I once interviewed for a job at a large company. The man in Personnel who interviewed me was reluctant to hire me because he thought I was overqualified and would not stick around. However, I knew from the family friend, who was retiring from that job and had tipped me off about it, that I was the only one applying who had the training and skills to qualify for the job. I got hired for that job. The man who interviewed was gone a couple of years later and I retired after 43 years of service at that company.
PraiseofFolly 4 months ago
Weather Dept: Vice President in Charge of Looking Out the Window? [P.J. Hoff]
sandpiper 4 months ago
Translation: Had a lot of jobs. Did little with them.
ʲᔆ 4 months ago
potential > kinetic
InTraining Premium Member 4 months ago
Underachievers are in great demad in all levels of overnment.
uniquename 4 months ago
And you’ll continue to be underemployed.
Jml58 4 months ago
Whenever he is employed, he gets overpaid.
mbhiggins5555 4 months ago
I once interviewed for a job at a large company. The man in Personnel who interviewed me was reluctant to hire me because he thought I was overqualified and would not stick around. However, I knew from the family friend, who was retiring from that job and had tipped me off about it, that I was the only one applying who had the training and skills to qualify for the job. I got hired for that job. The man who interviewed was gone a couple of years later and I retired after 43 years of service at that company.
gopher gofer 4 months ago
my high school class voted me most likely to be least likely… ☺
Strawberry King 4 months ago
It’s hard finding good help these days.