Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 03, 2015
Man: I've chosen the winning "home 4 the holidays" poster. This design shows what can be achieved with deep thought and hard work. You may all learn from this. Man: Congratulations, Miss Degroot! Man: Hey! you spent like, 4 minutes on that! Man: I definitely learned from this...
JayBluE over 9 years ago
And yet, that very day, Zebo had no knowledge that they switched his Folgers’ cystals…. – And that someone outside stole his tires and replaced them with marshmallows colored black, and affixed to several cardboard pieces. He thought that the city had just fixed all the roads at the same time. – Or that his favorite brand of toothpaste and his favorite brand of orange juice both “improved” their formulas, with 35% more sweetners… – Or that his favorite band had fired their drummer, and had replaced them with a robot and a synth pad…
blunebottle over 9 years ago
This is like the time the English teacher gave an assignment and said: “Don’t think you can just copy from Encyclopedia Britanica and get away with it. You have to do more research than that. I will know.”I did my homework at the last minute, used-guess-what…..and got an A.
DaJellyBelly over 9 years ago
Sometimes an off the cuff idea winds up being the best one.
kenhense over 9 years ago
Many artists worked very fast – including Picasso.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Late replies to you and Gary, yesterday…
Lakegal over 9 years ago
She incorporated her two classmates’ designs of their pets along with her own of Puddles.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“Instant Gratification”“The Taming Of The Shrewd”“A Wrecked Angle”“Won’t Get Fooled, Again” (♫)“An Ounce Of Perception, A Pound Of Obscure” (♪)“The Zack Morris Effect”“Why I Hate Awards Shows”“To Detect And Observe”“Make Yourself Right At Holmes”“Eyes Like A Ref”“Glasses Made Of Wool”“Blind Ambition”“A Distinct Impression”“Marcia!, Marcia!!, Marcia!!!”“Distinct? This Stinks!”“Fool Me Once, Shame On You! Fool Me Twice? Blame It On…That Guy!”or“P.T. Barnum’s Favorite Sucker Customer”
Ida No over 9 years ago
So, who voted for Luann on Thursday’s poll?
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Got it! Backachiya…
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
OMG! I am shocked that Luann’s hasty, last second sketch a.) turned out so well and b.) won the competition! It does look surprisingly good, I must say!
thebigboot over 9 years ago
Isn’t is amazing Luann is perfect at everything she does. Lead in a musical having never done it before, knows more about staging than a woman who does it for a living, the beauty pageant and now this. She is a Mary Sue.
ShagsCA over 9 years ago
The contest was rigged!
MS72 over 9 years ago
this whole week has been a giant cartoon PSA for pet adoption at
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Yep. The “Caveman” and Old One-Eye DID Indeed Learn a Valuable “Lesson” from this: You Ain’t get NOWHERE In THIS Strip Unless Your Name Is “LUANN.”
Congrats Lu. You WON This Very Partisan, Self-Indulgent “Contest” PLUS Made Two NEW Enemies to Boot.
Now, If We’re DONE With “How Much IS That Doggie in the Window” Storyline, Can We PLEASE Get Back to Gunther Fighting off the Aggressive Advances of Young,Nubile, Eager, Co-Eds???
Aqsnt over 9 years ago
See…………A little anthropomorphism will get’cha every time.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
I wonder how long it took Greg to draw it?
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
The guy’s eye is too high up on his face – panel 3
reedkomicks Premium Member over 9 years ago
The art class has whittled down to 3 kids.
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
I do like Luann’s expression in the last panel. Her dumb founded shock at winning shows that her victory is as nonsensical and unexpected to her as it is to her classmates. I do think her poster is nice, maybe the best of the 3 we got to see submitted. It’s funny, she started out confidant she knew how to win, did her best, despaired that it wasn’t good enough and resigned herself to losing, and won when she was just trying to get the assignment done at the last minute. I think I will read too much into this. She had to lose her pride and ego, and stop trying to win, in order to release the zen of artistic creation Zebo is trying to teach her, and excel beyond her normal limits.
Or not. Zebo praises the entry because of the deep thought and hard work that is evident in it, despite the fact that we saw that Luann actually churned out the art in a panicked last minute rush. Zebo is showing himself to be loony rather than some misunderstood genius, and so Luann’s victory is as random and chaotic as winning a lottery or getting struck by lightning twice. Now that’s funny:)
Willywise52 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Simon_Jester over 9 years ago
Sorry Luann, I’ve got that beat.[]
Lamberger over 9 years ago
Perhaps the deep thought and hard work did not occur while she was drawing the poster. It seems obvious that she had spent a great deal of time studying the subjects. She even did multiple attempts until she got it right. Bye-the-way, Picasso’s Cubist works LOOK like he painted a little TOO fast. His early (non-Cubist) works were thoughtful and very lifelike.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“often one’s real talents come out under pressure.”^Just like a diamond!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
…er,that is to say, except if you’re wearing a Washington Generals jesey. Then all the pressure in the world won’t help you. (X^D)
luann1212 over 9 years ago
She drew the message, which was to provide homes for cats and dogs without them. This was the message “in” the cartoon and “from” the cartoon I think. She got the point of this art, it was not abstract. Pushed to the end she did good! Now drawing it that well in such a short time I don’t know, but then Luann probably has talents she is only learning she has.
drewpamon over 9 years ago
I think Greg has decided that Luann will follow in her real life father’s footsteps just like his own daughter.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
This whole story arc would have been just right as an activity for the day-care center at Lincoln Elementary where Luann works with the little kids. It makes far less sense as a project for a second-year art class at a community college.
