Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 11, 2025

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 1 day ago

    I’m waiting for the Veterans and people in the military to pipe up when our promised care is gone. AND musks newest complaint…Social Security is a ponzi scheme and has to go. Those evil basturds are off a lot ot of good people!

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 1 day ago

    It’s good to remember that Musk now has all of Trump’s tax returns and all data for every financial transaction between Trump and the U.S., probably including those between Trump and Putin.

    And it’s not really known who has the better security between Trump and Musk if it comes to that.

    We know that Musk uses his kids as shields. Trump cannot do that. He probably could never lift Musk’s four year old.


    Rumors were that Elvis had better security than Nixon.

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  3. 1djojn
    RobinHood  1 day ago


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  4. 1djojn
    RobinHood  1 day ago

    A commentary in this month New Jersey Nerd Colony by Awir Reson Cleary explains how Lego Blocks are systematically heterosexual and should be replaced the more inclusive LGBTQ+ blocks which are gender neutral. But of course you build anything with them.

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  5. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  1 day ago

    America is in trouble — Big Trouble!

    You folks down there instead of referring to yourselves as MAGA’s, probably should more accurately call yourselves MASACHISTS !

    Not enough to do it to yourselves, but then allow an immigrant to really put it to you! Absolutely unbelievable !

    ONLY in America — you say!

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  6. Logo
    TwilightFaze  about 24 hours ago

    I just find it funny that Trump spent a lasting crusade against Obama believing he was not American and tried to kick him out of the white house, whereas Musk is openly from South Africa and is Trump’s right-hand man. Where are the birthers about THAT? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh right: Musk is white. Forgot. As you were…

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    theotherther1  about 23 hours ago

    When you’re so bad at drawing celebrity caricatures you have to have your characters announce their names in the first panel.

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  8. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 20 hours ago

    The things not mentioned here speaks volumes.

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  9. P1000380
    A# 466  about 20 hours ago

    New campaign song title for Trump and the MAGA/GOP: “We’re in a Recession Now” (to the tune of “He’s in the Jailhouse Now.”

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    So good news, they’re getting rid of government statistics, so we don’t have to bothered with getting data from anybody but them…

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 20 hours ago

    Man, Anderson sure is one the spot with trumpster fire’s damage to the stock market………………………right-wing populist comments?:

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  12. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 19 hours ago

    Hurry up and buy your pyramid scheme bitcrap. You can find some on yesterday’s Bramhall.

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  13. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 19 hours ago

    Concerning yesterday’s Tim Campbell, my order left the business from whom I purchased, and……………………………………………………………………………………….disappeared, #thankstrumpsterfire.

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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 19 hours ago

    Concerning yesterday’s Danziger………………….Old No Guts, how about Big Woos?:

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    dotbup  about 19 hours ago

    “America’s hunger crisis is not due to a lack of food production or scarcity in food supply. Rather, hunger and food insecurity in the United States are symptoms of policy choices and an economic system that prioritizes the needs of corporations and the wealthy over those of the general population.”

    America’s richest four billionaires (Musk, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg) added to their money bins since 2020 over $400 billion: the cost to entirely end child poverty in America is an estimated $25 billion.

    And, because of the body and brain damage hunger and malnutrition are doing to one-in-five American children, child hunger in the US is costing our society an estimated $167.5 billion a year.

    So, why do we avoid spending $25 billion to solve a $167.5 billion problem?

    America’s morbidly rich and largest corporations were, in 1978 and again in 2010, given the legal right to bribe politicians by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.

    As a result, Congress is essentially paralyzed when it comes to anything other than tax cuts for the rich, subsidies for the oil industry, and privatizing Medicare/Social Security.

    When Reagan came into office the top income tax rate was 74%, the top corporate income tax rate was 50%, and we had a robust tax code with few loopholes.

    CEO’s only took home about 30 times what workers did, while about two-thirds of American families could buy a home, a car, take a vacation every year, and put their kids through school with the income from a single wage-earner.

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  16. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 19 hours ago

    Who knew Carmen has been working for the feds.

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  17. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 18 hours ago

    Another generally really good cartoonist is Mike Smith. You can catch his take on how trumpster fire is about to tank the economy at: lasvegussun dot com/news/opinions/smiths-world/

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  18. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 18 hours ago

    To catch a Bart Simpson version of trumpster fire go to: arcacrap dot com/politics/editorialcartoons/davewhamond/ .

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  19. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 18 hours ago

    Better get used to these three words

    President Caroline Leavitt

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  20. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    Unelected, unvetted by Congress, in charge of a rogue agency that Congress didn’t create. And somehow that guy has free access to all our private information, and the right to destroy the entire Federal Government apparatus? And Trumpites are okay with that? And they think they’re the patriots?

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    ctolson  about 18 hours ago

    Well DJT took care of rising inflation – he’s causing the start of a recession and drop in retirement portfolio values, but can’t handle a basic need to get egg and food prices down.

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    Spacetech  about 16 hours ago

    Scott has been drinking again..

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    howard-hickman Premium Member about 16 hours ago

    Another unfunny comic based on disinformation, Musk has fired no one in government. Trump did

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  24. Download
    Walter Kocker  about 15 hours ago

    A Canadian Perspective:

    Sir Elton, it’s time to craft new lyrics

    Some readers will recall that Sir Elton John wrote the song Candle in the Wind about Marilyn Monroe, then repurposed it for Princess Diana.

    Perhaps he could rewrite his song Madman Across the Water, changing it to Madman Across the Border!

    Grant Maxwell


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  25. 1
    ncorgbl  about 14 hours ago

    Every Republican/conservative president since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. As predicted, tRump’s 2nd recession is well on it’s way.

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  26. Mural me75
    mirwin49 Premium Member about 14 hours ago

    Not lord. It’s the lard’s work.

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    gammaguy  about 13 hours ago

    “You can’t lay me off. I work for an independent newspaper.

    “Wanna bet?!”

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    Font Lady Premium Member about 11 hours ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet like Trump promised he would do before the election? This question has nothing to do with Biden and only with the actual words that Trump said when Trump made the promise.

    It’s a yes or no question. I have to explain the type of question it is because some people don’t understand the word YET. And the only answer that is required to a yes or no question is “Yes” or “No.” And if you say “Yes” then say where in the U.S. it’s under $2/gal or else your answer is a resounding “No.”

    Let’s see who actually knows how to read.

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    christelisbetty  about 10 hours ago

    X marks the spot.

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    olds_cool63  about 6 hours ago

    If Elon Musk(rat) is the king, then “President” Dumbold Chump is the queen! Nuff said.

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