Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for December 04, 2024

  1. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  3 months ago

    Pre-broken? Whereā€™s the fun in that?

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  2. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  3 months ago

    @ d&k Ā Picked up yore Reply before opening todayā€™s.. Youā€™re welcome ! ;-)

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    GovernorOfCalisota {LoveBozobyFoxo} Premium Member 3 months ago

    Jellybean is not into DIY ā˜ŗļø

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  4. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  3 months ago

    What a great idea! Let your people think you are doing your job, while in fact, youā€™ve napped all day.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 3 months ago

    Do they sell the little hawked up pile I always found under my tree? Well I found it other times too. Maybe it isnā€™t a ā€œseasonalā€ thing.

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    laughingkitty  3 months ago

    I donā€™t know about Chesney, but I know that my cats would prefer to break ornaments themselves (or to cause me to by knocking them off the tree so when I rock forward in my recliner, I squash them). And they do their own wrapping paper tearing (especially while Iā€™m trying to wrap presents.

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    laughingkitty  3 months ago

    Today is:






    SANTAā€™S LIST DAY. My list for Santa would include cat food, cat litter, cat toys and some groceries for me.


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    laughingkitty  3 months ago

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes yesterday. I did call in sick for Tuesday because I still had a fever even as it got close to time to leave for work. And I was still coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose. Over the course of 2 days (Monday and Tuesday), I went through 2 whole boxes of Kleenex (120 tissues to a box). Iā€™m coughing a lot less now, but still sneezing and blowing my nose. And now I have watery eyes and a red, sore nose. Itā€™s so seldom that I get sick, but whatever bug I picked up sure hit me hard. I did a Covid test and it came back negative. But while I feel somewhat better now, Iā€™m still not well. If Iā€™m not better in the morning than I am right now (Iā€™m going to bed in about 5 minutes), I will call off work again in the morning. I canā€™t work with watery eyes and a runny nose. I have the day off on Thursday, then I should be good to go on Friday. My fever has broken, at least for now, but Iā€™ll see if it goes back up in the morning. Iā€™ve been feeling a bit ā€œbarfyā€ so itā€™s hard to eat. I hope I can eat more starting today.

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    diskus Premium Member 3 months ago

    Need to add toppled trees

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    ladykat Premium Member 3 months ago

    General havoc all around! Iā€™m not sure what Christmas stuff I will put up because of my hooligans.

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    jessegooddoggy  3 months ago

    Jellybean looks perplexed. Not sure if Iā€™ll put up my tree this year, the new siamese really likes to play. I have not purchased a cut Christmas tree in decades, usually cutting a long pine branch locally and literally nailing it to a wall until Craig and I purchased a pinyon pine (which has been on the porch for 8 years now). I was at Home Depot yesterday and glanced at the trees out in front ā€“ $185 for a dying tree? Really?

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  12. Pirate regular 1
    bloodykate  3 months ago

    LOL!! I remember getting Christmas gifts from my sister, with cat hair stuck to the tape. They were ā€œhelpingā€ her. : D

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    darcyandsimon  3 months ago

    Ohboy! Broken ornaments!!

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  14. Freedom
    bookworm0812  3 months ago

    Butā€¦.doesnā€™t buying the stuff already broken, shredded and torn take all the fun out of it?

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    Queen of America  3 months ago
    Where are the empty boxes?
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    Queen of America  3 months ago

    Itā€™s been a rough few weeks for me. Long story, starting last Sept with my sister. She started losing weight because everything came out at both ends.Doc blew her off. Had to wait 6 weeks to see the gastro, then another few weeks to be scheduled for the colonoscopy. At this time, sheā€™s lost about 100 lbs. Her friend said sheā€™s looked horrible. Last month she lost all bowel control, started falling. Ambos came, hospital sent her home twice. This last time it was clear she couldnā€™t go home. She was passed between TWO hospitals because nobody knew what to so. Gastro doc NEVER showed up. Finally, on Thanksgiving, they did surgery. Still donā€™t know a diagnosis or what they did, but she has an ostomy bag and has had a feeding tube. She got CDiff and sepsis and a clot in her arm from the pic line. A doctor finally called me yesterday so I got info that Sandy didnā€™t tell me. But, in her defense, sheā€™s been pretty out of it from the pain meds. On Monday night, something happened and it was so bad they sent her for a brain scan. Everything was ok so they donā€™t know what happened. In the meantime, her friend has been going to her place to shampoo carpets and try to deal with everything because of no bowel control. She has a full time job and a preteen son so sheā€™s been run ragged. I talked to her late last week and told her to just throw away all of the bedding and bath linens and some of the clothing. And, even the two quilts I made her. There was no reason for her to deal with that biohazard issue. I went onto amazon and bought linens, some sleep shorts sets, undies and other things. I know there will be more but it was a start. I had everything sent to her friend. Theyā€™re sending her to rehab late this week. She THINKS she going home. Wonā€™t she be surprised when the ambo drops her at rehab? Among all of that, I made a quilt for her friendsā€™ mom. Finished this morning.So, I havenā€™t been anywhere online much.

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  17. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  3 months ago

    Not to mention boxes ā€¦ boxes ā€¦ boxes ā€¦

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    tad1  3 months ago


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    tad1  3 months ago

    Looks like they donā€™t sell tinsel. Thatā€™s good. Tinsel is bad for cats to swallow. Heck, itā€™s bad for ANYONE to swallow! Iā€™ve never used tinsel in my Christmas decorations. On another note, saw four chickadees and eight varied thrushes while out walking today.

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