Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 16, 2011

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  over 13 years ago

    Probably a wise move …

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    Pink_Belle  over 13 years ago

    Okay, seriously, Greg, there needs to be a day change so Luann can change clothes. It IS really nice to see Bernice again. I’ve missed her and Delta! They haven’t been around for awhile!!

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  3. Username catfeet
    Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Fire up the snorkel, Brad, Ann Eiffel’s back in town!

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    lilrabbit  over 13 years ago

    Either Luann’s memory is bad, or Zane was immediately re-hired, because Zane was definitely working at Borderland in July of 2003, after Ms. Eiffel’s departure. However, I wonder if something else is going on. I am vaguely reminded of a scene from the 1995 remake of the movie Sabrina. The Julia Ormond character (Sabrina), still in her ugly duckling stage, is struggling to meet the expectations of her supervisor at Vogue. A more senior editor counsels, “I tortured her, now she tortures you. Succeed, and you will have someone of your own to torture”. Perhaps Ms. Eiffel simply saw Bernice as a someone with a lot of potential who could benefit from the torture of scutwork and the proximity to (in her own opinion at least) “a great manager”.

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  5. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    Nice intrafamilial nonchalance as Luann goes to the cabinet for a snack while Bernice tries to save her over-confident big brother from a fate worse than death. Beware Ann Eiffel, Brad my lad!

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    9thCapricorn  over 13 years ago

    I looked up Wikipedia…it looks like Zane was fired but he probably reported to Ann’s superior who in turn investigated Ann and had her transferred. Looks like her superior found that Zane’s termination was groundless and that she was guilty of sexual harassment…I seem to remember Zane being re-hired…that might be how I got mixed up. Here is the link to Wikipedia where you can find info on all the characters, including Zane and Ann.

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    9thCapricorn  over 13 years ago

    I DO remember Bernice being thrilled to see Zane back at the bookstore, so I do believe Zane was re-hired after Ann transferred to Japan. That was when Bernice proposed and Zane decided he needed to move on and take care of things he needed to do and vanished from the strip. If Ann is back, I want to see Zane back, too!

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  8. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 13 years ago

    If I recall correctly. Zane was fired by Eiffel. However, after she was replaced by Mr. Munter, he rehired Zane. I cannot verify this. Because that story line occurred in 2002 and the archives at present only go back to 2003.

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  9. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 13 years ago

    Regarding today’s strip. Brad’s posture and expression just exudes self confidence in his ability to handle Ms Eiffel. I think he only melts down and gets tongue tied when he is with Toni. (And who can blame him!) We may see a showdown of sorts if Toni happens to pay a visit to Weenie World. While Ann is on duty.

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    JerryTheK  over 13 years ago

    Like I said Brad will have no problem with the Tower.

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  11. Capture
    Rockabore  over 13 years ago

    Treated you like a slave… Yeah, that’s not exactly helping the whole “Ann Eiffel is an insatiable kinky, bondage queen with a thing for Bern” theory that’s going around, Bernice. XD

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    You’re a firefighter? No, you gave up on that career when you realized that there were no firefighter jobs in your neighborhood. Now you are a cleanup boy.

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    Bklyn60  over 13 years ago

    Bootm line- Brad has been warned. The rest is on him.

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    Bklyn60  over 13 years ago

    um… Bottom

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    Well Brad – You certainly can handle women. After all, you have had one girlfriend in your entire life.Ann, however does not seem to be someone whois going to try to break Brad. She comes off as very accommidating, Her words say that she appears to be a good manager. She recognizes her staffs efforts and self improvement and rewards them.AH.. can’t wait to see the rewards.

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  16. 01283 s 11agm6fucw1197
    R Ball Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Of course it’s only a comic strip. But most of us who follow it and this site regularly treat it like a family we’re invested in. And whatever the route, I think Eiffel (I don’t think I got the pun the first time around!!) will end up in a place she doesn’t want to be. Like Dirk, I don’t think her bad behavior will change.

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  17. Clipboard01
    JohnRPelt  over 13 years ago

    anyone else notice that Bern didn’t mention to brad how Ann… uh, interacted with her after firing Zane?

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  18. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    Yes IMO, DaJellyBelly is right. .“Zane was fired by Eiffel. However, after she was replaced by Mr. Munter, he rehired Zane.” .Mr. Munter was the one who so often said ’"…. just kidding!" after a remark. As I recall, Bernice got Munter to rehire Zane. Then came the fire..That story line was probably in 2002 and the poor archives at GoComics only go back to 2003.

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  19. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    Personally, I think this is how Brad should handle Ann Eiffel:

    “…so then TJ just pulls a $3 Grand out of nowhere. but of course I couldn’t accept it, and….wellllll, speak of the devil…!”

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  20. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago


    confirmed by Greg Evans himself

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  21. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    is a lil of both, Ann wanted to “shape Bern into better opportunities job wise” and was “romantically interested on Bern”; right now Brad might be Ann’s pet project, work related but not romance wise; and we have to see how Ann reacts seeing Bern again, or seeing Tiff and/or Toni

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  22. The big lebowski   jeff bridges
    BackwardsHatWearingGuy  over 13 years ago

    I’m telling you all, we will be thrown a curveball and be shocked to find out that Ann is not as mean as Bernice thinks. I believe that Ann has learned a lesson from her time in Japan, being immersed in the teachings of the Buddha. Ann will also change the name “Weenie World” to “Upward Facing Dogs”

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  23. Cute brunette cheerleader girl with pom poms doing a cheer for the school team 0515 0910 3113 4021 smu
    DeGrootingforLuann  over 13 years ago

    I guess we’ll all have to wait until Monday to see just what Ann has in mind for Brad and Weenie World — the anticipation is killing me! My fingers are crossed that Brad can keep his priorities straight and not be duped should Ann try anything untoward.

    As to Professor Chaos’ wish that Sabrina be made into a Broadway musical — fabulous! You go girl!!

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    bpear Premium Member over 13 years ago
    @Dave53 … I can never get past “Fore-warned is four-armed” without thinking that’s half an octopus.
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  25. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 13 years ago

    WAS a firefighter, Brad. Your Weenie World uniform confirms that.

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    tegm  over 13 years ago

    She’s right, it will be an interesting summer!

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    JsGurl  over 13 years ago

    No offense to Bernice but she can’t ask Brad to quit, it is hard to find a job and he found one so he will just have to tough it out until he finds something else….hopefully Ann won’t be that bad this time.

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  28. Viking
    steelersneo  over 13 years ago


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