Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 21, 2024

  1. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  5 months ago
    Three men were running from a Persian army when they came to the edge of a cliff…

    With nowhere else to run, they prayed to their God for help, and an angel appeared.

    The angel said, “I will allow you to run and jump off this cliff to test your faith, and the first thing you scream after jumping will be what you transform into…”

    The first man without hesitation ran and jumped off the cliff screaming “HAWK!” and he turned into a hawk and flew away.

    The second man, with slight hesitation ran and leaped off the edge and yelled “EAGLE!” and he turned into an eagle and flew away to safety.

    The third man, of little faith, ran and stumbled over a rock right before jumping and as he started to fall he said, “Sh‍it…”

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  2. A common  tater
    A Common 'tator  5 months ago

    My immediate question was, without freezers, how did they manufacture the ice, in the first place?

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  3. 50championstarlight
    51 Champion  5 months ago

    Leaving comments on comics proves you’re not not very intelligent and you waste your time. Oh… wait a moment… except me of course.

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  4. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member 5 months ago

    Yeah? And look where it got “the Persians.”

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  5. Missing large
    papajim545  5 months ago

    Also, I’ve seen his posts in other strips, withering same stuff. Maddening

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  6. Photo
    DawnQuinn1  5 months ago

    Give Jason a break. He has issues not everyone knows about. You want people banned? How about those haters over at Crankshaft?

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  7. Greg backlit
    mindjob  5 months ago

    Glacial ice is a mineral, a mineral has to be naturally occurring.

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  8. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member 5 months ago

    I thought that structure was temple for their god, Devo.

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  9. No name on the bullet
    NoNameOntheBullet Premium Member 5 months ago

    I have no idea about *Jasonsnakelover*’s issues or comments. I am unfamiliar with how to find his profile page to get myself up to speed. However, I can just about discern what has transpired. I am discomfited how all these “Social Media” Internet platforms lead to such hateful and hurtful interactions.

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  10. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  5 months ago

    Whoa! That big thread about @jasonsnakelover just got deleted! Possibly because the OP didn’t like what his post had started…

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  11. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  5 months ago

    We often see posters here who have an Agenda (Obsession?), and their posts are usually very similar. There was one who only posted stuff about some girl, and the posts never had anything to do with the comic or other posts. There was a guy who always just “explained” the comic. There was one that always seemed to take exception to one specific comic, and, even though there was no character by that name, would call a character “Nancy”, I think it was. And one who seemed to believe that there were “rules” for being a mythical creature (vampires, mostly), and anything else was just wrong. Most of them don’t last long. And I have, more than once, been the object of one of Jason’s “rants”, one of which I flagged.

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  12. John wayne
    The Duke  5 months ago

    Speaking of ice, I always enjoyed the Three Stooges skit where Curly is carrying a block of ice up a large set of stairs and when he gets to the top there is only an ice cube left of the block.

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  13. Mmae
    pearlsbs  5 months ago

    Cold Beer and Ice Cream in the Old West?

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  14. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  5 months ago

    How did they make ice in dry, arid, desert regions?


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  15. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  5 months ago

    Why is ice a mineral but water is not?

    For a substance to be considered a mineral, it has to satisfy certain criteria. It has to be solid, inorganic and forming naturally. It also has to have a definite chemical composition —H2O—and it has to have a definite crystal structure.

    Ice satisfies all these criteria, so we consider it a mineral.

    Water, on the other hand, only satisfies some of them.

    Although it has a definite chemical composition (H2O), it’s obviously neither solid and also doesn’t have a definite crystal structure.

    When water freezes and forms ice, there’s actually a smaller number of H2O molecules for every unit volume.

    That means it has a lesser density.

    That’s why ice floats on water.

    In nature, this process of expansion is a significant contribution to the weathering and erosion of rocks.

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  16. 8fbc3980561df8c73607d1fb424029ab
    Aimless Melissa   5 months ago

    I didn’t know that ice is considered a mineral. Interesting.

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