Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 09, 2012
Crystal: "Well? How was your big Hollywood experience?" Tiffany: "AWESOME! I was such a hot on the "Zeye" set!!" Tiffany: "The assistant director LOVED me! She had me working all the time!" Crystal: "Acting? You're actually IN the movie?" Tiffany: "Yup! Well, kinda. I mean, not IN it exactly..." Crystal: "You fetched coffee, didn't you?"
bikenboatn about 13 years ago
So what is a “go-fer” called in Hollywood? Tiffany Ferrell!
pnorman1 about 13 years ago
Don’t give up hope. There’s still the possibility of flashback scenes when Elwood gets back to town.
FatTonyBalducci about 13 years ago
that’s how you get yer start!
Airman about 13 years ago
Ahhh. Seems Tiff is rather “uplifted” by her trip to Hollywood.
Airman about 13 years ago
I think she may have been offered a bit part in that jail break movie called “Bust Out.”
ZacBSM about 13 years ago
Too dimwitted to realize she was just a girl friday. That was Elwood cast her to be. She might be spotted for a modeling gig, though. She is fake enough for that and she does not have to say anything. Just pose and pout. Perfect.
kbyrdleroy123 about 13 years ago
They all start out like that.
TheSkulker about 13 years ago
Crystal really knows how to see through “Tiffany speak”!
shuji692000 about 13 years ago
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
UNLIKE Mr. Oz, Tiffany is FREELY Talking about HER L.A. Jaunt.
TerBer about 13 years ago
That may be enough to get her name in the film credits. LIFE IS GOOD.
mjhannaman about 13 years ago
Oh goodie, another week of lu/tiff/gunth/yawn/blah…
Can we please get back to The TJ and Ann Eiffel Show????
vldazzle about 13 years ago
I was having a problem with my posts (tried a ctlC and del, then ctlV for a correction, and it posted something from elsewhere. Then re-typed a comment and it never appeared. This time I’ll save it (I’m a slow typist).
vldazzle about 13 years ago
I agree with Mouse that Quill was as eloquent as I expect a man to be. @myhannamann, I am relieved to learn that Tiff was nothing but a go-fer, and hope that tomorrow she says something in Tiff-speak about her romance with Quill.
ewalnut about 13 years ago
It would be fun to see flashbacks of Tiffany’s experience in Hollywood.
whayle about 13 years ago
She paid for her own flight, though, remember? And I bet she didn’t get paid for being a gofer. Her experience on the set was payment enough!
sjsczurek about 13 years ago
Tiffany’s name in the credits? “Best Girl?” As in the co-opted or something version of “Best Boy?”
wiselad about 13 years ago
the closest Tiff can get to “best girl” would be if she was a “Vest Girl”
DamSkippy about 13 years ago
Luann asked Quill three questions that any other friend would ask about his trip and he immediately makes comments about her insecurity. He’s either hiding something or just mean.
Popeyesforearm about 13 years ago
that tight sweater is cutting off the circulation to her brain.
ACTIVIST1234 about 13 years ago
Never thought I’d say this, but I like Tiff. She was obviously a go-fer and knows it but also knows that positive people get more opportunities than negative people.
Had she seen the glass as 3/4 empty and refused to get the coffee, she could not have met anyone or had any chances. But since she did make use of the crumb she was given, and did it without complaining, perhaps other good things will come her way. If not today, down the road. Never be “too good” for an opportunity!
boldyuma about 13 years ago
Well..Tiffany is rather ‘fetching’ and maybe she’ll
have her name way,way, down at the end as the credits
roll as “craft services”…or “caterer”..
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Hey, it’s still ‘show business’!
Airman about 13 years ago
Tiffany can do it. Not on the big screen, but on a TV sitcom where there aren’t too many lines to memorize. Elwood might open the doors and Crystal can be her manager/protector. All she has to do is keep her clothes colorful and tight, and giggle a lot. Kind of like Goldie Hawn in the old Laugh In TV show.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Crystal is wise, Tiff is not. What a pair! Both are attractive-looking, but only Crystal is attractive.
cozy3952 about 13 years ago
It’s funny how Tiffany and Luann are totally self absorbed and at opposite extremes!
Tinyman about 13 years ago
I knew she wouldnt get the main part in it. NOw I am wondering if it even paid enough to even cover the plane trip both ways.
rvonluchen about 13 years ago
Did Tiffany get listed as a Production Assistant in the movie credits?
DockoftheBay about 13 years ago
Tiffany is the opposite of Luann.