Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 19, 2009
Danae: These ancient disks I found in Gran'ma's attic also reveal answers to some of life's biggest mysteries. Lucy: Really? Like what? Danae: Well... like the universe itself! According to the Lennonist theory, we apparently all live in a yellow submarine. Lucy: Suddenly life seems so stupidly clear... Danae: I know! Isn't it great?
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Beware the Blue Meanies and Apple Bonkers.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
or guitarzan!
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
Unfortunately, I’m too tired right now to come up with something really witty. It’s been a hard day’s night.
John Reiher Premium Member over 15 years ago
Heck, wait until Lucy hears “Lucy in the sky, with diamonds!”
“Picture yourself, on a horse by a river, with magazine scenes, and martian made skies! Your father calls you, you answer quite slowly, A girl with Kalashnikov eyes.”
Jackknife15 over 15 years ago
Actually, I’d like to be under the sea, in an octopuses garden, in the shade.
carmy over 15 years ago
What would you do if I sang out of tune? Aaargh!
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
I mentioned “Yellow Submarine” Yesterday. It is the worst Beatles song and one of the stupidest songs in history. I’d go with “Mellow Yellow” by Donovan.
Too bad they weren’t Stones fans. I’m sure Danae would get a kick out of “Paint it Black”
randayn over 15 years ago
Let’s not disagree. I’m sure we can work it out.
And if we can’t, then just let it be.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Well I came across a child of God, he was walking along the road And I asked him tell where are you going, this he told me: Well, I’m going down to Yasgur’s farm, going to join in a rock and roll band. Got to get back to the land, set my soul free. We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
Well, then can I walk beside you? I have come to lose the smog. And I feel like I’m a cog in something turning. And maybe it’s the time of year, yes, and maybe it’s the time of man. And I don’t know who I am but life is for learning. We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
By the time we got to Woodstock, we were half a million strong, And everywhere there was song and celebration. And I dreamed I saw the bombers jet planes riding shotgun in the sky, Turning into butterflies above our nation.
We are stardust, we are golden, we caught in the devil’s bargain, And we got to get ourselves back to the garden.
nonsequitous over 15 years ago
Carmy asks, plaintively, if not very melodiously, “What would you do if I sang out of tune?”
Well, Carmy luv, first I’d pop round the corner to the earplug shoppe. Then I’d fix a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering where it will go. If that didn’t work, I’d stop taking my ADD meds.
And BC13 offers this: I’m sure Danae would get a kick out of “Paint it Black”
Oh, I think that might be a litte too musically unsubtle for her taste, even though “I want to see you paint it…” would be exactly her style – Lucy would wind up doing all the painting a la Tom Sawyer. Perhaps The Byrds “Eight Miles High”… stranger than known and all that … a very eerie song, like our heroine.
Edcole1961 adds with a deep sigh, “Unfortunately, I’m too tired right now to come up with something really witty. It’s been a hard day’s night.”
Sorry to hear that. Can we HELP! in any way? —– Warning: incorrigible punster. Do not incorrige.
nonsequitous over 15 years ago
WaitingMan and Jack75287:
I left replies to your comments on yesterdays strip (ambiguity in absolute truth).
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
wndrwrthg: and the Snapping Turks, and the Dreadful Flying Glove!
Bittermelon of Truth over 15 years ago
I’m still chuckling over Danae’s pronouncement of “Lennonist theory” :-D
Leonardeuler over 15 years ago
“Suddenly life seems so stupidly clear.”
Sure, like “Dust in the wind” on a “Lazy sunday afternoon”.
Ronshua over 15 years ago
Danae don’t let it be said of you , “She come in through the bathroom window”. Not even with your silver spoon protection .
wicky over 15 years ago
She could use a bowl of “screaming yellow zonkers”.
shadowwriter over 15 years ago
flying purple people eater, oh and kalashnikov is an ak or ka 47 and 57
canadaeh over 15 years ago
wait till she starts finding backward clues that paul is dead.
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago
mjlew01 over 15 years ago
John Reiher, Jr - not even close, but funny antway.
grumpus55 over 15 years ago
What I find funniest is that her example of “Lennonist theory” is a song sung by Ringo.
Lurah over 15 years ago
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Yellow Submarine was written because of a contract that said the Beatles would make a third movie. They got out of it with a cartoon they didn’t even do the voices for.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Funny how yesterday’s wildest songs are totally tame when compared to today’s gang-banging (c)rap.
