Exactly how much later that evening? Even an early-start HS basketball game wouldn’t be over with coaches leaving before 7pm and more likely closer to 9pm. Again, Henry needs to learn what he’s writing about.
Enjoy that lovingly rendered, exquisitely detailed exterior shot of the Thorp house in panel 1. Now THAT is how good the artwork COULD be throughout this strip.
So did Jami make dinner or something? Is that why the question in P1? And why is Jami eating pizza and tacos with chopsticks? That boy ain’t right. And speaking of right, you’d be right if you suspected that today’s Mopped Up Thorp was online.
Kari is the “Mr. Bill” of this strip: 1. PTSD from the gun shooting in the school, which was never handled by a counselor. 2. Getting Pregnant by Pedro, 3. Having an Abortion. 4. Parents getting a Divorce 5. Mom leaving to play golf for several months. 6. Pedro ghosting and breaking up with her. 6. Mom dating and living with another woman. 7. Dad dating and living with another woman. 8 Gaining weight which she had a concern about. 9. Now having an Eating Disorder where she doesn’t eat. 10. Probably the Trigger for the issues, Being Jami’s sister.
JarvisWhite'sNeedle 16 days ago
She is old enough to get pregnant at 15 or 16. Giving Daddy a kiss is small potatoes compared to that.
tkers70 16 days ago
What are they drinking?
Marty Moon's Barber 16 days ago
Gil seems to have that Tony Romo look in P3
Charks 16 days ago
Does anyone else think Jami looks like a real slug now?
ComicsLover1965 16 days ago
ComicsLover1965 16 days ago
Exactly how much later that evening? Even an early-start HS basketball game wouldn’t be over with coaches leaving before 7pm and more likely closer to 9pm. Again, Henry needs to learn what he’s writing about.
jayesquire 16 days ago
Can somebody/anybody explain the need for this ridiculous story arc !!!!!!
bearwku82 16 days ago
That protein shake Peanut had earlier really filled her up.
PatIrish 16 days ago
Enjoy that lovingly rendered, exquisitely detailed exterior shot of the Thorp house in panel 1. Now THAT is how good the artwork COULD be throughout this strip.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member 16 days ago
Actually it is quite interesting to see this in a newspaper comic, with other comics above and below, and compare the art.
James St. John Smythe 16 days ago
Those are some of the oddest looking pizza and tacos in P2 I’ve seen. Potatoes and peas would be more like it.
Mopman 16 days ago
So did Jami make dinner or something? Is that why the question in P1? And why is Jami eating pizza and tacos with chopsticks? That boy ain’t right. And speaking of right, you’d be right if you suspected that today’s Mopped Up Thorp was online.
Twainrdr 16 days ago
P-1: The very definition of “Non-Sequitur”.
P-2: Carry out from the Mauve Diner in Central City.
P-3.5: Ok, then how about you come over and I’ll cop a feel?
lemonbaskt 16 days ago
looks like peanut got some collagen in her lips but what is she supposed to eat a slice of ?
lemonbaskt 16 days ago
is she wearing drumsticks for earrings ?
lemonbaskt 16 days ago
and some people think the mary worth artist cant draw food
Irish53 16 days ago
We haven’t seen Jami in a while but he continues to not disappoint as being the biggest doosh in this strip.
KazDojo 16 days ago
I’m sure he’s hungry. He’s grown 3 feet and 7 years in 2 weeks.
metals24 16 days ago
Keri’s foreign language class is Australian. G-night mates!
Klubble 16 days ago
Why is “boy” bolded? Was “doosh” too many letters?
[Unnamed Reader - 563f4c] 16 days ago
Kari is the “Mr. Bill” of this strip: 1. PTSD from the gun shooting in the school, which was never handled by a counselor. 2. Getting Pregnant by Pedro, 3. Having an Abortion. 4. Parents getting a Divorce 5. Mom leaving to play golf for several months. 6. Pedro ghosting and breaking up with her. 6. Mom dating and living with another woman. 7. Dad dating and living with another woman. 8 Gaining weight which she had a concern about. 9. Now having an Eating Disorder where she doesn’t eat. 10. Probably the Trigger for the issues, Being Jami’s sister.
crettawva 16 days ago
And in non related news, Gil Thorp is still being ruined by an incompetent writer and artist.
crettawva 16 days ago
Worth Repeating: #Day912ofGilThorpFansHeldHostagebyBadWriting #Day102ofGilThorpFansForcedToEndureKindergardenLevelArtwork