Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 05, 2012
Crocodile son: Listen. Dad, you need to adjust to the fact that we're gonna have amphibians like Freddy living across the street. Larry: Okay. Me learn adjust. Freddy: Thanks, Mr. Larry. Crocodile son: Putting on blinders is not adjusting to Freddy. Larry the croc: Freddy? Who is dis Freddy? Freddy: Over here, Mr. Larry.
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
Larry learned his adjustment skills from the Faux News Channel; if you pretend it isn’t there, it isn’t there.
Jess V over 12 years ago
Freddy is a people pleaser. Good to know for the future.
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
I know I’ve already made references to New Zoo Revue, but I just have to share this infamous outtake with you all.
margueritem over 12 years ago
Freddy, I’d be real happy that he can’t see you if I were you.
rf_eq over 12 years ago
bravely putting off the inevitable. stalwart behavior
Rakostump over 12 years ago
larry is kind of weird…me love heem doe :D
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Larry can’t stand the truth! Well, Freddy is a good guy, so I expect he’ll forgive the speciesist croc….
Hillbillyman over 12 years ago
Fox news ROCKS!!!
doublepaw over 12 years ago
Faux News-Perfect, will have to pass this one on. People who watch that channel don’t want the news, they just want to listen to their beliefs.
3hourtour Premium Member over 12 years ago I hear frog applause?…
Defective over 12 years ago
I’m surprised he didn’t just put his head in the sand.
jmartin1955 over 12 years ago
daveoverpar over 12 years ago
No I didn’t and no he hasn’t.
hariseldon59 over 12 years ago
Why doesn’t Larry just eat Freddy?
petersg_99 over 12 years ago
Me like Freddy, taste like chickin…
Varnes over 12 years ago
Bush vetoed every Democratic initiative. Republicans in the senate filibustered every bill. Dems never had more than 58 votes in the senate. Because of republicans, all bills need 60 senate votes to be sent to the floor for a vote…Get you facts straight and you could save yourself a lot of time typing…When I hear conservatives speak I understand what it must have been like to be in Germany in the 30’s….Is it happening here? We are dealing with people who won’t compromise and hate their fellow Americans…You tell me…
Devils Knight over 12 years ago
what the h3ll did this strip have to do with politics give it a rest once in a while people or go over to the political section and spout your garbage there
route66paul over 12 years ago
The single issue voters come from all sides – How about all the voters in the “moral majority” who voted RR in because their preacher or a tv evangelist told them that RR was for Jesus – when he listened to Nancy and astrology?
SZonian over 12 years ago
I am constantly amazed at the demonstrated liberal immaturity on this strip, just like Larry. Folks just can’t help themselves in trying to sound or act bigger than they really are by constantly trying to tear others down, even through their peurile and petulant swipes through a surrogate, Fox.
Don’t argue with idiots, they only drag you down to their level.Do your egos feel better?
angelfiredragon over 12 years ago
I used to watch CNN but I found that it was extremely biased towards liberals, keep in mind I am a independent I don’t like either party very much.
However I do find that Faux news tends to report on things that CNN wouldn’t touch and things that CNN would, seems interesting that people say they are biased when CNN seems more so.
finale over 12 years ago
Lewis Black is correct. We need a new way to elect the President and he has it right.
tcity over 12 years ago
Leave the politics to the editorial cartoons, people. Sheesh.Cute ’toon Pastis.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
It’s interesting how Fox News has become such a loaded symbol for good and evil in conveying information. Everything attributed to it, one way or another, is nothing more than a reflection of a hard-wired human tendency — of conservatives, liberals, conspiracy theorists, and you and me — to find confirmation of what they believed before in everything they hear, and to reject anything to the contrary with mindless anger. You think not? Google “confirmation bias”, and find yourself looking into a mirror..Bottom line, Fox News is “fair and balanced” to you if what they say strokes your personal prejudices — and Pure Evil if it doesn’t. Their slogan is shamelessly disingenuous, but they’re no less fair and balanced than any other source of news…they all have an editorial agenda. The responsibility is ours to quit whining about it, listen to everyone, and think for ourselves.
