Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 08, 2009

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    Oh, My, God. Here I thought that I was on a diet.

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    pansypoo53219  about 16 years ago

    another brilliant toon that needs to be said. sadly human are fecund and infest earth.

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    SaintRCat  about 16 years ago


    Shut up alien. You’re just bitter that Saint Hefner whupped your bitter in the 70’s.

    Besides, aliens are supposed to have such advanced technology and intellect and junk, yet they don’t seem to be doing anything to make things better on Earth.

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  4. Cat in lime helmet
    sappha58  about 16 years ago

    Oh, to see the Human herd thinned.

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  5. Statler
    HeckleMeElmo  about 16 years ago

    I’m right with you there. Assuming, of course, that it’s “them” and not “us” who get “thinned”, right?

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  6. Images
    JerryGorton  about 16 years ago

    Scary thought. The human herd thins itself with wars. Let’s hope the next one doesn’t thin us too much. Usually kills our young and sometimes our brightest and finest!

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  7. Dsc00655
    Garrulous  about 16 years ago

    War is one way to thin our herd. There’s always the next pandemic, famine or comet. One way or another the thinning seems to be inevitable. But not today please, my daughter just started signs of labor to give birth to my first grandchild.

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  8. Gendo head shot
    CyberEdsel  about 16 years ago

    This is particularly relevent in view of the recent birth of otctuplets to a couple who already had six children. This sort of madness is unconscionably egocentric. No one’s genes are so valuable that they need to be replicated 14 times. Talk about your “carbon footprint”…!!!

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    kfaatz925  about 16 years ago

    Beautiful drawing. Garrulous, congratulations - hopefully the world will become a better place for that child to live in.

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  10. Littlemoon2
    halavana  about 16 years ago

    Seems the 1 commandment the human race as chosen to obey, to the exclusion of most others, is “be fruitful and multiply.” Garrulous, congrats. Regarding the woman with 14 kids: I hope she isn’t expecting the rest of us to take care of them. The village has become quite crowded.

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    Penguinassassin007  about 16 years ago

    Actually, the woman who just had octuplets has been using in vitro fertilization. Apparently she has some weird obsession with being pregnant.

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  12. Adama
    jrs111456  about 16 years ago

    And the woman with 14 kids is not a couple. She is an single mother.

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  13. Presidential seal
    m_ortal  about 16 years ago

    Cigarettes, street gangs, ATVs, and dirt-bikes for kids. Nature’s way of thinning the herd.

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  14. N1495118875 241922 2408
    Ermine Notyours  about 16 years ago

    Would it help when my hair starts thinning?

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  15. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    take away the insects and in 50 years the earth dies. take away the humans and in 50 years the earth flourishes

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  16. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    halavana says: Seems the 1 commandment the human race as chosen to obey, to the exclusion of most others, is “be fruitful and multiply.”

    Yup, and the 2nd commandment was to “rule over the earth and all within it.”—which is why we’ve been screwing our brains out and killing everything within sight ever since.

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    Paudil  about 16 years ago

    It may be due to our earlier messing with the ecosystem, but if we don’t thin the deer herds now they’ll starve to death and screw up other parts of the system. So yes, they do need to be thinned. @Tristan: Do you have a number for how many times someone’s genes should be replicated?

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    Peter F Van Wagner  about 16 years ago

    Right on, Wiley. I’ll die laughing!

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  19. Danae
    Wiley creator about 16 years ago

    Thanks, but apparently you people are all wrong, according this letter I just received from a reader named Wesley Turner, who proclaimed:

    “You are a typical self-hating Liberal. Your work is filled with hypocrisy and self-loathing. “By their fruits shall ye know them”.”

    Of course, he doesn’t bother to inform me just how my work is filled with hypocrisy and self-loathing, but he obviously knows better than the rest of us.

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  20. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 16 years ago

    The planet is doing just fine. Those who worry about it have too much time on their hands.

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  21. Totorosmileicon
    kirbey  about 16 years ago

    Agree with Char32 ! Thanks…

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  22. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 16 years ago

    Wiley: I don’t care what your political stance is. You are FUNNY!! That’s what is important.

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  23. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 16 years ago

    Wiley has always understood the real world, and his bears, deer, and wildlife have always displayed more wit and wisdom than far too many two legged “critters”.

