Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 20, 2025

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 2 days ago

    I rate trump either as bad Neville Chamberlain or an equal to Vidkun Quisling. Haven’t decided yet. (on his selling out Ukraine)

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  2. 1djojn
    RobinHood  2 days ago

    Concerning this mornings commentary by Angela Conway on the way society has affected Dick Tracy. Nice insights.

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  3. 1djojn
    RobinHood  2 days ago


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  4. 1djojn
    RobinHood  2 days ago

    Wasn’t that long ago that guy was a big hero here in this comments section.

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    Pickled Pete  2 days ago

    We will never forget………

    Dear 77,301,997 Americans who voted for Trump,

    Being Canadian has never been about shouting the loudest. We don’t pound our chests or demand attention. We are sometimes like the quiet kid on the playground, just wanting to get along with others.

    We hold doors, say sorry even when it’s not our fault, and shovel our neighbour’s driveway just because it’s the right thing to do.

    We believe in fairness, decency, and looking out for one another.

    We are the world’s greatest neighbour… and yes, our spelling is the correct one.

    We show up…..From the beaches of Normandy to the mountains of the Korean Peninsula, from the fields of Flanders to the streets of Kandahar, we have fought and died alongside you during your darkest hours. During the summer of 2005, when Hurricane Katrina ravaged your great city of New Orleans, or mere weeks ago, when we sent water bombers to tackle the wildfires in California, and during the day the world stood still — Sept. 11, 2001 — when we provided refuge to stranded passengers and planes, we were always there, standing with you. And yet, here we are – watching your president, a man who built his legacy on bullying, turn his sights on us. He mocks us, belittles us, and treats us like some inconvenience rather than the ally who has stood by you through thick and thin.

    It’s easy to mistake our politeness for passivity, or our kindness for weakness. But here’s the thing about the quiet kid on the playground: push that kid far enough, and that kid pushes back.

    Canada has never needed to boast about its strength. We just prove it. On battlefields. In boardrooms. On the ice. So, if you think you can push us around and take us for granted – think again. You think we will become your “cherished 51st state” – think again.

    Underestimate us… that will be fun. Because the quiet kid? The quiet kid remembers. And when the quiet kid finally stands up, the whole playground takes notice.

    Sincerely, — Canada

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  6. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member 2 days ago

    February 20. Has it only been a month? Seems longer. And louder. And insaner.

    I have defended Trump for years. When someone calls him Hitler, I reply he’s just Mussolini. But it’s still early.

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    Humanist  2 days ago

    Elon Musk is not American born so this comic strip is unrealistic, he would never be a president.

    I don’t agree with Trump regarding Canada. Palestine. Greenland and Panama, he shouldn’t have hidden his plans before the election.

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  8. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 2 days ago

    One of Musk’s rats calls himself Big Balls.

    All magats believe that shows he is extraordinarily courageous.

    Not only that, but it also shows that he is a genius and has unquestionable honesty and integrity. Like Musk.


    And firing everyone working on bird flu was just a trivial mistake that anyone would have made.

    (That’s how magat analysis skills work)

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  9. Logo
    TwilightFaze  2 days ago

    It won’t last. Him and Trump’s violations of the Constitution alone are enough to see them in the courtroom. Trump is already going down in history as the first president to be impeached twice. Can you imagine him being impeached even more, now that Congress and Senate are conservative-majority? Ahhhhh, who’m I kidding? Even if that DID pass, he still wouldn’t be found guilty and his Magats will only continue to make excuses as they try to deify him.

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  10. Sunimage
    Sun  2 days ago

    Your 2025 Tesla Cybertruck isn’t ugly, it’s just polygon-chic. :-D

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    William Robbins Premium Member 2 days ago

    Alright math time again… putting aside the fact that Doge “savings” are lies, if we send 20% of 50 billion to taxpayers that works out to about $60 each. The fact that the “savings” are actually a few million is irrelevant. The cost to rebuild what they’ve torn down will be in the hundreds of billions. The cost of the deaths is incalculable. The cost in losing our allies is infinite. Aligning ourselves with Putin is unimaginable, but here we are.

