Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for November 13, 2011
Rose: There's Paige! I wonder what her big news is? She wouldn't tell me on the phone! Hi, Paige! Paige: Thanks for meeting me, Rose! I have something exciting to show you! Rose: Oh! What a lovely necklace! Was it a gift? Paige: Actually, it's a sample from the Ella Anne collection! In fact...I'm an authorized hostess for this region! Rose: This can't be happening... A jewelry party ambush invite! What excuse can I use to get out of this? Paige: I'm hosting a party next Thursday! I found that if I surprise people with their invite...they don't have time to come up with any excuses! Not that you would, Rose! You're too nice of a person for that nonsense! Rose: Uh-huh... Is there anything I can bring to the party? Paige: Just your checkbook! I'll mark you down as a "Yes!".
dkendraf over 13 years ago
Umm… am I the only one who knows how to say “No, thank you” without feeling like I need to give a reason? Much as I like Rose (she’s my home page after all), I sometimes don’t get her spinelessness without Vikki’s help.
Crabbyrino Premium Member over 13 years ago
Hey, go to the party, enjoy the company and don’t buy a thing!
RonaldDavis over 13 years ago
Good thinking! If you want to be polite, that gives you time to think up a polite excuse, e.g. “Just as I was going out the door, my … .”.
Cajtri87 over 13 years ago
Actually I think that is a horrible solution. People are just way to inconsiderate about things like that today. If she didn’t go, then how would she face that person? As courtesy goes, so does our country. Used to make me sick when my Dad said that, but I get it now.
BlackHawkDon over 13 years ago
But the finest nauga hide comes from the unborn nauga.
hawgowar over 13 years ago
Let her bring her jalapeno dip. That’ll break up the party pretty quick and she’ll never be invited to another.
dtegtmeier51 over 13 years ago
My response to “You;re too nice of a person for that kind of nonsense” would have been, “I thought you were too nice of a person to ambush me like this…so, I guess we were both wrong.”
Doctor11 over 13 years ago
She’s already put down to go, so she has to go in order to get it over with.
nboady over 13 years ago
That reminds me of the story told on the commentary track of the Top Secret! dvd. After the movie shooting was completed, the directors & producers had invited Omar Sharif to supper at a local restaurant (as a thank-you for being in the movie). Everyone waited for Sharif to show up and he never came. Turned out that Sharif really didn’t want to go but since it wasn’t considered good manners in Egyptian culture to say no in these instances, he said that he’d be there and simply didn’t show up (in fact, Sharif was already out-of-town when the supper was held).
Barbara13 over 13 years ago
So, what’s the big deal? She liked the necklace and she MIght see something she actually wants. If not, just say no.
Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 13 years ago
I hope Rose goes in her biker chick persona to that party! That’ll liven it up and then some.
chris_weaver over 13 years ago
Welcome to Paige’s captive audience!
kittylover2 over 13 years ago
I just said No to those kind of “invites”. Pretty soon no one bothered to ask.
dfowensby over 13 years ago
Really^-. My wife had a shocking and up-front response: F*ck you. Worked really well, too.
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’m sorry. I have plans.
iced tea over 13 years ago
You have to assertive and say no.
rugratz2222 over 13 years ago
I do network marketing on the side, but I never ambush or con people. If they’re looking, fine, I got something for them. If they’re not looking, fine, I don’t want them. And on our merry way we go and we’re still friends. Now that was easy, wasn’t it?
chromosome Premium Member over 13 years ago
Bring a gigantic bowl of beans to the party.
vldazzle over 13 years ago
Way too sneaky. I almost got trapped that way by an electrical engineer (who I thought wanted to collaborate) to go to an Amway event :-( !! Premium Member over 13 years ago
^ Me too — by a family member. A party on a Monday night was the tip-off.