Matt Davies for October 27, 2023

  1. Picture
    ibFrank  9 months ago

    ^^ Fernando believes that people have never done any harm to the planet and that things like plastic and air pollution just improves the lives of all the earth creatures.

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    sevaar777  9 months ago

    Yeah, nice sign, too bad for the planet though.

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    phritzg Premium Member 9 months ago

    Along the coasts, those highway speed limit signs will change to knots instead of miles per hour.

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    aristoclesplato9  9 months ago

    Now scientists are looking under the covers of these climate models and are surprised that they completely ignore the effect of clouds. They assume we will have a cloudless sky. The obvious reason is that clouds reflect sunlight and it’s energy. And when you include the effects of clouds, the the whole CO2 hoax falls apart.

    On average clouds cover 67% of the Earth. In a warming climate, oceans rise and evaporation increases which generates more clouds reflecting more energy and heat from the Sun.

    So until these climate wackos explain why they ignore clouds, a hoax is the likely bet.

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    Kilrwat Premium Member 9 months ago

    Nature bats last and she bats 1.000

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    GreenT267  9 months ago

    “Record Number of Billion-Dollar Disasters Shows the Limits of America’s Defenses — NY Times, 12 September 2023

    “The United States has suffered 23 billion-dollar disasters so far in 2023, a record for this point in the year that highlights the country’s struggle to adapt to the effects of climate change.

    “The list, compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, includes the fire in Maui that killed at least 115 people, the deadliest United States wildfire in more than a century; Hurricane Idalia, which struck western Florida as a Category 3 storm; and a storm in Minnesota that dropped hail the size of pingpong balls, cutting off power for more than 25,000 homes and businesses. And that was just in August.”

    It is starting to really hit us in the collective pocketbook.

    We have been manipulating, changing, trashing, taking things out of Mother Nature for thousands of years and we haven’t been good about cleaning up after ourselves or even bothered to think of ‘negative’ impacts. Nature survives by maintaining balance. We only survive if Nature does. . .unless we can quickly find another planet to flee to and have the knowledge, technology and materials needed to get there.

    “Be kind to Mother Nature. Where will you go if she makes you leave home?” [Ziggy cartoon circa 1970]

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  7. Yin yang
    Havel  9 months ago

    The anti-climate change trolls continue to pretend that because most people don’t look at or try to understand the world as a whole and that their attempts to categorize “events” as the norm will be accepted as truth. They brushoff the fact that it countries and institutions beyond the US are trying to act on this and get lost in some fantasy that it’s some plot by American scientists to gain funding.

    Drying land, increased salinity in areas upriver, increased acidity in oceans, record breaking wildfires, etc. COLLECTIVELY are evidence of what the oil companies have known for decades. Then, just ignore evidence from ice core studies showing the highest CO2 levels in millennia. Finally, blame Biden/Democrats for the massive surge in worldwide climate change migration.

    I suspect that many who deny know that they will be long gone before the worst aspects of climate change impact us. Maybe they just do not care as long as their present, personal circumstances can remain unaltered?

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    NeoconMan  9 months ago

    As Alcapulco experiences a once-in-a-never hurricane.

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    monya_43  9 months ago

    Everything is fine. Don’t regulate anything, as long as the corporations can keep on making plenty of money. /S The denial of climate change is the hoax.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 9 months ago

    And people called Noah crazy back in his time but look who had the last laugh

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    Conservative Man  9 months ago

    You can’t argue with stupid climate change idiots

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    Diane Lee Premium Member 9 months ago

    I have kept gardening records on the plants in my yard since the turn of the century. The leaves are turning a couple of weeks later, which is more dependent on the current weather conditions than on the actual time of year.

    But, daffodils aren’t— they come up the same time every year regardless of whether it’ been warm for weeks or hasn’t stopped snowing. And my daffodils have come up a little later every year. They were about two weeks earlier this year than 20 years ago. People may be undecided about the validity of climate change, but my daffodils have no doubt about it at all, and I seriously doubt that they are influenced by any political agenda.

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    daRuff  9 months ago

    And ours and the neighbors Azelias are blooming again. At Halloween…

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    Sojourner  9 months ago

    In all likelihood, leaders of the nations are well aware of the fact that our atmosphere is comprised of just .04% CO2, of which the human contribution is 3%. You do the math on that. Additionally, they’ve likely been informed that the Earth system has undergone a general cooling trend for the past 50 million years, interspersed by rapid warming events (see Brittanica). It’s evident that commenters here are unaware that the global temp was 2 degrees warmer just 2,000 years ago; and, BTW, the world didn’t end in a cataclysm. Considering that the elite and uber wealthy have continued buying and living in mansions by the sea, while they’ve also constructed entire cities and luxury bunkers underground, that begs the question, “What do they really think is happening?” Bill Gates and other billionaires have been spraying heavy metals and chaff into the atmosphere in a bid to “dim the sun”. Why, is there increased solar activity they’re concerned about? Maybe they take the prophecy of Revelation 16:8-9 seriously? How’s about, instead of regurgitating old fallacies and parroting propaganda, people actually do research on the subjects you think you know something about—research beyond the first page that Google conveniently provides. If you do, you’ll probably discover you don’t know as much as you think you do.

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  15. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  9 months ago

    Ladies and gentlemen, the Deep End has been conquered! By Sojourner above, bravely leaping off its edge! Wish him luck on his descent.

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    Willywise52 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Everyone knows what opinions are like.Everyone has one.Some may look and sound better than others,but in the end,that’s all they are,opinions.But everyone keep on trying to change everyone else’s opinion and we’ll see where we end up.

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    j.painterjones  9 months ago

    But, all at the same time, or very close to it, vast wildfires spreading in several states and Canada, bringing smoke pollution for hundreds of miles, earthquakes, record rainfall, unexpectedly powerful hurricanes, tornadoes, unusual record hot weather, droughts, water shortages and disappearing lakes, with so many of these things all occuring this past spring and summer. Not just in the states, but all over the world.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 9 months ago

    You mean to tell me that after more than half a century, the doomsday predictions finally started coming true despite never coming true prior.

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    lalapalooza Premium Member 8 months ago

    ohhh i DO like the yellow ducky

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