Number Three over 12 years ago
Poor little Freddy…
He’s soooo cute!
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
A propos of not much here, Nicholas Kristof wrote a chilling article about how Sudan is starving its children. I think most of us can agree that this shouldn’t be happening. Kind of makes the Kardashian news flashes seem that much less significant . . . . .
rolleg over 12 years ago
“… shutter…” – really? I wonder what that looks like.
sandigilbo over 12 years ago
Election years bring out personalities, for certain. I, for one, do not believe any of the news as truth. I have studied & worked with/alongside journalists and the motto has been: ‘we won’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.’
Chewiek9 over 12 years ago
Ok – he adjusted to the fact there’s a slimy, wart-skinned, ribbit maker living next door. But why does he have to talk to it? Is there no personal freedom any more?
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
How Bill-O wins a debate:Call your opponent a pinhead and tell him to SHUT UP.
kingmichael19 over 12 years ago
‘Pearls Before Swine’ is almost always very non-political, so why are some of you trying to make this about something that it is not? All you seem to be doing is proving that you are decendants of German Shepards that screw the sheep.
Firebird67 over 12 years ago
Poor Larry. First a tasty (but out-of-reach) zebra moves in, then a loathsome amphibian. How about some sympathy for the poor, dim croc?
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Any truth to the rumor that Paul Hogan and Linda Kozlowski are planning to buy the house next door to Larry’s?
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
The unions in America are the reason this country is failing. When the state budget is exhausted and the unions go on strike for higher wages and refuse to give one inch on health care or benefits it will collapse into itself. PERS is a bloated misappropriated financial scam on the tax payers. When union employees are paid $40+ per hour (benefits included) no one making $12 – $20 per hour can purchase their products…see Detroit’s wasteland as example. The unions were good when first established to control child labor laws and give a worker a fair shake but the Jimmy Hoffa’s of the union world destroyed that a long time ago.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Now I’m P.O’d.Richard Russell do you really think Obama’s One World Socialist government is going to be the answer for the world’s problems? We are so weak now; the Chinese and Putin’s Communists are laughing their collective butts off as they take us over through our own financial & political systems. America can never turn this mess around from the point we’re at now, it’s gone too far. We can only hope and pray (as long as the atheists allow it) that our own sovereignty will still exist in 50 years. The ACLU has successfully removed any sign of God from schools, the military, public buildings, it’s only a matter of time before they make the Christian church’s remove the crosses from their steeples because they offend some dimwit. There will be a revolution in this country and ya’ll better start praying real hard for our survival in this screwed up world. I read Fox, CNN, Reuters and the local newspaper everyday to make my own decisions. There is a definite slant to the right on FOX and even bigger slant to the left on CNN. All the networks are so leftwing it’s become a joke. If you watch the images they show for any news story it preys on the weak minds glued to the TV so they actually believe what they’re shown at 6pm every night. I’m done. I hate using this forum for political rants but I can’t stand by quietly this long without defending my beliefs while others spout their rhetoric. No offense to you personally or anyone else on this site, I just wish it could remain non-political.
codedaddy over 12 years ago
To my fellow cartoon enthusiasts: Next time the comments descend into irrelevant areas such as politics let us all flag each of these time-wasting and space-wasting folks who mistake this forum for a pulpit.
rolleg over 12 years ago
Why don’t you all just shut up?
K M over 12 years ago
I see reason prevailed in Wisconsin and you get Governor Walker for at least the remainder of his term. Your out-of-town money and hired guns (including the bar band singer who pretends to be my governor) could put blinkers on the electorate’s eyes. Guess you’ll have to go back to classic union thuggery to try to ram your way down the taxpayers’ throats. Good luck with that, eh?
RuinQueenofOblivion over 8 years ago
I guess Larry wasn’t ready for Freddy.