Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 01, 2012

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    APRIL FOOL! None of the comics show up…

    The Banker and Ebenezer Scrooge, separated at birth?

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  2. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  almost 13 years ago

    Old Man Potter from “It’s A Wonderful Life”?

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  3. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  almost 13 years ago

    There is a spider dangling over your head… oops wait it just fell!APRIL FOOLS!

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  4. Db icon60
    Ashmael  almost 13 years ago

    Black Jack looks like Marley`s ghost, that Scrooge will have his day…maybe its last

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  5. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  almost 13 years ago

    Anyone want to relate their worst April Fools day prank?My Mother was the Queen of April Fools Pranks.The above prank was played on me while we were sitting at the dinner table. My Dad even got up and started looking in my hair to see if he could find the spider. My Mom had us both going for about 5 minutes.I think the worst prank of all was when she woke my sister and I up and told us that the power had gone out and all the clocks had stopped. We were almost late for school and had to hurry or we would miss the bus. Of course it was all a lie. We ended up eating breakfast and waiting a half hour until it was really time to go to school.

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  6. Tennessee bird dogs 1
    brinrik  almost 13 years ago

    If Fritz Ann is that aggressive in getting what she wants then Sam had better look out.

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    cpalmeresq  almost 13 years ago

    Another great story in the works!My ongoing question is, “Who is the new Mr. Crime?” With all the great old-time characters that have been brought back, there are some others that I hope will not turn out to be this Boss-of-Bosses. Flattop (arguably Tracy’s most famous foe), died a definitive death. And while I know that MANY of the Tracy villains have found a second life, Flattop drowned, was shown on a slab, & was seen buried. The Brow – impaled on an American flagpole (how appropriate for a Nazi spy!). Tough to make a recovery. Even Mr. Bribery (dropped from a Space Coupe through a prison roof) should stay dead. Pruneface may still be alive, but he was more involved in anti-American espionage as opposed to being a crime boss.So, any guesses?

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  8. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 13 years ago

    Banker Wormsworth, both in name and appearance, could indeed be straight out of a Dickens novel. Only Fritz Ann Dietrich’s aggressiveness may have saved his bacon (if he really cooperates). C’mon, Tracy, don’t let this FBI agent overshadow you in your own town!

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  9. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    OH NOES! Mucus Face got away while Tracy was heaving! http://tinyurl.com/tracyheave

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  10. Headshtgrinder
    Mdstudio  almost 13 years ago

    I have a feeling this may be Mr Wormsworth’s lucky day.

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  11. Avatarneal2
    APersonOfInterest  almost 13 years ago

    Dickensian characters trapped in a Dick Tracy adventure … what more could a poor comic strip fan ask? -Please, Sir. I want more, Sir."

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  12. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 13 years ago

    Some think Mr. Crime is a woman - – - ie Flatop’s wife. Never before seen in the strip. But I belive that’s been denied ! ?

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  13. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  almost 13 years ago

    is it just ME or wasnt fritz ann’s coat RED yesterday when she put it on? i’m gonna check that now lol

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  14. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  almost 13 years ago

    yup, her jacket WAS red. i wonder who slipped up?

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    Space_cat  almost 13 years ago

    The real criminal in this story is the BANKER!

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    puddleglum1066  almost 13 years ago

    In the next-to-last panel, we learn that Agent Fritz is descended from the puffer fish..@tsuil2121: the dailies are colored by gocomics, not the strip’s artists. Some of us suspect this is a software algorithm and not a person, given the weird colors that sometimes show up. The Sunday strips are colored by the artists, and are therefore authoritative.

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  17. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 13 years ago

    C’mon Sam! Opportunity only knocks once! Get yer bottle of blue pills and call her bluff!

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    Can't Sleep  almost 13 years ago

    Way to go, Fritz-Ann!I don’t know what’s wrong with all the Fritz-Ann haters, I like the character, and I’m enjoying her interaction with Tracy & Co.

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  19. 71 blk
    trimguy  almost 13 years ago

    With that attitude, he almost deserves to be robbed.

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  20. Img 0021 2
    mikatt1  almost 13 years ago

    The best strip around….no fooling!

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  21. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 13 years ago

    TERRY Please give me the HTML code for inserting pictures again. What I was using doesn’t work, and I’m getting requests for the pysanki eggs. Thanks! No I’m not computer savvy. :-/

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    chicken 33  almost 13 years ago

    FBI agent?. She looks evil.

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  23. Betty boop image
    Sweet Betty  almost 13 years ago

    Is it just me or does Fritz Ann look just like Liz today? Is Fritz Ann supposed to be a somewhat abundant woman? They don’t seem to show her full body but her shoulders and torso look rather hefty and her head looks disproportionately tiny.

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  24. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  almost 13 years ago

    Good afternoon all…

    All I know is that DT keeps getting better and better!

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    Pygar  almost 13 years ago

    Maybe we could get a walk-on from a certain TV detective who was never seen without a raincoat… and usually a hard-boiled egg… and the world’s ugliest gray car. That guy knows where to get trench-coats!

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  26. Plus green square
    Blackthorne42  almost 13 years ago

    Looks like when Fritz Ann is focused, she can be as hard as they come. Hope Sam doesn’t get on the receiving end. As far as the identity of Mr. (or Mrs.) Crime… I refer to the strip on June 16 2011, the first mention of Crime Inc. for the longest time. A man walked away with a bag from Saturn Planet comics. He has a belt buckle with an “A” on it. He could have the last name “Alpha,” he could be a Crimson Tide fan… anything. But I got a feeling that whatever’s happening, said comic book store may be a part of it.

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