There is an episode of Frasier where Martin (Frasier’s father) goes to the coffee shop that Frasier and Niles frequentt. He orders a black coffee and it pretty much goes like this. That episode is from the 90s, so it truly is a statement more about the pompousness of the drink, than about the age of the drinker. I would hazard a guess that a regular old truck driver would elicit the same response. I am a tea drinker, and I do not recall anything close to the idiocy of “half whip of this, a shot of that, a pump of whatever” being assigned to tea.
This is how I know coffee is not really suitable for human consumption. Nobody seems to just drink the stuff; they always load it up with sugar and milk and frooty flavorings and such to hide its nasty taste. Kinda like rum.
GreasyOldTam about 8 hours ago
Broomie, meet The Woman from Breaking Cat News..
snsurone76 about 8 hours ago
Broomie, next time you ride a merry-go-round, you can just grab the ring from that jerk’s schnozzola!
The Premium Member about 8 hours ago
Not all the jokes can be bangers, or remotely fresh.
olds_cool63 about 8 hours ago
Previous century? But, shes SUPPOSED to be 1500 years old! Of, course…she’s been 1500 since 1970…! Nuff said.
oldpine52 about 8 hours ago
Even if they would sell you a plain coffee, they’d still charge you at least ten bucks for it.
SHIVA about 8 hours ago
Unfortunately, the world-wide price of coffee beans has gone up again, because of climate change!!!
snsurone76 about 8 hours ago
I like Starbucks French Roast—with a generous serving of Peppermint Mocha Coffee-Mate.
jmworacle about 7 hours ago
I’m sure that there are other places that would be happy to serve you “just coffee”.
The Reader Premium Member about 4 hours ago
We will have to charge extra for that!
The Old Wolf about 4 hours ago
Cup of coffee, 10¢. All the refills you want. That’s my “century.”
felinefan55 Premium Member about 3 hours ago
There is an episode of Frasier where Martin (Frasier’s father) goes to the coffee shop that Frasier and Niles frequentt. He orders a black coffee and it pretty much goes like this. That episode is from the 90s, so it truly is a statement more about the pompousness of the drink, than about the age of the drinker. I would hazard a guess that a regular old truck driver would elicit the same response. I am a tea drinker, and I do not recall anything close to the idiocy of “half whip of this, a shot of that, a pump of whatever” being assigned to tea.
My First Premium Member about 3 hours ago
When I do go to Starbucks, which is rare, I order a “medium coffee”, just to pi-s them off.
cdward about 2 hours ago
You know, when I go to the coffee shop and ask for a coffee with nothing in it, they just give it to me with no commentary. Weird how that works.
prince valiant Premium Member about 1 hour ago
Try getting just a coffee at a Dutch Brothers!
Don in E Texas about 1 hour ago
She is like me: I like my Hot Tea and Black Coffee w/o any strange ‘stuff’ in it. I do not do Starbucks.
puddleglum1066 about 1 hour ago
This is how I know coffee is not really suitable for human consumption. Nobody seems to just drink the stuff; they always load it up with sugar and milk and frooty flavorings and such to hide its nasty taste. Kinda like rum.
baskate_2000 about 1 hour ago
You’re not alone, Broomie!