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  12. Lifi
    rossevrymn  2 days ago

    Concerning yesterday’s Bramhall, trumpster fire would have volunteered to fill dat empty slot, but, ………………….you know……………………bone spurs…………………………BTW, you orange woos, I had a bone spur removed about 2 years ago, before that I ran about 23 marathons, and since then, 3. 22 years in service, 3 tours…………………you bleeping pile of soft sierra.

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  13. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 1 day ago

    Trump falsely claimed that Obama couldn’t be President because he was born in Africa, then he went and made somebody President who was ACTUALLY born in Africa.

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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    Concerning trumpster fire’s basically pardoning of the scumbag New York Mayor Adams, right-wing populists, unlike you and your crappp leader, moral citizens will be voting his azzz out of office in November.

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  15. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    Concerning today’s Clay Jones, right-wing populists, you may want to be taking notes. That piece seems to be a good fit for your new civics/history books.

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    Concerning today’s Mike Luckovich……………………………………………………………………Yyyyyep.

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    ctolson  1 day ago

    Surprised there isn’t a huge portait of non-elected President Elon Musk hanging on the wall. But then he’s not realliyin charge of DOGE or anything which explains the chaos and insane firing of people at the National Nuclear Security Administration that oversee the safety of our nuclear stock piles and other agency where they’re scrambling to call the people back in. Apparently nobody is in charge because no body in the DJT Administration can say who is, including the Chief of Staff.

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    wellis1947 Premium Member 1 day ago

    It should noted here that Trump is almost single- handedly dragging The republican party and America into the Russian camp . Hes’s not being subtle about it. either.

    Trump is abandoning Ukraine to the Russian wolves, claiming that the leader of Ukraine not only started the war in Ukraine (he most assuredly DIDN’T) but Trump now claims that the Ukranian leader is a a dictator though he was elected by the populace of his country.

    Trump ALSO claims that Zelinsky suffers with a 4% approval in his country when its closer to 60% – Donnie John is echoing EVERY talking point that Putin is feeding him – I’m just surprised that Trump’s media posts aren’t in Russian, as well…

    If you are a M.A.G.A. supporter, know that your guy is giving full-throated support to an avowed ENEMY of America and you just might start asking yourself just exactly WHAT V. Putin is promising Trump in return for his whole-hearted support – you might also ask yourself just exactly what congressional republicans are getting in return for their complete silence as Trump is selling America down the river…

    Donnie John truly believes he was elected “King” and not president and my question to his acolytes is, is this what you REALLY want from the “man” you elected to the White house – because this is what you’ve gotten…

    Now, I can tolerate vodka and borsht as well the next man, but is succession by being pitched out a window REALLY WHAT YOU WANT FOR your country, because that is seriously what you’ve just elected…

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  19. Lifi
    rossevrymn  1 day ago

    There is a REALLY good piece by John Darkow at politicalcartoon dotcom/region/united_states

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    Kornfield Kounty  1 day ago

    “Power attracts pathological personalities.”

    Chapterhouse: Dune by Frank Herbert

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    howard-hickman Premium Member 1 day ago

    Just more disinformation propaganda in a comic strip

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    DarrellCurtis  1 day ago

    I see Mr Stantis is just promoting Democrat talking points.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  1 day ago

    Measles epidemic spreading in Texas.

    You know Texas—-the place run by the anti-vax dimwit trio?

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    Quixotic1  1 day ago

    “We should beware of the demagogues who are ready to declare a trade war against our friends—weakening our economy, our national security, and the entire free world—all while cynically waving the American flag.”

    Ronald Reagan, November 1988

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    ncorgbl  1 day ago

    Yesterday Republican/conservatives in the Ohio Legislature brought a bil called the “Conception Begins at Erection Act”. If it passes, men in Ohio could be charged with a felony if they “discharge genetic material” without intending to get a woman pregnant. Making laws for in your bedroom by conservatives has been tried before. They are on a roll.

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    Stat_man99  1 day ago

    Who was running the country when Biden was president? Obama? A Democrat Cabal? It sure WASN’T Biden!!!!!!! Look in the mirror before projecting what YOUR side did.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  1 day ago

    The FBI has just officially become the KGB

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    Font Lady Premium Member 1 day ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

    It’s a yes or no question. I have to explain the type of question it is because some people don’t understand the word YET.

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