Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 20, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Namrepus  about 13 years ago

    I heard that once TJ got punched in the mouth, and it knocked out 72 teeth!

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  2. Truff avatar
    ShagsCA  about 13 years ago

    He’s gotcha by the fuzz, Annie!

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  3. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  about 13 years ago

    She’s utterly befuddled and is stuttering. This is one time where TJ’s plan has worked! lol

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    A first – Ann is stuttering-sputtering and TJ made her. Way to go, TJ.

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    halestormstopper  about 13 years ago

    @Namrepus: If somebody punched TJ in the mouth, they’d manage to knock out their OWN teeth.

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    homfencing  about 13 years ago

    Bwhhaaa!!! You already fired him, you twit….AND there;s evidence that he DID. in fact, bring in loads of money…what else can you do to him!

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  7. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 13 years ago

    … or I’ll… uh, wait…

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    We’re in the red zone again. Can Greg deliver this time? Or just settle for a field goal, and move on to another story line? Will Ann learn respect for people? Will TJ take any pride in a job well done? Will there be a moral to this story?

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    bikenboatn  about 13 years ago

    So hopefully TJ will continue to assert his dominance, and he won’t back down and sit like a trained dog.

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    gimmickgenius  about 13 years ago

    Just hope TJ hasn’t been “Cooking the books.”

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    ReneTray  about 13 years ago


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    ReneTray  about 13 years ago


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    ComicLaff  about 13 years ago

    TJ is such a smart-aleck, and Ms. Eiffel is such a b***h.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Manager Ann wants to keep profitability. Boss Ann is conflicted, whether to leave TJ fired or swallow her pride and re-hire him (so hard to do!). TJ just needs to follow through for once, and Annie Eiffel the Awful Eyeful will be well and truly defeated—maybe forced by TJ to apologize to Brad and Toni!

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    Heavylift  about 13 years ago

    He might be trying to teach the old age saying…..You can’t always get what you want!!!Way to go TJ : )-

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    rusty gate  about 13 years ago

    I think TJ should just walk away. Leave her stewing.

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    sarge112751  about 13 years ago

    Why? - .Do I see SMOKE coming outta her ears? – MERCY me!

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    sarge112751  about 13 years ago

    No – I worked fast food and a boss or shift supervisor can go to ANY order terminal and punch a couple buttons – in milli-seconds GET that same report!

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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    Maybe this plan had a little more thought than his previous fiascos. Obviously, just upsetting Ann with being snide would only succeed in getting him fired. He needs to stay working to continue to bother her. But now it appears to be her falling under his spell.

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    Bill the Butcher  about 13 years ago

    How did he bring in loads of money? He SAID he would, but how did he do it without anyone, let alone Eiffel, noticing? And how is increasing sales “driving her crazy”?

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  21. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago

    Ann, Ann.

    Let TJ GO.

    Let TJ walk out the door wearing that Weenie World Vest.

    Then Call the Police and have him arrested for stealing Company Property.

    And on the day of the Trial, tell a weeping Ole Smiley You’ll Drop the Charges if he becomes Your willing Counter Jockey and Love Monkey for the rest of the year.

    Later, when He has doubled Your SALES and Satisified Your Perverse Desires, FIRE him again.

    ……, and ENJOY a TRIUMPHANT Cup of COFFEE!!!!

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Some have complained TJ’s catch was so disappointing, but what else could it have been?

    If TJ owned WW they why didn’t he step in when Anne was mess with his roomate?

    No, Greg is setting up this storyline and there was no fumbling in his part.

    The questions are:Is Anne going to keep him because of the sales and try to pump him on his process? OrIs she going to have to cover the register to learn his secrets?Or Will she discover TJ was simply buying extra food on his dime to bring up his totals?

    Keep at it Greg, it’s fun to watch a bad boss get shaken around for a change.

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  23. Bizarre006
    716PMedGuy  about 13 years ago

    this guy is good………

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    Alabama Al  about 13 years ago

    In real life Ann Eiffel might have grimaced at the report, but she would have let TJ continue walking. TJ committed the ultimate sin in a business organization – he disrupted it, or at least the equilibrium of the administrator.`Here’s a thought: how about having TJ somehow take over the management of Weiner World and deal with the drudges he currently works with. I’m rather confident he won’t like it.`Additionally, I’d really like to know how he managed to double sales over the others. Personally, when I go into a fast food restaurant the last thing I want to hear is a sales pitch from the counter help. (Asking if I want to Super Size is rather pushing it.) Just take my order, receive my payment, give me my food, and I’m out of there.

