Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for March 02, 2025

  1. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member 1 day ago

    My mother would have been 100 today. Happy heavenly birthday, Mom!

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 1 day ago

    Annie was and always will be Annie!

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 1 day ago

    I saw the Dad Mockingbird taking a beak full of “stuff” into the tree for their nest. So I cut about 10 strands of different color yarn and some sift cotton string into 8" lengths and left it on the wall. It’s gone! It will be a colorful nest! I’ll do the same tomorrow.

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  4. Coo
    markyakes Premium Member 1 day ago

    I know that Garfield’s very popular, but I honestly can’t stand the guy…

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    laughingkitty  1 day ago

    Today is:


    NATIONAL READING DAY. I read every day!

    FINISHER’S MEDAL DAY. Finisher’s Medal Day on the first Sunday in March recognizes the long hours, days, weeks and even months of training thousands of men and women across the country have put in to achieve their goals of completing a race.

    NATIONAL OLD STUFF DAY. I have an old house and I have a lot of old stuff in it. Of course, “old” is a relative term. What some people call old might not be old to someone else. My Formica kitchen table was purchased around 1964 (give or take a year or two. I don’t have the picture handy right now which was taken when my parents bought it). So I guess that’s old. The dresser in my bedroom was a wedding present to my parents. They were married in 1946. I guess that’s old too. My computer, if I recall correctly, was purchased in 2017. As computers go, I guess that’s old too. Exactly what is “old”?

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    laughingkitty  1 day ago

    From yesterday’s comments – BJP said, “Seems like we just had Play Outside Day a week or so ago.”

    That is true (almost). I thought that Play Outside Day used to be once every 3 months, but when I looked it up, it said that it is the first Saturday of EVERY month. I think that is a bit of overkill. But I just report them. I don’t make them up! (If I did make them up, I wouldn’t have any play outside days in the winter because I don’t like cold weather! Lol)

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  7. Image
    diskus Premium Member 1 day ago

    Hmmm a little reminsent if a young Chesney. Well ok thats a bit much.

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    dbrucepm  1 day ago

    Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Better known as Dr. Seuss, he created some of America’s most popular children’s books and memorable characters still beloved today.

    American soldier and politician Sam Houston was born on March 2, 1793, in Rockbridge County, Virginia.

    On March 2, 1899, William McKinley signed a bill establishing Mount Rainier National Park.

    Carl Christian Schurz was born on March 2, 1829, in Liblar, in the Kingdom of Prussia, in the German Confederation. Schurz commanded forces during the Civil War, reformed the Civil Service and was a vocal proponent of forest preservation.

    Melvin Thomas “Master Melvin” Ott was born on March 2, 1909, in Gretna, Louisiana. Playing baseball with the New York Giants for his entire career, Ott was a twelve-time All-Star and six-time National League home run leader.

    Using cannon captured by Henry Knox at Fort Ticonderoga, Americans began bombarding British forces occupying the city of Boston on the evening of March 2, 1776.

    Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. Minister to Mexico, was born on March 2, 1779 in Charleston, S.C. While in Mexico he sent samples of a colorful flower to the U.S. which became known as the poinsettia.

    On March 2, 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner of the Presidential Election of 1876 by the narrowest margin of electoral votes in American history (just one.) 185 Hayes vs. 184 Tilden electoral votes

    Karen Carpenter was born on March 2, 1950 in New Haven, Connecticut.

    On March 2, 1836, the Republic of Texas was created when delegates signed the Texas Declaration of Independence (from Mexico).

    1901 US Steel Corporation organized under J. P. Morgan, Sr. through merger of Carnegie Steel Company, Federal Steel Company, and National Steel Company

    1933 “King Kong” starring Fay Wray premieres at Radio City Music Hall and RKO Roxy in NYC

    1949 1st automatic street light (New Milford, Ct)

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  9. Red bird 20250227 221142 0000
    Red Bird  1 day ago

    ♫ Everybody, everybody, everybody wants to be a cat ♫

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    darcyandsimon  1 day ago

    I can’t imagine her complaining like this, but whaddevah!

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    ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago

    Even at that young age, our Annie was into kitties.

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  12. Pirate regular 1
    bloodykate  1 day ago

    That’s our Annie!! <3

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    jessegooddoggy  1 day ago

    This is the first time we have seen Annie’s beautiful beloved late mother, and she looks just like her. Makes me a little sad!

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    Zebrastripes  1 day ago

    Soft kitty, warm kitty….

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  15. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 23 hours ago

    According to my family , my first full sentence was “I want a horse.”

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  16. Screamin  on leash special
    WDemBlk Premium Member about 23 hours ago

    I lost my last cat- a Tuxedo- in Sept. The other night I really missed hugging a ct, so naturally I went on Amazon the next morning. Found a really cute Tuxedo- nice combination of black & white. Some had too much white, one had funny ears, some too small. I finally found a GUND, model is called Sebastian. was pretty sure it was the correct one. Read the reviews & one said they had just lost a Tuxedo cat & this one was the perfect substitute. I ordered it & had it the next day. Yes it is. soft, cuddly cute. Doesn’t need food, a littler box & litter, scratching post etc. perfect for cuddling. Not quite the same as a real live cat, but it sure helps.

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    Katzi428  about 22 hours ago

    This strip would be me to a T!! @Laughingkitty…..I love banana cream pie!!

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    Queen of America  about 21 hours ago

    I don’t know that I’ve ever seen Annies’ mom before.Going through Sandy’s last bin. I found two MORE phones! How many does a person need? I’ll power them up and see what’s there. Probably nothing and then they’ll into the back for disposal by Best Buy. If she hadn’t been as cheap as I am, she might have had a nice iphone or something. Alas and alacka, no such luck.

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  19. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 21 hours ago

    Our daughter pretended to be s cat. Her favorite snack bird was the chickadee.

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    crazeekatlady  about 17 hours ago

    I wanted to be, a cat, a mouse, or a squirrel when I grew up. There is still hope as I refuse to grow up!

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    tad1  about 15 hours ago


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    tad1  about 15 hours ago

    Looks like Annie loved cats from the very beginning. I still like Garfield, although I admit Garfield’s golden age was in the 80s and 90s. ( I also think the golden age of Peanuts was in the 60s and 70s.) On another note, saw a wren, a squirrel, two juncos, a robin, a spotted towhee, and two nuthatches while out walking today.

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