RedRock2512 over 9 years ago
Lots of thoughts spurred by the comic and the comments about it.
(1) No one seems to want to give credit to Luann for actually learning something. Heell-oo. She’s in an art class. She’s been preparing for these assignments all along. And “right on” to the commenters who point out that she did at least one first draft (on paper. Who knows how many in her head.) Her last version was refined from all that went before.
(2) 5 minutes of quality work is better than any amount of mediocre work.
(3) Maybe underneath Zeebo’s clichéd, snooty exterior he’s actually a good teacher.
(4) Maybe Luann’s WAS the best from the rest of the class. (Doesn’t say much about the rest of the class.)
(5) Zeebo was the judge and it was for a cause that is important to him. He would select what he thought was not only good art, but what he thought got the message of the cause across best.
Pointspread over 9 years ago
Gerry Lee over 9 years ago
I’m enjoying the comments and conversation on the board:) It’s nice to hear other views and perspectives on the strips, there is almost always something I didn’t think of that enhances my appreciation of the story.
Banjo Gordy Premium Member over 9 years ago
Takes me back to my senior 1959 Advertising Design class at the Rhode Island School of Design. Our class of 14 had their solutions to an advertising problem pinned up on the board. Some were excellent in technical use of a medium. But one was selected by the professor. He asked the student how long it took to complete. "oh about 15 minutes to accomplish. Professor said he chose it because it conveyed the best visual & editorial solution.
Class response & student’s expressions were similar to Luann’s fellow classmates. I learned much from critiques of students solutions to design problems, which helped me considerably in professional life.
maverick1usa over 9 years ago
Take care if you live on the US east coast & don’t draive in flooded streets! Turn around – don’t drown!
flowergirl19 over 9 years ago
Luann’s design is excellent and clearly deserved to win considering the other ones we saw, which were nice too, just not as good as Luann’s. I often have done/do my best work under pressure at the last minute.
RSH over 9 years ago
can you believe???… yesterday I’m … like …having a fit over this comic strip because the author won’t let the main protagonist have any success in life, because she keeps impaling herself on her own insecurities and emotions. But thankfully Greg did not let that happen this time. I didn’t want to even look today… now I am relieved…Perhaps Luann’s eye for set design (months ago in the presence of Ms Manzon (sp) lasagna face) was a harbinger of her ‘eye’ for capturing real life into a painting or sketch.
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
I had a message from JPuzzleWhiz. He figures that someone just recently flagged his comment(s) on another strip from three years ago, although he had apologized long ago for what he had written.
michelecharlie over 9 years ago
this art class hasn’t been that exciting
Homeboy1865 over 9 years ago
looks like Luann has potential as a cartoonist.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
We just dropped from 70s and 80s, to barely in the 50s… and not the “Leave It To Beaver” kind, either..
JayBluE over 9 years ago
But if we had +100s like that, I think we’d be “singing a different tune”. And also we’d all start running to put the leaves back n the trees as quick as we could…
RSH over 9 years ago
I have a feeling that Emo ‘learned’ that it isn’t worth it to put a lot of effort into a project, which I think he did….as opposed to those blank sheets of paper that were to be his 17 self portraits (from the previous semester’s class). That said, there are many more than three students in the course so the odds of being selected to win this competition would be slim no matter what,…for anyone. I’m sure he will still get a very good grade on his work.
RSH over 9 years ago
yeah they were black….I thought maybe it was just black construction paper.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
She didn’t Do that in 4 Minutes..Because of the professor’s demand that everyone turn in their work NOW, she had to turn in her Original entry that she was going to discard..Her seatmates are bummed that her entry that she said was a “Loser” turned out to be the Winner..I saw something Similar happen once when an Artist friend Literally Wadded Up a drawing and threw it over her shoulder. Someone who was Curious picked it up, smoothed out the wrinkles and announced “Hey, Look what Mary just Drew!”It was the Perfect image for a project we were working on and we Paid her for it..
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
I was kind of hoping Evans would name-check a real person as one of the “shadow” students we always see in the background and have theirs be the real-life winning poster.But no; it’s apparent that GE was asked to do the poster, and HE’S the “winner”.
What a put-up job.