So while we are enjoying (?) this rerun, an odd thought occured to me…Why throw this in in the middle of a story and not just run it as a bridge between the current story and the next one (whomever is writing it)…I think the issue this time is not Mike needing additional prep time – again if he needed coverage, they would have put it between stories…but perhaps the issue is Eric Costello – maybe something with the storyline-perhaps the Trib requested a changed for content or perhaps to extend or shorten it? Or something up with Charles meeting deadlines? Think about it.
The theme to the Top Cat cartoon show has been running through my head for three days now . Checkov and Captain Terrell didn’t have it worse on Ceti Alpha V .
1- SHAKEY – NOT STIRRED: Didn’t Double Up confess? What’re ya botherin’ me for???
2- BLACKJACK: What? You believe I might be writing myself prescriptions for “uppers”? How can you look at my calm demeanor and suspect that?
3- BOB NEWHART: Well…yes…I may have…may have killed him. I…I don’t remember. NOW LEMME DO MY RODNEY DANGERFIELD FOR YOU, DICK! I begin by loosening and pulling on my tiel
HOWARD: “An’ never get any respect! NO respect at all! I mean, I could’ had a guest starring role in GASOLINE ALLEY this week, buy my agent, Mr. Fang, booked me for a one-panel gig here, AND I gotta pay car face to get here!”
(It’s the Dangerfield tie shift that set me off) (Well, he also looks like Bob Newhart melting,but shy bring that up?)
avenger09 2 days ago
Tracy would save himself a ton of time and effort if he just read the strip from September 2nd, 2018.
Case closed!
Neil Wick 2 days ago
Good morning™, all!
Of course, all the rest of the suspects are also innocent.
Get them all in a “confession” box in church.
retropop 2 days ago
So while we are enjoying (?) this rerun, an odd thought occured to me…Why throw this in in the middle of a story and not just run it as a bridge between the current story and the next one (whomever is writing it)…I think the issue this time is not Mike needing additional prep time – again if he needed coverage, they would have put it between stories…but perhaps the issue is Eric Costello – maybe something with the storyline-perhaps the Trib requested a changed for content or perhaps to extend or shorten it? Or something up with Charles meeting deadlines? Think about it.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 2 days ago
Good morning™, Deadly Deed Deniers !
Someone’s lying through their pearly whites.
iggyman 2 days ago
I guess Dr. Roche was not too popular? !
otrfan 2 days ago
Is it my imagination…or does Dr. Howard look a bit like the late Bob Newhart?
Tradewinds309 1 day ago
Dr. Howard should have been named Dr. Dangerfield.
Ignatz Premium Member 1 day ago
What really weird is that they stay in character when answering a cop’s questions about a murder.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 1 day ago
“You should never mix fairy tales with liverwurst and buttermilk”
Rosemary Clooney—-WHITE CHRISTMAS—1954
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 1 day ago
Okay,it’s Rogue’s gallery time—-an advanced test for Burchett on how well he can draw familiar faces.
They couldn’t find anybody who looked remotely like Oodles
Another Take 1 day ago
Bob Newhart alert – Panel 3!
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 1 day ago
The theme to the Top Cat cartoon show has been running through my head for three days now . Checkov and Captain Terrell didn’t have it worse on Ceti Alpha V .
Another Take 1 day ago
1- SHAKEY – NOT STIRRED: Didn’t Double Up confess? What’re ya botherin’ me for???
2- BLACKJACK: What? You believe I might be writing myself prescriptions for “uppers”? How can you look at my calm demeanor and suspect that?
3- BOB NEWHART: Well…yes…I may have…may have killed him. I…I don’t remember. NOW LEMME DO MY RODNEY DANGERFIELD FOR YOU, DICK! I begin by loosening and pulling on my tiel
I TELL YA – I DON’T GET NO RESPECT!!!That Wichita Guy! 1 day ago
HOWARD: “An’ never get any respect! NO respect at all! I mean, I could’ had a guest starring role in GASOLINE ALLEY this week, buy my agent, Mr. Fang, booked me for a one-panel gig here, AND I gotta pay car face to get here!”
(It’s the Dangerfield tie shift that set me off) (Well, he also looks like Bob Newhart melting,but shy bring that up?)
carsc23 Premium Member 1 day ago
I guess Dr. Hall is a tribute to Huntz Hall. Do I get a gold star?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 1 day ago
Jerome Trohs is hiding under the sofa until the excitement blows over