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  24. Puma
    durtclaw  about 16 years ago

    Recall a SciFi short story of long ago, they deduced dinos had disappeared when harvested by aliens. When will they come back to harvest all us 2 legged deer?

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    Kaero  about 16 years ago

    sigh Human beings are not destroying the planet. Human beings who think they have to right to live like the only species on the planet are damaging the planet. If we would realize that few people need SUVs, nobody needs Lunchables and housing developments probably should stop being built in the current market…probably nobody’s herd would need thinning.

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    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Don’t make those human herds like the human poachers! Let those wild animals live longer.

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  27. Forward woman
    Bender_Sastre  about 16 years ago

    Oh, I’m all for repealing laws that prevent us from killing ourselves, especially when they’re common sense. Ex. wearing a seat belt in the car, a life vest on a boat, etc. Let the idiots kill themselves; it cleanses the gene pool. Now, those who drive drunk kill other people in the process, so they should be incarcerated one the first offense and denied driving priviledges.

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    coolmammasue  about 16 years ago

    Hope you like my choices.

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  29. Redfoxava
    reynard61  about 16 years ago

    Paudil says: “Do you have a number for how many times someone’s genes should be replicated?”

    Two. One to replace the father, and one to replace the mother.

    (Even better, IMNSHO, is negative population growth: One or none at all. I’m practicing the latter.)

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    charschorr  about 16 years ago

    Beautiful as it is, this reminds me of Tolkien’s hellhole, MORDOR…

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    JonD17, your comment reminded me of a book I read about a year ago titled “The World Without Us” by Alan Weisman. It’s a pretty sobering notion. Somethings would improve greatly, but once our nuclear power plants etc began to decay great havoc would occur.

    Wiley, you know you are successful, if the points you make rile certain individuals. These folks are afraid of any thought or action that doesn’t correspond to their own preconceived notion. Just remember there are a lot more people out there who appreciate your efforts.

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    stealthww  about 16 years ago

    This comic is an example of a person making a wild jump in logic without sufficient research into the actual problem. Yes, thinning of the herd may sound terribly cruel, but it is much better than the alternative. For more information consult the “interweb” or read this book which I really enjoyed: “An Unspoken Hunger, Terry Tempest Williams.” Personally I think the bigger problem lies with people feeding deer at their houses.

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  33. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    cleokaya, I saw a short on television not too long ago on how nature ironically enough is flourishing in the so called dead zone around Chernobyl

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  34. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    I’m disgusted with all of you who have expressed such disdain of humanity as in this cartoon and some of the comments above. Where did you get your self-loathing?

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  35. Comics100
    ussrowe  about 16 years ago

    Calvin and Hobbes did a much more violent take on a similar theme:

    “Everyone understood that the human population had doubled in just two generations to almost six billion, so some thinning of the herd was necessary to prevent starvation”

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    drjt33  about 16 years ago

    lovely. thanks.

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    JonD17, I have seen those reports as well. The earth is like a living thing that will always struggle to survive what it is challenged to face. And unlike a human, time is not an issue.

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  38. Solicore
    Solitha Premium Member about 16 years ago

    @Paudil… starving is as much a part of the ecosystem as anything else. It is a natural limiter of population vs food supply.

    Humans compound the errors from removing natural predators, by allowing sport hunting as a limiter. The problem with that - sport hunters go for the biggest and best, not for those nature would choose to cull for the improvement of the species.

    @cleokaya, time is an issue with the planet as well as anything else in the universe. It’s just a period of time we can’t properly conceive.

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  39. Chop   red
    R.Bruce Germond Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. This taps the very unsaid heart… You are fast becoming my all time hero. RBG

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  40. Ba071203
    circuit7  about 16 years ago

    Yeah, thin the human herd. How about thinning it by not having s3x outside marriage? Sit your sorry butts down with pencil and recycled paper and figure out what the benefit THAT ONE PRACTICE OF SELF-CONTROL would have for your planet. Then there is a remarkably small amoral footprint, as no life that already exists needs to be extinguished prematurely. One moral decision quashes so many problems! Hypocrites. Go compost yourselves.

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  41. Jg whitesox
    John Glynn creator about 16 years ago

    this is magnificent work

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