Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 05, 2011
Melissa: So you think you'll tell anyone else, Roz? Soldier: Why wouldn't I tell anyone else? Melissa: I don't know. Some on the team might not respond well? Soldier: Hey, guys! Check it out - I'm gay! Voices: NO KIDDING! Soldier: And life goes on. Melissa: Amazing.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Nobody cares.
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Three strips done with three to go. Tune back in Sunday.
rayannina over 13 years ago
Gweedo: that’s what I said about Portia deRossi.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
@ Gweedo and Rayannina: It isn’t a crime if you are Ellen Degeneres, Portia’s spouse.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Jokes about Dutch girls putting thumbs in dykes are likely not appropriate in this space.
roctor over 13 years ago
The only ones who cared about service memberd rights were the money behind the polticians who needed more studies.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Those who worry most about the sexuality of others are those who worry most about their own.
Plods with ...™ over 13 years ago
Big deal – she likes girls… Me too!
Wildcard24365 over 13 years ago
So when did YOU choose to be…
TexTech over 13 years ago
My uncle was gay and served as a naval medic in WW II during the Guadalcanal campaign. He never talked about it but my dad gave me the impression it was pretty awful for everyone there and it deeply affected my uncle. Still, he did his job and I doubt no one on board ship gave a rat’s fanny about his sexual orientation when he was trying to put their bodies back together.And the whole argument that gays in the military would undermine morale or reduce readiness is bogus. The military of almost all the other industrialized nations have had gays serving openly and it does not seem to be an issue with them. Is Puritanism so painfully and deeply ingrained in Americans that we cannot cope with people different from us? I hope we grow up some day.
charliesommers over 13 years ago
I was in the military over 40 years ago and even then most of us didn’t care about someone’s sexual orientation, just how well they did their job.
Andre Bishop over 13 years ago
I love how this comic strip remains relevant.
montessoriteacher over 13 years ago
If there is bias against homosexuals in the general population, there will be bias in the military as well. The military is part of us. Of course, most of us aren’t in the military. GT, for example, is far too old at this point. Like many of us. I have a brother who was a hippie when it was his time to serve and now he is a big right winger. He is now way into the military, now that he can’t be involved in it, other cheering from the sidelines. Go figure.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
to get a good perspective on how idiotic discrimination against gays is, just replace the term gay people, with black people.or , going back further, women……….think about all the fine talent of women , when they were discriminated against and blacks , when they were discriminated against, going to complete and utter waste.ol’ adolph lost a lot of brilliant minds for his country when he murdered and discriminated against Jews
djmalloy over 13 years ago
@TexTech: Puritanism is one of the many fine gifts the Massachusetts Bay Colony has left for this country. The others being the witch hunt and the Tea Party.
carlgd over 13 years ago
HEY NAM VETS….How many of the names on the wall were gay?It’s been said already nobody gave a toot
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
Many soldiers must be mad since she’s no longer in the pool. And she was being treated as a 10. No more free rides for her.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
DT is boycotting the remainder of this week’s strip because of some of the tasteless comments made earlier this week.
yuggib over 13 years ago
Thankfully, DADT is now history. As in the past, when Truman to the military to integrate the Black soldier into the rest of the force, and in 73/73 when we DID integrate females into the force (what a balls-up affair that was, with the old fossils having to be dragged into the present…or forced to retire), the GLBT thing will take a few years to pass into obscurity. Right now, if I were gay and still in the regular force (I’m retired), I would have to think about coming out. I remember one young lady who came to me about a “problem” she was having with the command. She was shocked and awed when I asked her if her problem was caused, bottom lie, because she was gay? Everyone knew she was, and so what? She was good at he assigned job, and had the respect of her peers. And THAT was all that counted. This happened in the mid 80’s. Back when the military was still paranoid about how easily the Government figured the GLBT troop could be turned into a security comprimise. I do not think (but I also do not know) that the comprimise every happened.
As for Roz being off the “hit” list, don’t believe it for a second! GBLT personnel still go out with other soldier of different sexual orientation, and enjoy the company of other human beings. And who says that they exclusively enjoy the sexual aspect of life with their own “kind?” Again, some do, and some don’t. Just like in “the World.”
ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago
When they could be thrown out for it, they were a security risk because they could be blackmailed. Good riddance to that particular security risk.
hmofo813 Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’m sure Trudeau’s heart is in the right place with this storyline, but I’ll bet there are some lesbians out there who are offended by the apparent stereotype of the fat, unattractive lesbian, and I’d say they have a point. Why not have Melissa be the one who turned out to be queer? That even has some resonance with her backstory as a survivor of sexual abuse in the military.
x666dog over 13 years ago
While gays have and do serve in the military, those in combat unit (infantry) don’t necessarily want to know if the guy next to them is gay. They just want them to do their job and keep their sexual orientation to themselves.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
I really laughed at today’s strip because I witnessed almost exactly the same incident with two WACs at Ft Benning, with the same reaction from bystanders: in 1968!!! WKDC was the real rule back then: “We Know Don’t Care”.
Goblinopolis over 13 years ago
Homophobes are almost invariably people who are not certain of, or comfortable with, their own sexual orientation. Once you’ve sat down and been totally honest with yourself about who you really are, gay or straight, the fear goes away.
notinksanymore over 13 years ago
Portia de Rossi married Ellen?!
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
When no one’s talking about you, a quick denial is a confession.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
Myth No. 1: You can always tell who the homosexuals are.Myth No. 2: You can never tell who the homosexuals are.
What I find a little bit strange about how this is playing out is that apparently everybody knew Ros is a lesbian except MEL. OK, I mean I know Mel’s been preoccupied with other stuff, but still they’re kinda BFF’s, no?
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Get over yourself. I wasn’t thinking about you at all and hadn’t said your name when you cried out that I was wrong about you. Your perceived persecution is self-inflicted.
Liam Astle Premium Member over 13 years ago
There is only one way for this storyline to end with the sergeant locked in an office somewhere believing that everyone wants to sexual assault her now.
countoftowergrove over 13 years ago
Just like I said the other day, no surprise here. Next arc!
stanflouride Premium Member over 13 years ago
I was a US ARMY Medic on the Institute of Surgical Research (then and now the world’s best burn unit) and worked with, for, and under gay officers, NCOs, and enlisted. Some were uncomfortable at first but they were mostly the same who were uncomfortable working with people of color and Yankees like me. When it came time to take care of the war-damaged men and women and children all that crap just disappeared and we got to work.It’s the military, you don’t get to pick. Premium Member over 13 years ago
<The only ones who care are extreme Bible thumpers and gays with an agenda. The rest of us don’t give a rip.>
Thank you — you took the words right out of my mouth!
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
Should we or they care?
cdhaley over 13 years ago
GBT’s fourth panel should have made most of these comments supererogatory. So many readers eager to tell the world they don’t care!
GTphile over 13 years ago
@Palin Drome
Very prescient; thank you.