Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 23, 2024

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  5 months ago

    Ending controversy among commentators, I suppose.

    Or not.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  5 months ago

    What is this obsession of Trump and Pence with CATS?

    Vance has been obsessed for years with “childless cat ladies.” That obsession with other people’s private choices about families is really WEIRD.

    A lady in Springfield, Ohio, makes a post about a missing cat that she thinks was eaten by Haitian immigrants. Her source? Literally, “I’ve been told
” and from “a neighbor’s daughter’s friend.” She further said she heard something from “Rangers & police
” — the only specific source she ever cited, except for the little problem that the Rangers and police denied the allegation and refuted it, further eliminating even the slightest shred of credibility. She later admitted that it was a mistake, that she did not know, and apologized.

    Another Springfield resident discovered her cat missing. In the Trump/Vance induced frenzy, she accused a Haitian neighbor. She later found her cat in her basement, very much alive and well. She apologized to her neighbor.

    Nevertheless, liars Trump and Vance double, triple, quadruple down on their racist tropes about pet-eating Haitians, despite assurances from the REPUBLICAN mayor, the REPUBLICAN city manager and the REPUBLICAN governor that THOSE LIES ARE FALSE AND DANGEROUS and stirring up unnecessary racial tensions.

    If they want to talk to someone about bizarre habits of eating dead animals, they should talk to Robert F Kennedy Jr.

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    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    The reason Trump and Vance, or whatever his name is, continue to talk about Haitians eating cats is to deflect anyone talking about actual issues like:

    Project 2025, which The Messiah knows nothing about, even though dozens of his former staff produced it.

    The continued assault on womens’ rights, including womens’ right not to die because certain kinds of health care have been made illegal by magat Republicans. Because ‘pro’ life.

    The pandemic, which Their Messiah was totally responsible for a million American deaths and the total crash of the economy. But, but, but, it was Someone Else’s fault.

    The economy was in a shambles when Trump left office. Again, Someone Else was the problem.

    The Tariff Fairy is not a tax and is not going to cost anyone anything, but will magically eliminate the national debt ‘in a very short time, I believe’. — from a Stable Genius who graduated from Wharton School of Business as valedictorian, whose grades are secret.

    #TraitorTrump idolizes Putin and other dictators, pulled us out of the Open Skies treaty and the treaty with Iran, and gave top secret information to Russians in the Oval Office.


    And Stantis joins the deflection.

    That way he can pretend he is criticizing Trump. Because fair and balanced.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member 5 months ago

    And the conservative lies yet once again.

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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    I like the one about “It’s too late for another debate.”

    Too Late???

    2016 debate dates:

    Sep 26, 2016

    Oct 19, 2016

    2020 debate dates:

    September 29

    October 15 (Canceled)

    October 22

    It’s only September 22nd.

    Is my calendar wrong, or is that the aroma of roasted chicken in the air?


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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    And, don’t forget to watch the award-winning movie next month: “The Apprentice”. Yeah, the one the clueless old real estate salesman and his bus load of attorneys don’t want America to see! In fact, he has already filed lawsuits to prevent its release in America citing “election interference”! Hey, you just can’t make this nonsense up! What an international embarrassment! What a LOSER!

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  7. Yin yang
    Havel  5 months ago

    More scare tactics from the GOP candidates. It’s all they’ve got.

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    WestNYC Premium Member 5 months ago

    Once and for all; Winslow is a coyote who is drawn to look like a cat ;-)

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  9. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 5 months ago

    And I’m sure spreading a lie that a group of black people are puppy-eating savages has nothing to do with race.

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    TwilightFaze  5 months ago

    Carmen, Winslow is a coyote. He’s closer to being a dog, if anything. How, after all these years, have you not recognized this

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    RobinHood  5 months ago

    Carman js making a joke, ironically humor is in short supply here.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 5 months ago

    Obviously, Stantis is playing 3 dimensional chess while we’re playing checkers. Carmen knows full well he’s not a cat, but she persists in reference to Vance’s insistence that continuing to lie about legal immigrants is a legitimate campaign tactic and not blatant, racist persecution of “others”.

