La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 08, 2025

  1. Coyote
    eromlig  1 day ago

    Isn’t that why Trump is putting up the wall? To keep people from leaving? Who would want to live in a country like this anyhow?

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    gammaguy  1 day ago

    The risk is not limited to yourself.

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    cdward  1 day ago

    I’m not in danger here yet. I’m a straight white male who can make it even without my Social Security ((assuming it won’t be there when I start to collect in a couple of years). But I am just so tired of the depths this society has fallen to. I just don’t want to be around so many of these people anymore. Never felt that before.

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  4. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 1 day ago

    Some tourist got arrested by ICE and has been in jail for a month. She was just about to go back home. Had passport and ticket and everything. But got gestapoed. Ironically, she is German!!

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  5. Spike  profie 2 edit
    Yermo Adam  1 day ago

    I hate what is country has become w/ the Orange Monster, Elmo, and the Magaroids destroying it.

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    akachman Premium Member 1 day ago

    I’m staying to fight for my Social Security that I have paid into for over 40 years and to protect the US Constitution. This evil clown needs to go and so does all his spineless suck-ups.

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    syzygy47  1 day ago

    We in Canada had read that inferred message now that a weird nutjob with manic mood swings is running the country. I miss the adults.

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    ncorgbl  1 day ago

    tRump’s wall was never completed, only 48 miles of new wall built and that 2 months before his bid for re-election. Mexico never paid a cent for any of it. tRump could not get funding from both Republican led houses in congress, and took the funding from our Military budget. Of the 48 miles of wall that was built, some fell down in a wind, some had holes in it within 48 hours, and some had tunnels dug under it within a week.

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    olds_cool63  1 day ago

    Hahahaha! Hilarious! ANOTHER person who has absolutely NO idea what Communism even is! Nuff said.

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  10. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  1 day ago

    Victoria would NOT be amused by either King Musk or Queen Traitor Trump…..

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 1 day ago

    Those who are inexplicably fond of walls on borders should read up on Hadrian’s, the big one in China, the post-WW2 one in Berlin, and the Maginot Line. (Spoiler: “Show me a 10-foot wall, and I’ll show you an 11-foot ladder.”)

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member 1 day ago

    In this comic strip, the wall with the barbed wire on top has been shown many times.

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