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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 10, 2012
President: Dean, I have to say - I had no idea that failure was so admired at for-profit colleges... if I can make 50 times my current pay running a dropout farm for the government... why wouldn't I take Walden public? Dean: Beats me! President: Not that I'd want more than 50 times my pay. Dean: Of course. It's not about the money.
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
When they say it isn’t about the money, it’s about the money.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Show me the money !
King_Shark over 12 years ago
ABBA’s Money Money Money would make a good background score for this scene.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
There’s a country-western song that goes: “Love makes the world go round, but it’s money that greases the wheels.”
mrbribery over 12 years ago
And how much more is the Dean gonna get?
jnik23260 over 12 years ago
Why would he want the money? The rich suffer so much in this country!
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Love makes … greases the wheels.”πDon’t know who did it. A Google search also failed to find the singer.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“The lack of money is the root of all evil.” —attributed to Mark Twain.
Alan Rees over 12 years ago
Ferlin Husky?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
Heh heh heh, good one, Richard.
watmiwori over 12 years ago
It’s A L W A Y S about the money — only more so when theysay it isn’t.
thirdguy over 12 years ago
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. 1 Timothy 6:10
cdward over 12 years ago
Let’s not paint all churches with the same brush. We do have a period once a year where we ask parishioners to pledge financially. Why? Because we have bills to pay. The janitor likes to eat. The pastor likes to eat. The secretary and organist need paid. We also have a very old church which means it requires extensive repair. We’re not big, not flashy and not money-grubbing. Yes, there are big, money-mill churches – but name me some organization that doesn’t have those types.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
Does this week’s strip have some connection to real life?.Once again GT gets into some pretty arcane stuff that few people are paying attention to – in this case some stats on private vs. public colleges that average folks wouldn’t know how to begin to fact-check..My concern regarding higher ed is the overall cost inflation. The “higher education bubble” doesn’t have just one cause. The cause that seems to involve the largest number of deadbeats are job-skills-irrelevant courses. Especially the ones (such as anything titled “_____ Studies”) that are subjective in nature. Yachts are for the already-rich, not for the struggling – luxury-item curricula should be treated likewise.
pksampso over 12 years ago
“For the love of money is the root of all evil…” Apparently the evil comes from the love of money, not the money itself (see Donald Trump and company)
pathfinder over 12 years ago
in the bible (KJ edition) of my youth it was the “love of money” that is the root of all evil.
Beleck3 over 12 years ago
Mark Twain was right. the lack of money and what people do to get money. and of course ,the Religions that want money are truly evil, that is the root of all religious evil. using Religion to scam people. i can’t think of a religion, American one, that isn’t focused solely on money and uses Religion as a front. scam city USA
that’s why they need to tax the Hades out of any and all religions. cause sooner rather than later, that Religion wants to own things, and people usually get in the way of owning “things.”
and America is first and foremost run by these religions. so much for separation of church and state. Tax all churches/synagogues/temple/mosques, into poverty and there shall be greater peace on earth. Money, Money Money it’s a rich man’s world.
our American version of religion here is called Capitalism, Calvinism in particular. ah the wages of sin, to use their own words. buy your way into Heaven is the regular Religious way. Belittling humans, abusing all God’s creations and lying like the thieves they have become.
spirituality wouldn’t allow for such behavior. ah but religion. is. the path to power.
evil incarnate
feverjr Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the nation’s first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, unveiled an ambitious new campaign – Defend the New GI Bill – warning new veterans and their spouses about predatory for-profit colleges who are targeting their GI Bill benefits.”
Benign Bodger over 12 years ago
The song from the Monty Python ‘Money’ sketch might be appropriate:
feverjr Premium Member over 12 years ago
Guess who’s defending for-profits that target vets……..……………
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney plans a campaign stop Sunday at the for-profit NASCAR Technical Institute outside Charlotte – a show of support for an industry that has been hammered by Democrats in recent months.
Caught in the middle are the tens of thousands of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who want to finish their education and rejoin the workforce. Those veterans are turning heavily to for-profit institutions.
A recent Senate Democratic committee report found that eight of the top 10 colleges receiving post-9/11 GI Bill money from the Department of Veterans Affairs are for-profit institutions.
The report found that taxpayers spent $32 billion last year on the industry. Fifteen of the largest for-profit colleges received 86 percent of their revenues from federal student aid programs, according to the report, issued by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa.
The issue is playing out in military-heavy states such as North Carolina, California, and Texas.
“They’re really preyed upon by some of these schools,” said retired Marine Col. Robert Songer, the former director of education services at Camp Lejeune. “By the time they came to me it was usually too late. … The schools sign them up for a Pell Grant (and) one, sometimes two student loans.”
Read more here:
onespiceybbw over 12 years ago
dee mullins
feverjr Premium Member over 12 years ago
Repeating a post I made 4 days ago….…….“Liberty University students received approximately $445 million in federal financial aid money last fiscal year, according to U.S. Department of Education data, making LU the top recipient in Virginia.
The rapid growth of Liberty’s online program has fueled the increased reliance on federal aid dollars, said Robert Ritz, LU’s executive director of financial aid.
Last year, Liberty enrolled about 52,000 online students, plus another 12,000 through its residential programs."
….. It goes on…..
“This spring, Liberty is knee-deep in the processing of thousands of financial aid packages for incoming students. Ritz expects financial aid to increase by 15 to 20 percent for the upcoming school year.
