Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 11, 2013
Toni: "Can you come watch Shannon for an hour? I just got home from the gym and Brad's on his shift and my brother just dropped Shannon off and she's sick and I need to go get-" Luann: "Relax, Toni. I'll be right over" Shannon: "I puked again!" Toni: "I'm a bit frazzled.." Luann: "I'd say"
Luann Fan Page almost 12 years ago
Next Sunday, March 17, LUANN turns 28. The strip, not her.
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Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
“I’ll Be Right OVER?!!?” PLU-EEEEEEEEZE!!!
RBLawyer almost 12 years ago
She needs to hire TJ to keep her house!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Her appointment is to go get her “tubes tied” XD
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Lu would make a good Mother, cause she’s an excellent babysitter
kenhense almost 12 years ago
Yep – They all seem to be a family.
WoodEye almost 12 years ago
If Shannon just got dropped off, that must be the way the kitchen looks all the time.
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
Most interesting thing in this strip is ‘My brother just dropped Shannon off…’
So the SOB that is technically responsible has NOT dropped off the planet. He’s just that irresponsible.
TheDOCTOR almost 12 years ago
Luann and Toni are gonna be great Sisters-in-Law. I think a little of Toni rubs off on Luann and vice-versa.
oldcomicsfan almost 12 years ago
You don’t have kids, do you? You have NO idea how fast a kid can make a kitchen look. Shannon could have done that in 2 mins whle Toni was in the bathroom.
Dconskjk almost 12 years ago
Ok, this’ll be an interesting week for Luann. Hey, Tiff, come over and “charm” Shannon.
alviebird almost 12 years ago
The way I read it: …….and I need to get….the kitchen cleaned up.
38lowell almost 12 years ago
…he dropped off a sick kid???…. a brother?
princecharmeing almost 12 years ago
my kid can kill a kitchen in seconds,, just turn you back
Mighty_Mouse almost 12 years ago
Hey, I said yesterday that Dirk is due for a return visit. This could be a setup.
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
For that matter, how often does Shannon see this mysterious ‘father’ of hers?
Ratbrat almost 12 years ago
And yet they keep on reading the strip!
kfccanada almost 12 years ago
If Shannon just got dropped off and Toni just got home from the gym, perhaps Brad ate and ran to his job leaving the kitchen such a disaster. Toni doesn’t seem like the type to have a messy kitchen.
Seems to me that the male readers are being overly critical all of a sudden….not to mention being sexist. @mickeyj…why would you mention something like ‘getting tubes tied’ in a column that is probably read by thousands of youngsters? This is not meant to be a sex education strip but a light- hearted fun read.
jenbrown1017 almost 12 years ago
Trust me….if you work and don’t have a dishwasher…your kitchen can look like that in 2 days flat!. Add in going to the gym, a boyfriend AND a sick niece….HAHAHAHAHAA!!!!
Fly On The Wall almost 12 years ago
Man Brad….better think about Toni’s organizational skills before ya get married!!!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
so the brother hasn’t abandoned her completely, just when she might be a bit inconvenient.-Good thing Saint Luann is handy
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
it’s not a matter of need, it’s a matter of being convinced the very possiblility of producing evil offspring should be avoided.-I, on the other hand, think Shannon is coming around just fine.
aedra6 almost 12 years ago
frazzled is an understantment!
jeanie5448 almost 12 years ago
if I was Luann, I would clean the kitchen and let Toni deal with the sick child……..dirty plates and pans don’t whine and don’t need to be cuddled
lightenup Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Plus she’s dealing with a puking child. Once that starts, the other chores get neglected – you don’t want that sitting around and soaking in.
yldonaldson almost 12 years ago
Toni is gorgeous even when she’s a wreck. I officially hate her. :)
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
Using the gym may be required by her fire company to maintain specified muscle tone for the job. Kitchen cleaning would not have the same benefits. Keep in mind that the loss of an hour due to Daylight Savings Time put an extra crimp in this weekend’s schedule. Some dish washing may have been postponed from last night to provide more together time for the young couple. And of course, you don’t schedule debilitating illness. It’s really unfortunate that Jonah doesn’t have anybody else to care for his daughter – but Luann IS very willing to help her brother’s girlfriend in moments of need. A commendable asset, and one which Karen & Greg want to show us.
jackdohany almost 12 years ago
Luann changed clothes to go watch Shannon? Such dedication!
marvee almost 12 years ago
Maybe Toni has to get some medicine for Shannon or do some grocery shopping.This (sick child) may be a piece of information that Luann will consider in her debate of college vs. marriage right out of hish school.
michael pokrivnak almost 12 years ago
She has rubber gloves on a a rag in her hand. Give her a break she is in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen. Judgement people tire me out.
ewalnut almost 12 years ago
Toni looks hot even when she’s “frazzled.” And Shannon doesn’t look all that sick if she’s feeling well enough to stand up.