    How the * is this race still a toss up?

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    bxclent  Premium Member 5 months ago


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    ctolson  5 months ago

    Winslow had best be concerned ’cause Vance and DJT will be talking about the immigrants eating all the coyotes in Texas there-by depleating a natural preditor of mice and rats, and such. Thus causing Texas to be over run by them.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    I want a cat big enough to eat Trump

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    dogday Premium Member 5 months ago

    Anyone who thinks those two or their (p)sychophants protect anyBODY from anyTHING shouldn’t be let out without adult supervision.

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    BRBurns1960  5 months ago

    I’ve heard, (from a Kennedy?), that coyote is delicious when properly prepared

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    MC3D  5 months ago

    So is Stantis making fun of his own bad drawing that looks like a cat, but isn’t?

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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    This just in:

    The Haitian Bridge Alliance, a non-profit organization that “provides migrants and immigrants with humanitarian, legal and social services”, filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and JD Vance over their inflammatory, racist remarks about Haitian immigrants. The rhetoric has led to threats of violence in Springfield, Ohio, including more than 30 bomb threats, forced evacuations of schools and government buildings and violence against Haitians in the city.

    The filing comes after both the Republican presidential candidate and his running mate made false statements about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, alleging that they were stealing and eating their neighbors’ pets. The charges include disrupting public services, making false alarms, two counts of telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing, and complicity. Ohio law allows the public to file criminal charges in the same way a prosecutor would. In this case, the Haitian Bridge Alliance is asking the Clark county municipal court to affirm that there is probable cause that Trump and Vance committed the crimes, and to issue arrest warrants for them both.

    “Trump and Vance have knowingly spread a false and dangerous narrative by claiming that Springfield, Ohio’s Haitian community is criminally killing and eating neighbors’ dogs and cats, and killing and eating geese,” the affidavit reads. “They accused Springfield’s Haitians of bearing deadly disease. They repeated such lies during the presidential debate, at campaign rallies, during interviews on national television, and on social media.”

    Trump continued perpetuating the statements even after they had been confirmed to be false, while Vance recently remarked that he was willing to “create stories” for political gain." – Guardian


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    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    After weeks of lobbing accusations of pet-killing at Haitian immigrants, Republicans are facing allegations of killing dogs within their own ranks. Kevin Roberts, the current president of the far-right policy think tank The Heritage Foundation who has been called the “architect” of the Christian nationalist Project 2025 policy blueprint, allegedly told colleagues two decades ago that he had

    killed a neighborhood dog with a shovel because it was making too much noise, according to a report in the Guardian.

    Roberts reportedly made the comments at a dinner party in 2004, according to attendees who spoke to the news outlet. At the time, he was a history professor at New Mexico State University. He became president of The Heritage Foundation in December 2021 and went on to spearhead the Project 2025 agenda for a second Trump term, with detailed plans for gutting queer and trans rights.

    “He was discussing in the hallway with various members of the faculty, including me, that a neighbor’s dog had been barking pretty relentlessly and was, you know, keeping the baby and probably the parents awake and that he kind of lost it and took a shovel and killed the dog. End of problem,” Ken Hammond, who chaired the university’s history department at the time of the 2004 dinner party, told the Guardian.

    At least five other people, including four professors and one of their spouses, recall hearing a similar story either directly from Roberts or from people who said Roberts told them the story. In a statement to the news outlet, Roberts denied killing the dog, calling the story “patently untrue” and “baseless.”

    Uh Huh – sure.

    So, If THIS is the kind of scum you want running the United States, and advising the former putz who is infamous for saying, in his LOSING debate (more than once): “They’re eating our dogs!”

    It’s far better to kill a puppy with a shovel, (Right DonOLD?) – who never had a pet ’cause it would cause people to look elsewhere than at his flabulous self.

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