Hang it sideways, Roy, and attach it to something that can turn it, such as the motor of a rotisserie oven. When you finish decorating one side, you can rotate the tree and decorate the next. If you’re adding colored lights, be sure to use the battery-powered kind instead of the corded ones.
I have a Dr. Who #4 ornament, but no tree from which to hang it. I also have a K-9, but he’s not a tree ornament (well, maybe it is, I received it as a gift and never took it out of the box to look at it.)
Julius Marold Premium Member 3 days ago
And then there’s the watering…
Yakety Sax 3 days ago
Millennium Falcon, Tardis, ET. Can’t quite tell what the black ornament is and there may be two more……..
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 3 days ago
Well, if you are going to have Millenium Falcon, how about an X-Wing. Lo, these many years ago, my wife got me one (from Avon, of all places).
I have a small model of the Rocinante, which would be about the right size for an ornament.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 3 days ago
There is on the right side, a cone shaped object which is green, with a yellow stripe. Doesn’t appear to be a witch’s hat.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 3 days ago
And maybe something near the end of the top left branch?
The Reader Premium Member 3 days ago
Problem solved?
phritzg Premium Member 3 days ago
Hang it sideways, Roy, and attach it to something that can turn it, such as the motor of a rotisserie oven. When you finish decorating one side, you can rotate the tree and decorate the next. If you’re adding colored lights, be sure to use the battery-powered kind instead of the corded ones.
RobinHood 3 days ago
No Enterprise 1701? No bloody A, B, C, D, or E, The Enterprise.
cabalonrye 3 days ago
If you own a cat this could be the perfect place for a Xmas tree.
poppacapsmokeblower 3 days ago
And it frustrates the dickens out of the cat.
ladykat 3 days ago
And cats can’t bget at the ornaments!
imladris 3 days ago
I think the black ornament is the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
OldDesertLizard Premium Member 3 days ago
I was thinking of a “Borg” Christmas tree. Wait — wrong franchise!!
oakie9531 3 days ago
they have a cat?
PoodleGroomer 3 days ago
A friend did this. He hung a net on the ceiling. It kept the presents safe from children and pets.
Betrayral In The Common Room 3 days ago
just like at the Milwaukee Public Meseum
Csaw Backnforth 3 days ago
I have a Dr. Who #4 ornament, but no tree from which to hang it. I also have a K-9, but he’s not a tree ornament (well, maybe it is, I received it as a gift and never took it out of the box to look at it.)
willie_mctell 3 days ago
A friend of mine had an upside down tree in his dorm room. He also spray painted it black.
Smeagol 3 days ago
I loved seeing the ETs in Star Wars The Phantom Menace.