Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 19, 2009

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 15 years ago

    I guess this year the Nobel committee couldnā€™t find a proven peacemaker so they had to go for Hope instead.

    Iā€™d rather support Mr Obama in retrospectively earning it than bleeep about its undeniable prematurity.

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 15 years ago

    How weirdā€¦ I did not type ā€˜bleeepā€™, but the term- quite acceptable in this context in British usage - for a female dog.

    Canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been censored in a mild response to a Doonesbury cartoon ;-)

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    Jmarkoff  over 15 years ago

    Whatā€™s taking Trudeau so long for us to get the Obama ā€œiconā€?

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    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    I suspect an icon has to be ā€˜earnedā€™, through obvious gaffes etc. So far, thereā€™s nothing that obviously iconic. The guyā€™s a centrist politician who speaks well.

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    blackash2004-tree Premium Member over 15 years ago

    ā€œThe guyā€™s a centrist politician who speaks well.ā€

    I canā€™t stop laughing. A CENTRIST? Heā€™s our first true believing, far left Marxist-Leninist.

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    Manhunter808  over 15 years ago

    I vote with blackash ;)

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    cdward  over 15 years ago

    blacklash, now Iā€™m laughing. LEFT? The left hates him for essentially maintaining George Bushā€™s policies.

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    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Obama will look like a centrist to various people for various reasonsā€¦.

    Heā€™ll look centrist to those centrists who bought into his watered-down campaign rhetoric designed to hide his true socialist beliefs.

    Heā€™ll look centrist to other centrists who donā€™t recognize how far left the center has been dragged in the last 100 years.

    Heā€™ll look centrist to the most radical lefties who think theyā€™ve been betrayed by one of their own because he still hasnā€™t nationalized every corporation and outlawed the GOP.

    And altho I have yet to see one of these in captivity, I suspect there may be a few on the right who consider Obama a centrist because he is continuing so many Bush policies, most of which were themselves already leftist.

    The one thing I havenā€™t yet figured out about Obama is how much he recognizes the evil of his beliefs. With his history, he may actually believe his views are moderate!

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 15 years ago

    Far left?

    Speaking from the other side of the pond, some of you really have no idea what that means.

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    Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Agreed , Grimma and we live in Canada. Obama is far right of even our Conservative government!

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    Nemesys  over 15 years ago

    Unless you sit in the big chair, hating those policies is just theory. The reality is that many of George Bushā€™s policies made sense, so even someone as polar opposite asObama is forced to validate them by continuing them.

    Itā€™s all perspective. Even Nancy Pelosi looks right-wing from the perspective of Cindy Sheehan.

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    babka Premium Member over 15 years ago

    umā€¦. why is Jr. War Criminal in the White House? Is there a guest room? Doesnā€™t he have brush to burn in Crawford, while he waits for those Incoming halliburton pigeons to come home to roost?

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    brewwitch  over 15 years ago

    blackash said: ā€œHeā€™s our first true believing, far left Marxist-Leninist.ā€

    I find it sad that American media has distorted world politics to a point that someone would actually say this. Personally I think this is due to the steep decline of American education and journalism. Way too much Fox News and the like.

    There used to be Walter Cronkite ā€“ now we have Glenn Beck and the like. Ewwww!

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    kdobson  over 15 years ago

    Donā€™t the wavy/jagged lines for the Drunk-in-Chiefā€™s word balloons mean that heā€™s on the other end of a phone conversation?

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    Potrzebie  over 15 years ago

    W is drinking beer in Suburban Dallas and making brief appearances at football games. His hog farm is rumored to be up for sale. Canā€™t wait to see what Atwater-production is going to be assembled around the next GOP annointed one!

    Maybe Oā€™s icon will turn out to be the NPP!

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    Alabama Al  over 15 years ago

    Heck, I thought Dubya was proud to NOT be considered for something as effeminate as the Nobel Peace Prize.

    And Grimma, youā€™re correct. A large majority of people in this country have absolutely no clue of what the terms ā€œleftistā€, ā€œrightistā€, ā€œsocialistā€, or even ā€œcapitalistā€ mean, but they banter them around anyway.

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    Fred_Basset_fan  over 15 years ago

    Who killed Jack Grant?

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    babka Premium Member over 15 years ago

    thank you, kdobsonā€¦ā€¦whew.

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    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    Grimmaā€¦ When we have comments branding George W. Bush as leftist and Obama as Marxist-Leninist, you know the dark days are upon us and the inmates are looseā€¦

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    dadallen85  over 15 years ago

    heard it saidā€¦ starting to believeā€¦. obama just might be the antichrist

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    bradwilliams  over 15 years ago

    Thank you Susan, At least there is one other person out there that understands Ronnie ā€œI donā€™t remeber when I sold weapons to terroristā€ did not end the cold war!

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    misterwhite  over 15 years ago

    ps wrote: ā€œThe one thing I havenā€™t yet figured out about Obama is how much he recognizes the evil of his beliefs. With his history, he may actually believe his views are moderate! ā€

    The ONE thing you havenā€™t figured out?!?!?!?!

    Donā€™t put yourself down.

    The things you havenā€™t figured out are endless.

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    ChukLitl Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Gorbachev ended the Cold War when he said he wouldnā€™t use troops against his own people. The Polish dockworkers took him at his word, Hungarian border guards took him at his word, then Miracle of Miracles, the Red Army took him at his word. I think he was a CIA sleeper. It would explain a lot. Sting also had an influence; ā™«What might save us, me & you, is if the Russians love their children, too.ā™«

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    Ronshua  over 15 years ago

    dadallen85ā€¦ Brother there is NOWAY our esteemed President could be that marker in History .

    Mat 24:3 AndG1161 as heG846 satG2521 uponG1909 theG3588 mountG3735 of Olives,G1636 theG3588 disciplesG3101 cameG4334 unto himG846 privately,G2596 G2398 saying,G3004 TellG2036 us,G2254 whenG4219 shall these thingsG5023 be?G2071 andG2532 whatG5101 shall

    Strongā€™s G2398 and (shortly)G1722 G5034 word study will dispel the cartload of Futurism .

    Privately ā€¦ to them then only ! 2 , 3 , 4 , thousand years from then or from now ?

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    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Amen ChukLitl, thatā€™s the way it was. Reagans build up of American forces did nothing but impress his fellow conservatives. Glasnostā€™s openness and Gorbachevs unwillingness to use Stalinist techniques crumbled the Soviet Union.

    And letā€™s back the grammar bus up, Grimma the Nome. Prematurity? What the heck kind of word is that? Did you really make a noun out of the adjective premature? I know itā€™s English, so we can basically do what ever we want to it, but still. Prematurity? Thatā€™s a stretch.

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    tcambeul  over 15 years ago

    doodooberry will bleep a bleeping comment in a bleeping second.

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    ironflange  over 15 years ago

    Tuff luck for Reagan, that there isnā€™t a Nobel for saber-rattling.

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 15 years ago

    Prematurity is in the Websterā€™s dictionary. No stretch, not even an English-English oddity ;-)

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