La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 29, 2024

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    And I believe absolutely every single thing Donald Trump has ever said. Would a person as honorable as Mr. Trump ever lie to us? [Here insert reference to the 30,573 such occasions documented by the Washington Post during his 4-year presidency, an average of 21 a day. And that was based only on his officially reported comments, not what he was saying to his staff or co-conpirators in private.]

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    kingdiamond69  4 months ago

    We can not believe a word he says he says he wont sign an national abortion bill but we know better he is a desperate man he knows he could be headed to prison as soon as this month if he loses.

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 4 months ago

    Maybe she’s one her relatives don’t like.

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    shamest Premium Member 4 months ago

    There are people who actually believe that. AS much as he talks about Latinos you probably will make that list. I am a US Army vet, Cal Nat Guard and U S Airforce brat that was born in Canada while my father was stationed there serving in the US Airforce. Wondering how far he will go. The neighbors wife immigrated legally from mexico is wondering the same thing. I am voting blue. Remember Christian Nationalism Invented by the American Nazi movement in the 20-30s was a code phase for Nazism and white supremacist. They tried this during WW2. Then Joe McCarthy Helped them (yeah he was a closet Nazi) and then John Birch. Oh forgot old Huey Long.This group was even involved with the Christian Coalition/ Moral Majority. So the fight goes on. This time lets not just Kick them out of office. Yeah Vote Blue. Lets hold them accountable.

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    cdward  4 months ago

    The history of the immigration “crisis” is sordid and largely just a political game. There used to be regular day (or seasonal) laborer traffic back and forth between the US and Mexico. People came, worked, and went home. Then right wingers started fear-mongering about the brown “invasion”, so they passed ever stricter, ever more draconian laws making it virtually impossible to come here legally. The result was that more people decided to just stay here illegally, which is what we have today. We waste so many resources on this idiotic immigration stunt.

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    cdward  4 months ago

    As for the economy, Trump tanked it the first time, and nearly all economists agree that Trump’s tariffs will destroy it this time and increase the deficit more than twice as much as Harris’s plan, which, they say, will actually improve the economy.

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    mysterysciencefreezer  4 months ago

    “The leopards would never eat my face,” says voter for Leopards Will Eat Your Face party.

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    Havel  4 months ago

    Another example of the general innumeracy of humans. Little to no understanding of the cost to taxpayers to force millions of people out of the country. Almost complete disregarding the value of the work that people who come here have helped make our economy #1 in the world. Just wait until the businesses dependent on their labor collapse. (How will Trump’s promise of building so many houses happen?)Careful what you ask for…

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    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    Let’s “deport” Traitor Trump to prison where he without question belongs!

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    sevaar777  4 months ago

    The elements that jump out in America are islands of extreme wealth surrounded by extreme poverty, decay, extreme nationalism bolstered by omnipresent religion. Much of their beliefs and activities would be considered psychopathic cults in other societies. The fanatical obsession with firearms coupled with intense paranoia and general immorality is gasoline in search of a spark. Not “protecting” the “American Dream” but the tools to sink the nation into anarchy. Drump is not the answer, and while Harris is light-years better than Orangey the Horror Clown, she’s a band-aid on a slashed carotid artery. A new political vision is necessary that acts directly to dramatically reverse income inequalities and address national issues of affordable quality healthcare, education, shelter, and all the suffering the average American citizen experiences daily, and never deserved. NEITHER POLITICAL PARTY wants this. One party is insane, the other lame. Both are in the pockets of the oligarchs, the true owners of government and America in general.

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    They lied to you as tRump does.

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    Walter Kocker  4 months ago

    2024 election updates: Trump claims he didn’t hear comedian’s racist comments at rally, and he wasn’t there, and he doesn’t bear any responsibility, and Kamala did it with Nancy Pelosi, and . . .

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    Here’s a question that should be published in every “letters to the editor” column in America: “Should a convicted felon who can’t legally own a handgun in New York be handed the trigger to the world’s largest nuclear arsenal?”

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    mistercatworks  4 months ago

    Basically, his plan is to deport immigrants HE doesn’t like, which seems to be all but Melania and Elon.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 4 months ago

    My plan for a sensible campaign-finance regime:

    (1) Any individual citizen could donate up to $1000 (indexed for inflation) per election to any candidate running in the same jurisdiction where the citizen lives (city-wide for mayor, statewide for governor, nationwide for president, etc.).

    (2) No organizations (businesses, non-profits, churches, governmental entities) would be allowed to donate at all, nor to reimburse or in any way reward private citizens for doing so.

    (3) Candidates would be required to make full disclosure of all contributions received 6 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, and 2 weeks before the election.

    (4) Illegal contributions must be refused or returned within 5 days of receipt. Any such that are retained in excess of 2% of a candidate’s total donations will disqualify the candidate from being elected.

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