Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 11, 2011
Alex: Why do you need a place in Boston, Gram? Joanie: Well, I might be working on the Warren senatorial campaign... I was planning on a hotel, but if you think you'd like me as a roommate... Alex: Would I? That would be awesome, Gram! Do you like the windows open at night? Is one closet enough? This is so great! Do you snore? Mind reptiles? What days can you take out the garbage? Joanie: Maybe a hotel is best, dear.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Now we know why Drew moved out.
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
Alex, nice technique of nudging Grandma out. She is planning to share with Lio.
jpallan over 13 years ago
Heh. The needs of twenty-somethings screening roommates are a bit different than the needs of sixty-plus year-old women who are looking for a temporary sublet.
rayannina over 13 years ago
I’m waiting for the first time Grandma gets up early, goes to the kitchen to make coffee … and runs into a stuttering Leo wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and an eyepatch. Good times!
Snark-impaired over 13 years ago
@palin drome: I thought Alex was still at M.I.T. as a graduate student, and that Leo lives further south somewhere with his mom in a trailer? I didn’t think they lived in the same town (yet).
Doughfoot over 13 years ago
I’ve been reading the Doonesbury archives. Alex’s first love, back when she was a little girl, was Leo. The Leonardo di Capria of Titanic. I wonder if Trudeau was thinking of that when he came up with Toggle in the first place?
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
If Jeff follows through on the consumer activism seed Joanie planted, they can both work for Warren and room together.
cdward over 13 years ago
I think Alex just went into over-excitement mode and made Joanie decide she doesn’t need to be a roommate after all.
roctor over 13 years ago
Art comparo, Alex’s profile between upper banner and panal 1 illustrates same but different. The fresh face of youth pullled an unwitting coupe
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
skip the Senate. WARREN FOR PRESIDENT!
arye uygur over 13 years ago
If Joannie is Alex’s grandma ans Joannie is Jeff’s (Sork r) mother, does that make Jeff Alex’s uncle?
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
Who doesn’t love reptiles?
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
More or less. Alex’s mom (Joan Jr.) is Jeff’s half-sister.
I can’t recall Alex and Jeff ever having met (let alone acknowledging kinship), but they both know Zipper.
diggitt over 13 years ago
Some of the younger readers here need to stop for a moment and think about what their grandparents have lived through. Do you really think someone who has been through Vietnam sit-ins and Berkeley’s Free Speech Movement etc etc is going to be shocked by a mostly undressed young man? Grow up, guys. Joanie ran away from her first husband to live at Walden! Yes—Jeff is Alex’s uncle, or half-uncle—whatever. But, uncle. JJ and Jeff have different fathers and were born a a couple decades apart.
jollyjack over 13 years ago
Still waiting for the Drew explanation.
Kirk Sinclair over 13 years ago
@diggit – I hope they do room together – lots of cross-generational materal, as you note, for Trudeau to work with. Interesting perspectives abounding from the older and wiser grandma on the same stuff Alex is now engaged in.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Sending a message to DT Pi: I know you were upset by some of the comments posted last week regarding Roz coming out and have not posted since but I believe you are being unfair by cutting off all interaction on this strip.Your contributions were highly appreciated by many here and added to both to the quality and pleasure of the debate. Please reconsider rejoining us.
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
Don’t you love Alex’s contrived enthusiasm, overshadowing her intentions? She found a way to weasel out of an uncomfortable proposal while appearing to support it. The old poison pill trick, and it worked. Sounds like something Shakespeare would think of. That’s one of the reasons why she’s the smart one, and there is so much drama in her life.
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
@leftwingpatriot; re your plea to dtpi, let me add my voice to yours. I really enjoy reading his posts.