leave so soon? At least (judging by Chesney’s Poppa saying “she sounds fine”), Chesney seems to have spoken positively of Annie, for once. (Love the last panel, by the way. Simply beautiful.) On another note, saw a chipmunk, a wren, a rabbit, and a dragonfly while out walking today.

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