To keep up, Liberty’s financial aid office has expanded from 51 to 138 employees over the past four years."………….
corzak over 12 years ago
The ‘root of all evil’ is an unfair and inequitable tax code.When boiled down to the root causes, events such as the fall of the Roman Empire, the French Revolution; the Russian Revolution all show a grossly unfair and inequitable tax code.In China, after periods of mass rebellion and dynastic collapse, the stabilization of a new dynasty was usually marked by fair and equitable tax reform.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Close. I cannot ascribe with any certainty that the drop-outs all go on welfare but certainly, thousands of people who are trying to better their lot in life and are duped by these for-profit institutions, then find themselves unable to find jobs and do swell the ranks of the unemployed.
feverjr Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Due to a loophole in the law, for-profit schools can rake in an extra $125,000 in taxpayer dollars for every veteran they enroll. But they have no incentive to graduate them. The major for-profit schools are reporting a nearly 70% dropout rate, they’re aggressively targeting and misleading new veterans, and then failing to deliver solid return on investment."………
mistercatworks over 12 years ago
Doesn’t anyone remember the “Famous Artist School” whose entry examination was “can you draw this …dog, cat, house,” etc. pictured on a matchbook? That’s what’s going on here. If you can fill out forms and write checks…you’re in!
Doughfoot over 12 years ago
Cupiditas Radix Malorum Est. If I remember the Vulgate version. Greed is the rood of all evil. I don’t know what the actual Greek text says, but I don’t think even “the love of money” is as good a translation as “greed.” To get back to the subject: not all online student intend to earn a degree: they may just be enrolling to take a few courses. That being said, online schools have a reputation (sometimes deserved) of recruiting and “selling” their program to people as a path to a better life. The suckers, excuse me, students sign up but find that earning a degree online is not as easy as they imagined, life being what it is. No matter! The salesman, excuse me recruiter who signed them up also help them get grants or, more usually, loans to pay for it. When in six months or a year or two they realize that they can’t manage a full-time job and a college education earned on a computer screen, they drop out, they are actually worse off than before. Now they have an unfinished degree (not impressive to an employer) and a big fat student loan debt. The “university” loses nothing. One might recommend that the school be required to take on online students, but will only receive money from the public in loans and grants when the degree program is finished. Even if half the costs were held back until the degree is finished, that would do some good. They might be tempted to provide such easy programs that anyone could finish, but as long as there are accreditation standards, and they want their degrees to be something other than a joke, they won’t be able to do but so far in diluting the diploma’s value. Education is not a commodity or a luxury, it is the stuff of national prosperity and survival. Schools of Failure are not merely a buyer-beware scandal.
mpguy2 over 12 years ago
I hope Trudeau comes up with a strip about Full Sail University and Romney. Appropriate and timely.
joe vignone over 12 years ago
While the rich are debating how much money they are going to make if Mittens gets in, the old poor folk on Social Security are debating whether to commit suicide or go to jail where they will be taken care of.
Doughfoot over 12 years ago
Thanks, Underwriter!
Looked it up. Seems to come from Phil. and Arguros, which is Silver, connected to, Argos, shining.
So philarguria is the love of silver, or the love of that which shines. I like that last one.
So perhaps we have:
“The root of all evil is the love of shiny things!”
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
πI do. I just graduated from Sunrise Daycare University with the other ’garteners.
Spamgaard over 12 years ago
I never went to Billy-Bob’s Bible Thumpin’ College. Did they teach Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Aramaic? Or was it more of a technical college where they taught you a trade with classes like “Grifting 101”, “Advanced Bible Thumpin 510’”, and “Speakin’ in Tounges 310”?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
" . . .“deity” wrote the book in the 17th Century – or 16th, or . . . whenever – in English . . ."πThe King James Version (KJV, aka “King James’ Virgin” — heh heh heh — he was gay) was finished and presented to his majesty in 1611 CE as part of the 17th century Protestant Reformation. It is 90% based on the Tyndale Geneva Bible.πHere’s a quote from Wikipedia: π“Eventually, Tyndale was betrayed by Henry Phillips to the imperial authorities,24 seized in Antwerp in 1535 and held in the castle of Vilvoorde near Brussels.25 He was tried on a charge of heresy in 1536 and condemned to death, despite Thomas Cromwell’s intercession on his behalf. Tyndale “was strangled to death while tied at the stake, and then his dead body was burned”.26 Tyndale’s final words, spoken “at the stake with a fervent zeal, and a loud voice”, were reported as “Lord! Open the King of England’s eyes.”27"πThis English king was the infamous Henry VIII, not King James of KJV fame. And Tyndale’s execution occurred 75 years earlier, in 1536, in Vilvoorden castle, 6 miles from Brussels, Belgium. Yes, Henry’s claws (his “CIA”) extended over the channel separating England from the continent.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
’… this lib comic gathering spot."πBetter lib than glib?
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
I think Will Rogers would note that Congress put far more loopholes into the new "GI Bill’ to profit private “universities” than he ever did in his ropes on stage.
They also really screwed it up for veterans who have to go to school out of state for many “specialties”, all to make more money for the PRIVATE schools, but they won’t pay for STATE schools!!
Church schools are also “for profit”, actually, and LIberty is raking in hugely from the “office of faith based ripoffs”.
Years ago, my dad’s observation in Mexico City, after watching the “faithful” walk for miles on their knees to bring their offerings to the church, and the armored cars at the back door, hauling away the loot. Osteen and the evangelicals in the “mega-churches”, like in Colorado Springs, do the same. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple, modern religion brought in accountants.
csknapp5 over 12 years ago
@Richard S. RussellWhy don’t you go to a church sometime and find out?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“I hope the worst is behind you, DT.”
Thanx Fris. Also 4 Rev. Billy Talen vid. Saw it 2X. Gr8.
ealeseth over 12 years ago
The quote is the Love of money is the root of all evil.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
DTpi, Again, best wishes for your continued recovery, you’ve already suffered too much! After cancer, heart problems, and Parkinsons, among other things, my mom turned 100 yesterday, so hey, hang in there!
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
Generalities are the root of much evil.