SwimsWithSharks almost 12 years ago
An hour? I predict trouble. Would that be a notepad computer Luann’s carrying?
Plenty of time for Shannon to make inappropriate tweets on LuAnn’s twitter while Luann mops up vomit.
m4gicstick almost 12 years ago
That’s it. I’m calling CPS and reporting that girls’ parents.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
This should be a fun week too. Unlike a few others apparently, I don’t need resolutions and have the patience to enjoy the strip as it is, despite expressing my hatred of Tiffany and Gunther. ;)
ACTIVIST1234 almost 12 years ago
Ah, life happens! Toni, when you’ve got a minute, may I make a personal suggestion?*Your brother is using you big time. You know that. It’s not good for him and it’s not good for you. How can you cure him of just dropping Shannon off? Would it be possible to say the answer is “no, she can’t stay right now”, unless he calls at least an hour in advance?*Luann, you’re a good friend. But before Toni leaves, you might want to get more info on Shannon’s illness, in case it’s something serious.*If it’s just stomach problems, a good game for an hour is “How clean can we make this kitchen before Aunt Toni gets home?”
nelie.mcgeehen almost 12 years ago
I bet Brad is going to propose!!!
desertmoon almost 12 years ago
Am I the only one who would like to kick Shannon’s brother’s butt around the block?
Happicat2012 almost 12 years ago
This’ll be fun when they both get Shannon’s stomach bug!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Good for Luann! Toni really needs some help at this point, before Shannon pukes in her (Toni’s) sweatpants as she tugs on them….
sottwell almost 12 years ago
Indeed, I once went into a house where there were three children who had just eaten lunch. I was quite disgusted at this person’s messy housekeeping. Then I had two more children myself…
bearcat666 almost 12 years ago
Toni . . . she’s not pretty she just looks that way. . . . Run Brad Run!!
TerBer almost 12 years ago
Toni has never looked better. A beautiful woman not just a pretty girl.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
At least we’re away from that Luann & Quinn story this week. ☺☺☺☺☺^^It’s Quill, but, yeah, that story was pretty dull
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
I was thinking that I might not take another trip to see him until I finish my whole year with this diet (because it’s easiest if I’m not cooking other kinds of foods) but he’s been hinting he plans to start similar as soon as he empties his pantry and frig and has been Skyping about local (to him) vegan restaurants. It may be because he’d like me to be there again.
patlaborvi almost 12 years ago
I remember once when I was babysitting my nephews (3 and 2 at the time). I sent them to the basement to play and took a few minutes to straighten up the living room. When I got downstairs to join them the basement was trashed and I sent them upstairs while I cleaned the basement. My brother didn’t believe me when I told him how fast his boys trashed the two rooms, until a couple weeks later after I returned to college and he took care of them himself. While he was picking up the living room his youngest son found a can of turpentine and managed to open it and spill it all over himself. Fortunately he didn’t swallow any of it but my brother wasn’t sure until after he rushed him to the hospital.
krelboyne almost 12 years ago
Aunt Corene: Damn Bud, Ya’ll live like pigs! - Urban Cowboy
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 12 years ago
Toni will be lucky to have a sister in law like Luann.
Jason Case almost 12 years ago
SPeaking of Eiffel are we going to see what happened to her since reported the dirt on her?
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
what happened to the arc with Tiffany Luann and Quill???!!!…it was good like a soap opera serial
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
@luckychigger – You’re right about that, I change into short sleeves & shorts when it hits 70f, my friend from southern Cal is still wearing jeans and heavy sweater
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
Well, my man is still fighting freezing temps and wet weather in the Chicago area, but has no problem going out to work every day, but I’ve been in my silk turtlenecks and slacks as long as the sun is not out full force and only going out for necessary things, but we are finally having highs in the 70s. As soon as it stays around 60 at night I’ll be sleeping without any heat. That’s the only reason I sold my house back there to move here. Chicago weather is horrid! I love it here in Phoenix. He likes to still be working at something he does so well and is always needed; I’m very proud of him!
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh, it will be exciting all right…
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Better. Much better.