Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 24, 2025

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 5 days ago

    The maga regime is so unstable and it’s followers worship the great one BUT they have no idea why!

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 days ago

    The magats have been rather silent these days.

    Only a few of the absolutely most stupid are claiming that all criticism of Their Messiah is TDS.


    Wonder why. Have some of them realized that they themselves are one of Those People?

    Did some of them learn what tariffs are?

    Do they now understand that important and maybe critical things are going to be taken away from them to pay for billionaires’ tax treatment? Do they finally understand that tax cuts for the rich DO NOT benefit them personally? (Okay, that one is doubtful, I know)

    Have they actually figured out that Trump really wants to be a dictator? And everyone he has appointed to anything want that as well?


    Or, instead, do they want their boys to grow up like Trump and their girls to grow up like Perjury Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert?

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  3. Logo
    TwilightFaze  5 days ago

    Inaccurate. Trump doesn’t deal in midlings; only absolutes. If he doesn’t mention it’s the littlest of disturbances ever/of all time/etc., it’s not Trump.

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member 5 days ago

    Recession? We should be so lucky! I predict a worldwide economic crash, a full-blown global Depression. You heard it hear first.

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  5. Sunimage
    Sun  5 days ago

    Recession looks a lot like 46.

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  6. 1djojn
    RobinHood  5 days ago


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    GentlemanBill  5 days ago

    The MSM is trying to scare the American people into a recession a la 2008. Thing is, a good swath of the American people no longer trust them. It’ll be a heavier lift to get the recession they want before the mid-terms.

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    William Robbins Premium Member 5 days ago

    Amazing how even the more rational of the Maga crowd can ignore reality. How anyone can think cost increase doesn’t cause price increase is comical.

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  9. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member 5 days ago

    Tariffs are good for developing countries to build local production. It could also reduce pollution from global shipping. Too bad they’ll collapse a world economy built on cheap labor.

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    dotbup  5 days ago

    Did you really want workers at nuclear facilities to be fired – then quickly rehired when the stupidity of such a move was called out?

    Did you really want FAA employees fired, to be replaced by inexperienced air-traffic controllers?

    Did you really want national parks to operate with skeleton crews, endangering visitors while destroying beautiful natural environments?

    Did you really want the Department of Veteran Affairs to lose money and workers, so that American vets have trouble getting benefits they deserve? Really?

    Did you really want medical research of all kinds discontinued? Do you really not see any benefit to that research? Really?

    Did you really want the U.S. to leave the World Health Organization?

    Did you really want America to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement? Do you still not believe that climate change is real and very dangerous?

    Did you really want all federal money for alternative energy development to dry up? Do you want to say goodbye to all of the progress that’s been made?

    Did you really want education to be privatized because public funds are gone?

    Did you really want the EPA being run by someone who doesn’t even want it to exist? Is a clean, healthy environment not important to you? Will it be just fine to let corporations pollute as much as they want? Is it OK that people tasked with responding to disasters (oil spills, chemical leaks, etc.) are being fired?

    Did you really want federal consumer protection entities to be eliminated, or rendered completely dysfunctional?

    Did you really want mass layoffs at NIH and CDC? Do you no longer think that government should try to protect its people from disease?

    Did you really want someone who doesn’t believe in vaccines to be in charge of HHS?

    Did you really want a president who has said that we should do away with FEMA and let states handle disasters on their own?

    Did you really want an administration that has promised to cut back on bank regulations? Hello 1929, 2005 – again.

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  11. Img 0113
    ajr58(1)  5 days ago

    Sunny always accuses Biden but can’t explain or defend I will bring prices down on Day One! 45*34*47

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  12. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 5 days ago

    I don’t understand it. How could it not improve the economy to impose tariffs, fire 200,000 employees, and get rid of all the agricultural and construction day laborers?

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    ctolson  5 days ago

    Heard JD Vance was goinmg to travel to Greenland again. Why, to insult the leaders?

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  14. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  5 days ago

    On my other comics site, there were several comments about “freeloading Democrats” and people doing “zero work” today, I’d like to provide some perspective as a volunteer at a local food pantry:

    A large proportion of our clientele are retired seniors and elderly.

    The majority of the rest are working, at least part-time; in fact, one of our largest growing groups is younger men who are in their late thirties through fifties who frequently arrive in trucks/vans for the construction/maintenance or other companies or basically, blue collar service work they do.

    The vast majority of our clients are white citizens, not immigrants. While we don’t have income requirements, they are required to provide proof of residence since we serve a specific area.

    For those who blame “welfare queens” and “lazy takers” for the decline of America, I would remind you that regardless of how hard you work, how much money you make or save or otherwise, ANY ONE OF US can be just one medical illness, one accident or unexpected event from insolvency and poverty. It could happen to YOU, no matter how well you prepare here in what are, in reality, the Corporate States of America where profit and greed always overrule empathy.

    The pantries and other services will be there to help, without politics or judgement when you’re in need.

    “Food” for thought. Oh, and yes, feel free to call me a liar, or a “social justice warrior” or whatever you like. I’ll still be at the pantry for my next shift.

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    Once again, every Republican/conservative president since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two. tRump is likely to have his 2nd recession by mid year.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 days ago

    THEIR annual income is probably $5.00 a week allowance money.

    It’s us ADULTS who have top worry

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    BRBurns1960  4 days ago

    Last 45 years: Republican recession, Democrats strong recovery, EVERY POTUS. There is a difference between the parties.

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    oldchas  4 days ago

    Today (03/24/2025) it was revealed by Jeffery Goldberg, Editor in chief of the Atlantic Magazine, that the first felons staff had included him (Goldberg) in in a group chat that discussed plans to bomb Houthi rebels in Yemen. They apparently weren’t aware they had put a journalist with no security clearance on a group chat conducted on their personal phones using an app called Signal. When asked 34xconvicted said what he always says “I don’t know nothing about it.” In a world where national security means something this would be a serious offense that would put somebody in jail. Republicans are seriously silent. My guess is the response will eventually be “But, but, Hunter’s laptop was on Hillary’s server.”

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    Walter Kocker  4 days ago

    All of this sabre-rattlin’ is deflection from the REAL issue:

    “They’re eating the dogs,”

    “They’re eating the cats,”

    “They’re eating the pets,”

    “of the people who live there.”

    “That’s what’s happening in America . . .”

    What’s he doing? He SAID he would go there.

    Has he shown up?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Remember a couple of years ago when they redefined recession just so that it would not make Brandon look bad? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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