And that’s just the first outlay. Then there is choosing just the right mix of flavors for the ‘special’ blend, then a tamper, cleaning picks, reamer, tobacco pouch, matches or lighter [the many versions of the latter make for interesting reading], ash trays, the ash dust on clothes, etc. It just keeps getting better.
For many beginners that lasted about 6 months to a year, then the pipe and gear were put aside for more convenient methods of destroying their lungs.
Tracy-Mincer (sp?) was a small pipe making business here in Indy. (It may still be in operation.) Decades ago, the business was located on the near south side of the city in the former Jackson Building, which stands a few blocks from the Circle. There were a number of small businesses situated there back in the 70s (when it was the Morris Building, then the Farris Building), and one or two larger ones such as the Library Bindery. Tracy-Mincer made custom pipes, and, probably, lines of “standard” ones, too. The Jackson building (now owned by Eli Lilly) has an interesting history. Built circa 1907, it was the first, or nearly the first, large building designed and built as a 100% re-enforced concrete structure. Its floors, exterior walls, stairways, and load bearing interior supports are all re-enforced concrete. The edifice is 7 stories tall with ceiling heights of about 10 to 12 feet. The original eponymous owners, the Jackson Brothers, were clothing manufacturers who concentrated on work clothing. They occupied the 7th floor.
I am pretty “experienced” at this time of my life and my wife and travel some but, I cannot remember the last time I saw somebody smoking a pipe. Just sayin’.
My grandfather smoked a pipe when I was a young girl. I really missed it when he quit smoking back in the early 60’s. The pipe tobacco always smelled good.
Yakety Sax 4 months ago
“A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.”― C.S. Lewis
Ubintold 4 months ago
Somebody tell him to pipe down.
sandpiper 4 months ago
And that’s just the first outlay. Then there is choosing just the right mix of flavors for the ‘special’ blend, then a tamper, cleaning picks, reamer, tobacco pouch, matches or lighter [the many versions of the latter make for interesting reading], ash trays, the ash dust on clothes, etc. It just keeps getting better.
For many beginners that lasted about 6 months to a year, then the pipe and gear were put aside for more convenient methods of destroying their lungs.
A# 466 4 months ago
Tracy-Mincer (sp?) was a small pipe making business here in Indy. (It may still be in operation.) Decades ago, the business was located on the near south side of the city in the former Jackson Building, which stands a few blocks from the Circle. There were a number of small businesses situated there back in the 70s (when it was the Morris Building, then the Farris Building), and one or two larger ones such as the Library Bindery. Tracy-Mincer made custom pipes, and, probably, lines of “standard” ones, too. The Jackson building (now owned by Eli Lilly) has an interesting history. Built circa 1907, it was the first, or nearly the first, large building designed and built as a 100% re-enforced concrete structure. Its floors, exterior walls, stairways, and load bearing interior supports are all re-enforced concrete. The edifice is 7 stories tall with ceiling heights of about 10 to 12 feet. The original eponymous owners, the Jackson Brothers, were clothing manufacturers who concentrated on work clothing. They occupied the 7th floor.
PraiseofFolly 4 months ago
The corncob pipe still has some kernels on it.
Huckleberry Hiroshima 4 months ago
He’s shooting you a look, dude.
Funniguy 4 months ago
I am pretty “experienced” at this time of my life and my wife and travel some but, I cannot remember the last time I saw somebody smoking a pipe. Just sayin’.
Ichabod Ferguson 4 months ago
I haven’t seen anyone smoking a pipe in years.
Mediatech 4 months ago
Does it come with a bottle of bubble fluid?
Gameguy49 Premium Member 4 months ago
It’s plastic, don’t get it too hot.
monya_43 4 months ago
My grandfather smoked a pipe when I was a young girl. I really missed it when he quit smoking back in the early 60’s. The pipe tobacco always smelled good.
Pluggergirl 4 months ago
Why anyone wants to smoke anything i’ll never understand.
mfrasca 4 months ago
That is not a pipe.
walstib Premium Member 4 months ago
My FIL was frugal, so he mixed in some good tobacco with the cheap stuff.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 4 months ago
“….And then there’s the expense of treating mouth cancer.”
dlestersprint0 4 months ago
I smoked a pipe in my twenty’s and I found he better it smelled the worse it smoked. I think I settled on Prince Albert in a can.
jpozenel 4 months ago
If this “Herman” comic was printed 100 years ago, there might not be much humor. (Maybe $3.00 for a pipe would just sound outrageous).
Strawberry King 4 months ago
Careful, dude. He might take his 3 dollars elsewhere.