I suspect there was a man with a rifle on the railroad bridge. It is common to have a counter sniper stationed around VIPs. How embarrassing for the govt if the counter sniper didn’t work in the most famous sniping incident of the century.
I was really hoping, back in 2017, that Trump would release the JFK investigation papers early, but no such luck. There was some discussion about it, but then faded away.
JFK conspiracy theories are unfashionable but it’s a near certainty that Oswald was not the “lone gunman”. Forensic evidence is pretty conclusive on this part. Who did it? Not the Mafia. Probably a rogue element within the intelligence community in revenge for the Bay of Pigs. Laugh if you want. Oswald did say at one point after he was arrested and before he was killed (to shut him up, obviously), “I’m just a patsy”….
Just one coincidence baffles me. How did the cavalcade get detoured down a road that made an assassination attempt possible and under the assassin’s work place?
“Dallas Cowboys”?! Now the conspiracy theorists have lost ALL credibility. If they don’t know that it was the Dallas Cowboys CHEERLEADERS, then their theories are nothing more than unsubstantiated hokum.
Never understood what exactly was so “far-fetched” about one middle-aged white guy with radical politics, a history of personal failure, and delusions of grandeur taking a shot at an important world leader. No less than three US presidents died the same way. And history is rife with numerous similar examples of lone individuals killing important personages.
I think deep down most Americans know it was Oswald, but would rather believe this children’s fable about an all powerful, all knowing government that can take down its own leaders rather than an incompetent, impotent government that can hardly PROTECT its own leaders.
That or they have political or even racist motivations (i.e blaming Cuban-Americans)
Has anyone told them that Half their membership is really Undercover FBI, CIA and NSA agents?
Some of those agents have been undercover so long that they’ve transferred around all three agencies, looking for a promotion, and ended up back where they started from.
BE THIS GUY about 5 years ago
I hope this doesn’t involve you know who.
Petercowen about 5 years ago
Bobby Kennedy was US Attorney General and, case closed.
Watcher about 5 years ago
Trump was behind it all.
billcor about 5 years ago
Art Crumb?
eromlig about 5 years ago
O.M.G. — Lee Harvey Oswald actually did act alone…
Pharmakeus Ubik about 5 years ago
Uncle Duke comes readily to mind.
Differentname about 5 years ago
Conspiracy buff dies and is greeted by St. Peter.
‘You can ask God one question.’
‘Who really killed JFK?’
God says ‘It was Oswald, and he acted alone.’
The buff turns to St. Peter. ‘I was right! The conspiracy goes all the way to the top!’
FionaMessenger about 5 years ago
What year is this?
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 5 years ago
But is he really acting alone? That’s what they want you to believe…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 5 years ago
I suspect there was a man with a rifle on the railroad bridge. It is common to have a counter sniper stationed around VIPs. How embarrassing for the govt if the counter sniper didn’t work in the most famous sniping incident of the century.
gramps_w about 5 years ago
It was Ted Cruz’s daddy! (tRump wouldn’t lie about something like that)
salunga about 5 years ago
I was really hoping, back in 2017, that Trump would release the JFK investigation papers early, but no such luck. There was some discussion about it, but then faded away.
bigbadwolf49 about 5 years ago
Elvis has been seen on the grassy knoll.
Linguist about 5 years ago
And … the plot sickens….
WilliamPennat about 5 years ago
JFK conspiracy theories are unfashionable but it’s a near certainty that Oswald was not the “lone gunman”. Forensic evidence is pretty conclusive on this part. Who did it? Not the Mafia. Probably a rogue element within the intelligence community in revenge for the Bay of Pigs. Laugh if you want. Oswald did say at one point after he was arrested and before he was killed (to shut him up, obviously), “I’m just a patsy”….
phlash about 5 years ago
..that Lloyd Bentsen didn’t actually know him?
Hoppman Premium Member about 5 years ago
I am sure the whack a doodles at Qanon believe the conspiracy just like they do all the other B. S. conspiracy theories.
MartinPerry1 about 5 years ago
Just one coincidence baffles me. How did the cavalcade get detoured down a road that made an assassination attempt possible and under the assassin’s work place?
JoeMartinFan Premium Member about 5 years ago
“Dallas Cowboys”?! Now the conspiracy theorists have lost ALL credibility. If they don’t know that it was the Dallas Cowboys CHEERLEADERS, then their theories are nothing more than unsubstantiated hokum.
garcalej about 5 years ago
Never understood what exactly was so “far-fetched” about one middle-aged white guy with radical politics, a history of personal failure, and delusions of grandeur taking a shot at an important world leader. No less than three US presidents died the same way. And history is rife with numerous similar examples of lone individuals killing important personages.
I think deep down most Americans know it was Oswald, but would rather believe this children’s fable about an all powerful, all knowing government that can take down its own leaders rather than an incompetent, impotent government that can hardly PROTECT its own leaders.
That or they have political or even racist motivations (i.e blaming Cuban-Americans)
mrwalker008 about 5 years ago
Yup, red tie on the grassy knoll. Fat ass print in the grass. Big divot from the shot.
MichaelMcGinnis1 about 5 years ago
LBJ & friends had means, motive, & opportunity
bakana about 5 years ago
Has anyone told them that Half their membership is really Undercover FBI, CIA and NSA agents?
Some of those agents have been undercover so long that they’ve transferred around all three agencies, looking for a promotion, and ended up back where they started from.