Joe_Minotaur over 15 years ago
I can’t comment today. I’m fixing a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering.
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
William Sutton Premium Member over 15 years ago
The hills are alive, With the sound of meanies…
dianecliff over 15 years ago
It’s getting better all the time”…..
yyyguy over 15 years ago
can’t get no worse!
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago
Loving the story arc this week. “Strawberry flavored malt liquor.” Cheers!
Jmarkoff over 15 years ago
What about the part about Flo and Captain Eddie getting freaky? That cut away too soon. I hope we get back to that.
bmonk over 15 years ago
One two three four Can I have a little more? Five six seven eight nine ten I love you!
A B C D Can I bring a friend to tea? E F G H I J I love you!
Sounds a pretty good philosophy of life to me…
LVJeff over 15 years ago
How can Yellow Submarine be one of their worst songs? It was always ever meant to be just an easy-to-sing children’s song.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
BC13…I sure wish you would stop that - I just had to listen to the Joni Mitchell version and then the CSN&Y next. I have the two-disc Woodstock DVD set and I suppose I’ll have to get it out tonight and watch it again, and it’s your fault. Oh well, at least it has gratuitous nudity so that helps….
halavana over 15 years ago
Winnie the Pooh doesn’t know what to do, Got a honey jar stuck on his nose. He came to me asking help and advice, And from there no one knows where he goes…
Trebor39 over 15 years ago
I wish Mary Travers was still here to sing for us.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
I wonder what “goo goo g’joob” means? Maybe Lars knows.
“I Am The Walrus” isn’t too much stranger than Cap’n Eddie’s adventures.
aardvarkseyes over 15 years ago
Anybody here hear that somebody is planning to remake The Yellow Submarine? So pointless. So Hollywood.
PS: I think it’s kaleidoscope eyes, not Kalashnikov (although that’s interesting in its own way, too…).
ChukLitl Premium Member over 15 years ago
♫Life goes on within you & without you♫
MatureCanadian over 15 years ago
Yes, definitely Kaleidoscope eyes. I was a goonie, so my remember-er works pretty well.
mizcraig over 15 years ago
He MEANT Kalishnikov eyes. It’s a take-off, doncha know.
reynard61 over 15 years ago
BinaryWiener said: “I’m still chuckling over Danae’s pronouncement of ‘Lennonist theory’ :-D”
I’ve always been partial to Marx (as in Groucho) myself…
NoBrandName over 15 years ago
Avast, I was thrown by the Kalashnikov eyes too, seein’ as how I knew it was bein’ kaleidoscope. Then I realized what he did there, and it are quite cromulent. Arrgh, an’ I was lookin’ forward to a plank walkin’!
RS42005 over 15 years ago
Wouldn’t this be the “Starrist Theory” since the song was written by Ringo?
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
Methinks Wiley was going for the obvious play on words here, but not everybody knows a lot of Beatles songs. “Yellow Submarine” was something I’d heard before I knew it was by The Beatles (with slightly altered lyrics)
We all live in a yellow submarine We hate the PROFANITY thing We wanna’ paint it green…
lisagrinning over 15 years ago
Get them Glove! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ZoooooM
Dirty Dragon over 15 years ago
If Danae ever gets around to “Octopus’ Garden”, that’s the day she and Lio finally meet.
DGooseE over 15 years ago
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
nonsequitous over 15 years ago
“Wouldn’t this be the “Starrist Theory” since the song was written by Ringo?”
I thought we weren’t gonna get all political. So please, stop with the global-eminent-domain Ringoistic Imperialism.
nonsequitous over 15 years ago
“Oh well, at least it has gratuitous nudity so that helps….”
There’s no such thing as gratuitous nudity. There’s always a reason. If it doesn’t advance the plot, at least it holds the viewers’ interest, same as good film editing and a well recorded sound track.
Right, guys?
Ronshua over 15 years ago
I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy Snaggy, shaggy, ratsy, matsy Oily, greasy, fleecy Shining, gleaming, streaming Flaxen, waxen Knotted, polka-dotted Twisted, beaded, braided Powdered, flowered, and confettied Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied! Premium Member over 15 years ago
Sadly, not only did Mary Travers die, PPM also died as a group – the guys (good as they are) just won’t cut it without her – especially singing Puff or Blowin in the Wind. Nearly 50 years of wonderful music out of those 3.