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    phurface  about 13 years ago

    Revenge…a dish that is best served cold

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    StoicLion1973  about 13 years ago

    The old quote is true: money talks, b-llsh-t walks.

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    imbaldeagle  about 13 years ago

    You can yell, scream, command & threaten, but it all rolls off the back of the Teflon Joker.

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    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    He’s messing with her mind, and trust me, she deserves EVERY second of it. Get her, TJ!

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    ArtCreator  about 13 years ago

    She’s LOSING money, Ann is greedy and is looking for get rich quick schemes.

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    teddyr  about 13 years ago

    I’m thinking that if he DID fudge the reports, he’ll somehow hang it on Ann and get her a— in a sling big time with corporate.

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    Varnes  about 13 years ago

    TJ’s a hero for a change…………….

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    unique_ness26  about 13 years ago

    I love where this is going….

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    Brian LeCaire  about 13 years ago

    This is beautiful.

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  34. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    She has done that “sit” command from the beginning! Horrid to be ordered like that. TJ must really know he’s got the upper hand to keep on smiling. Will this arc continue Monday or will we have a switch?

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    prrdh  about 13 years ago

    How does it get back at her? If he stays fired, not only is she without the additional revenue he brought in but she has to pay unemployment since he didn’t quit and her ‘cause’ of firing doesn’t qualify for exemption.

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    JohnRPelt  about 13 years ago

    Got her by the baby cannon :)

    I failed basic biology :(

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    Technoir  about 13 years ago

    In that last panel, you can almost see her anti-psychotic meds stop working.

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    TheDOCTOR  about 13 years ago

    Ann kinda reminds me of Heather Locklear, or was it Morgan Fairchild, from Melrose Place? Anyway, the Hot Boss who would do ‘anything’ to be on top (* pardon the pun *). The next step would be for her to try and Seduce TJ {Hey C’mon folks, I’m trying to keep it clean} but this isn’t that kind of strip.

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    petersg_99  about 13 years ago

    Perhaps Greg has a Taming of the Shrew twist for this story line. It sort of fits where he’s going since he’s been busy pairing up the characters. I’m anxious to see who he pairs Tiffany with…

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  40. God
    Detroit1967  about 13 years ago

    Based on some of the comments related to revenge, seduction and humiliation “Luann” – the comic strip – could easily be adapted to the Silver Screen, or made into a HBO series. Can see it now – “Luann SVU” taken from from the sordid tales found in the funny pages of your local newspaper.

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    lance96816  about 13 years ago

    I still thinks TJ been discounting meals, then paying for it himself. But another thought came to mind. If the other employees don’t like Ann, then they might be funneling their sales to TJ. As you remember, when Ann called TJ, he said he was with a customer, when he was standing alone.

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  42. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  about 13 years ago

    So, Ann is actually a businessperson who prizes profitability over power and pride. I’ve got to give her more respect. Let’s see if she can salvage any of the three “P’s”. Who knows, WW might expand and open other franchises.

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    froglunch  about 13 years ago

    YEAH, TJ! :D

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    rko  about 13 years ago

    in her case, i think the word is “sluttering,” not stuttering.

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    dfowensby  about 13 years ago

    hmmm. i hope ann is on birth control…hehheh.

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    poopdaddytim  about 13 years ago

    Pray tell, how do you double sales at a fast food restaurant? Inconceivable that a cashier could make people order more food. This entire story line is ridiculous. Let’s get back to Brad and Toni please.

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    blocks  about 13 years ago

    Wow, thank you Greg for all of your good and important work, the second frame just show’s Ann Eiffel’s level of professionalism in so many ways

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    imbaldeagle  about 13 years ago

    OR I’ll… I’ll (do nothin) She has no options for someone like Teflon Joker.

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    Kerbster  about 13 years ago

    So, now we know what TJ’s take is. What is Ann’s?

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    claudskij  about 13 years ago

    (fast forward to several strips in the future) "Good morning, Weinie World employees. I’m your new boss, You can call me TJ.)

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    reedkomicks Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Woof woof, I think not.

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    reedkomicks Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I wouldn’t put it past him.

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    lance96816  about 13 years ago

    TJ would not be continued working at WW. He is independently wealthy.

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    kenvilkid  about 13 years ago

    I think TJ will make Annie dear squirm a bit, teasing her own self-centered needs, and then drop her like a cold turd, the way she did to Brad.

