La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for March 25, 2025

  1. Speedyicon
    ninjanick101  4 days ago

    So dumbing and disinforming children makes America great?

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    joeallendoty57 Premium Member 4 days ago

    A “flat taco” is a tostada.

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    mrsenchantment Premium Member 4 days ago

    education levels cannot plummet past zero

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    dotbup  4 days ago

    America’s doomsday seed vault also just got de-funded by muskrump. If we ever have an agricultural calamity that wipes out plant life on Earth, it’s the seed vault that will repopulate the Earth and feed humanity after the fallout.

    Firing the scientists who maintain the National Plant Germplasm System jeopardizes 127 years of agricultural genetic preservation. This system safeguards 600,000+ crop varieties that serve as America’s agricultural insurance policy against emerging plant diseases and other unforeseen threats to crop production.

    The NPGS costs 0.000008% of the federal budget while insuring a $1.5 trillion food system.

    When stem rust threatened global wheat supplies in 1999, these collections provided the resistant genes that prevented widespread crop failure.

    Similar genetic resources from the bank generate $91+ million annually for the apple industry alone. So stupid. So wasteful.

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    walstib Premium Member 4 days ago

    Several of my “favorite” political comics are appearing blank today. Hmmm….

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    Bruce1253  4 days ago

    The Bozo Trump is making China great, they are meeting with our former friends Japan and Korea. China is telling them that they will be a safe and sane friend that Trump is not.

    It is time we kick this Bozo and his Clown Car to the curb.

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  7. Martini glass blue
    RadioDial Premium Member 4 days ago

    Going to just throw this out there. Historically it has been the States themselves that provided for and regulated education. As the States foisted off oversight and funding (I’m looking at you California), education quality here is the US has suffered.

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  8. Comics 2022
    Milady Meg  4 days ago

    I’ve been kind of disappointed that Joe Rogan has not exploded.

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  9. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  4 days ago

    “First God invented idiots. That was for practice. Then he invented school boards. THEN he invented Linda McMahon.” (after Mark Twain)

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    Since the United States Department of Education was established in 1980, having been part of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, how many foreign students have come to this country to get the best education they could get? It used to be our students going to Europe. Looks like it will reverse again.

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  11. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  3 days ago

    good ol’ rush limbaugh used to get so worked up he sounded like he was gonna explode. sadly, even if joe rogan’s listenership were to actually explode i suspect there’d be plenty of other gamma submorons to take up the slack… ☺

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