    And to all those think TJ’s somehow “cooking the books” - it’s cash register reciepts from WW it’s not quartly reports of Goldman Sachs, either the money is in the drawer to prove his claims or its not. Plus it’s WW not the Four Seasons, the cliente would overwhelming be teenagers who, either male or female, could be attracted by TJ’s personality thus stearing toward his cash register.

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    Tinyman  about 13 years ago

    Sit or you will what? There are only 2 choices:Let him walk because you fired him or swallow your pride and rehire him? He dont need the job.

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    1. To increase productivity over others at a fast food place, TJ would have to take orders more anyone else – others were probably goofing off and letting TJ take orders. I worked at McDonald’s in my teens – they don’t give identification codes for employees (they do at grocery stores) when they have their cash register rotation so I AM wondering how that works where TJ can show he was more productive than others._____2. I wonder if the surprise he has in the bag is that the tally sheet actually belonged to Brad. A sweet and nasty slap in her face.

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  57. Billcat
    tbritt99  about 13 years ago

    I think there’s a romance in the making. It’s a hate/hate relationship.

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  58. Hpim1063
    ChappellGirl5  about 13 years ago

    Or you’ll do what? Fire him?

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    schmid13  about 13 years ago

    Since TJ is fired, now would be a good time to negotiate a raise, don’t cha think?

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    coolwaterman  about 13 years ago

    She keeps demanding that he “sit” as if he were some sort of lap dog. Don’t sit T.J…. never ever “sit” for that abuser!

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    Alabama Al  about 13 years ago

    Yeah, but wouldn’t all the other employees be required to do that as well? What’s TJ doing different?

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    donwalter  about 13 years ago

    DON’T stop Greg…….this is TOO good.

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    Cofyjunky  about 13 years ago

    Woo-Hoo! Go TJ!

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    rpryan1  about 13 years ago

    Oh my gosh I dont want to wait. Maybe I need to wait till Sunday to read the week B4’s. Then I can get it all at once. ARG! Darn what is he upto??

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    kdmccut  about 13 years ago

    I repeat. Is this the Luanne strip? I must’ve taken a wrong turn. Nope….. still no Luanne.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    3rd. down and Greg has the ball. And, he’s the only one who can score by resolving this story line with a classy move. There is no honor in revenge. You can’t beat a dog and expect him to become trusting and friendly. Ann and TJ must both learn the “team” concept, that what’s good for one is good for the other. TJ has to get serious, and Ann has to get less serious. Unlike a “real” office, there has been no attempt to sit down and air their problems. Of course, TJ’s reason for being there in the first place is to hurt Ann. Maybe he can tell her why.

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    caherrera  about 13 years ago

    Ohh!Can’t wait tp see what happens next!_

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  68. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    My daughter worked at a Burger King in HS; I worked at an independant hot dog store before I could leave my kids for even a 1/2 day, We had exeptional products; I put buckets of premium potatoes into the tumbler and peeled and diced a gallon of onions every day as well as sorting and making sure the lovely beefsteak tomatoes were always at prime condition when I sliced them. My boss did the one really nasty job of cleaning the friers every week with lye, I even did extra work of drawing flyers and coupons per his marketing, I only worked there for a year (until all my kids had all day school) but even there, I learned new things. I think that one should always take every opportunity to learn! I learned that fries should be by double process, should always have clean oil (or lard-which he preferred). The fries at our store were fabulously popular and so were some other items. If he had just relied on the quality instead of gimmicks he would have succeeded, but many do not understand that concept.

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    cdemattos  about 13 years ago

    Somebody needs to shag her rotten!

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Ann needs to attend a few managerial seminars. Granted, many of her employees see no future in working at a Weenie World so motivation is a problem. Some kids are great, but in general, I think they come up short on work ethic, so Ann has to establish some kind of authority. No doubt corporate puts pressure on her, so throw in a few irate customers & and she’s under a three pronged attack. I wouldn’t want her job. On a positive note, I’ve had drill sergeants that were worse than her & and they didn’t have such a nice cleavage. Enlist, Ann. You’d look great on the obstacle course in a sweaty T-shirt.

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    brdesert  about 13 years ago

    TJ’s new flame…. or wife in 2013

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    tegm  about 13 years ago

    oh women are so stupid, they’re just b*tchy and try to dominate men, but they don’t really know what they’re doing! Guess she’s pretty helpless now that a man is going to show her how things should be done!

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